Okay we can also test whether our data is normally distributed or using this shop Hello test. So to use Schapiro test in our, in this pattern, we can do something that is set p equal stats dot Schapiro danda ah vero body colon, okay then our statistic or stat and a p value equal to P. Okay, we can do this in our python programming. Okay, so we can do something Id stay p equals stats, dot Schapiro. Okay then the sepal length Okay then we can print a statistic okay we can print a statistic stat and then our P value equal P. So pre statisti are equal ah bras that we need to put str to convert the gabaa the numeric data type to string turn green p value equal p okay and we can run the code okay so we get our statistics are you can read from the 0.97 then the p value is 0.01 So, as I say the p value is more than 0.05 we can conclude that the tie is not deviated from normal distribution.
So we fail to reject our null hypothesis as if the value is smaller than 0.05 we can conclude that our data is the beta from normal distribution that means the data is not a normal distribution. So for our case, we have the p value is 0.01. So the data will be Law of the Sea just not normally distributed. Okay, so al Qaeda law Randall Co. K, yeah. Hey, guys. The copy from the Popeye he can DSI Hara okay so, we can conclude that the tie is the beta from our normal distribution.
So the data is not normally distributed