Hello, and welcome to the final video in the simple stop smoking formula. I did just want to talk you through a few final things. First of all, once again, congratulations, I am so happy that you are now or soon to be a fellow nonsmoker who is addicted to life and living a no longer in the nicotine trap. Now you may be thinking, Okay, great, I've stopped or when I stop, what happens if I end up smoking again? What do I do? Well, first of all, I don't know for what reason that you would want to have another one ever again.
If some time passes, and then you have one, your body will instinctively let you know by giving you that same reaction that you've had previously. It's gonna tell you please don't go there. Again, giving you that coffee in that light headed, overwhelming smell, all those different reactions is going to give you that and if that does happen, then I want you to ask yourself, what did that actually just do for me? Another thing to remember is you don't need to check or confirm that you are a nonsmoker. Just by not smoking, that means you are a nonsmoker. Don't think, oh, wow, I thought smoke for ages.
I'm no longer addicted. So I'll just have to prove to myself and everyone else that I don't like it anymore. Well, don't do this. Please don't. Reason being you've just removed the nicotine addiction from your life. So why would you take some nicotine that you don't need to prove that you don't need any more, it just doesn't make sense.
So just don't bother. You know that you are happy without it and you don't need it. The proof is that you are not smoking and you're enjoying your life. You don't need to put yourself back in that trap and waste all that hard work that you've done. So what's next for you from here? simple answer to my simple formula is that just live your life to the fullest and enjoy it.
I do love to hear people's stories and journey of taken to stop smoking. I also like to hear feedback from the course and how it's helped you, or even hold me accountable and see if there's other ways or things that I can add or improve to it to help others and you. I trust that you've enjoyed this experience, and it will help improve your life. And once again, a big congratulations to you. I am so proud of you. And thank you for letting me help you along this journey to take care of yourself and goodbye