Hello. Okay, so this lesson is pretty exciting because we're going to take everything we've done. And we're going to put our ad together inside Facebook. So make sure you're all comfortable, get ready, have your document open with your copy and and know which image you're going to use. And let's do it. So what we're going to do is come over here, we're going to go to our arrow, and I shouldn't say over here, I should say to our Facebook page, but you already know that and we're going to click on the arrow and we're going to come down to create an ad.
And again, what I'm going to do is take a second to go into the right ad account, it'll automatically default to your own ad account. And if you're not dealing with other people's accounts like I am, you don't have to worry but the steps that give me just one second to go into the right account. And there we go. Okay, so the first thing that Facebook is going to do is it's going to give me all of these options over here. And it's going to ask me what my marketing objective is. And there's a whole bunch of different options.
The only thing I want you to care about at this point is the conversion options, because basically, the conversion option is all about getting people to your website to do a specific action. That's pretty much all you need to know right now. Okay, it's good. I mean, you come back and play around with these. If you click on the eye beside any of them, it'll show you what they're designed for. And of course, you could read up on them if you want, but again, our whole objective here.
We are business people, we want people on our website, to do something to make us money. So we basically are at this point in time anyway, we want people to To convert, and there's a whole conversion key right there. So you're just gonna go ahead and click conversions. And then what's gonna happen is this area at the bottom is going to show up. And the first thing you want to do is add a title in. Now you can make your title, anything you want, but I recommend doing a campaign title that will trigger your memory on what you were testing, whether it be a month down the road or a few months down the road.
So just trying to make it specific for you. What I usually lead with on my campaigns is I name it, the product name that I'm doing the campaign for. And then I'll add in either like a season like if it's a holiday campaign, a holiday campaign, or you could just put in the exact date, if it was something specific, and you know, that helps me out but you might have your own system. So just do whatever is comfortable for you and naming your things. So for this example on how to create your conversion campaign, I'm going to actually use an other product for another client I have who sells kids bikes. And I just want to show you the different types of products that can be sold through using Facebook ads.
So he names his bikes, different names. So for example, it would be like kids, by bike, name, whatever, he names it, and then you know, and then I would put down the season so do like a summer campaign or fall campaign or whatever it is, so it doesn't matter. So you can name it whatever you want. So I'll just leave it as that for now. And I'm, of course going after purchases and it's good to continue. Okay, this is where you create your ad set.
And what you're going to want To start off doing again is giving your ad set name a very specific name. So chances are, you're going to test different types of ad sets underneath the same campaign. So you just want to make sure that you could differentiate them from another from one another, I should say, I'm the thing that you want to keep in mind is that if you can name again, the ad set, name, whatever you want, you can also change it anytime you want. So don't worry, you're not going to be stuck with it. Now, as I mentioned, this is for a client who does kids bikes. So what I did is I actually entered in when I was doing Audience Insights, I entered his competitors names.
And based on that I was able to get some audience insight based on his best selling competitors, and then I'm going to actually build my ad set using that data. So what I'm going to call it because I did it that way is I'm going to call The asset name, I'm gonna name it competition, ad sets. And then again, I could put the date or anything else that helped trigger my memory. The client is just us base, so just put us and then I would maybe put down the age range that this ad set is going after, or something like like this. lets you know I found that it was about 35 to 54, where the main buyers for this product. And also I found that women were the main buyers.
So I'll create an ad set just for women 35 to 54. And that's only my ad set. All right, so then you want to scroll down. The next section you'll see which is very important is the conversion section. And here you have three options website app or messenger. So it defaults to website and since we're building a website, campaign that is going to a landing page on a website.
So we're looking for a website conversion, we're gonna keep it at website. But of course, I just want you to know to make note that you could also build a conversion campaign based on a mobile application that you might have a were built something in messenger as well. Okay? And remember, as you're doing all of this, if you're ever not sure what something means, you just click on the eye, which I guess stands for information, and it'll give you an explanation of what that means. Okay, so you're gonna pick website now it automatically will default to purchase. Now, in this section, what will happen is Facebook will show you based on how you built the pixel, where you put in all those standard event codes.
So every it knows you want a conversion campaign. Now it's basically asking you what do you want to measure? What type of conversion Do you want to measure? The who made a purchase? Or do you want to measure how many people have viewed the content or do you want to measure you know, How many people added to cart or added? Here?
I'll show you. I just might have to block some of this out. But I'll show you the show you the options on here. Okay, um, the first option in case you're wondering, I'll just quickly let you know it's more advanced that you can actually create conversions for specific products. So instead of just doing a straight purchase, which is like anybody who purchases on your website, I did, I created a specific purchase conversion for a specific product. So again, that's more advanced but just I want you to be aware that is something that can be set up.
And if you run into that situation, just send me an email or do a do a post on the on the page and I will Try to explain it and is, you know, concise detail as I can for you. Okay. So add to cart initiate Checkout, so I can measure so I can create this ad set to measure any of those different types of conversions. So again, it's just it depends where you're at and what you want to measure. Now what I'm going to recommend is that if you are new to Facebook ads, and and you're you're pretty much just starting out, I want to jump to a purchase campaign measurement. You know, like right away, maybe just tell Facebook like start off with the easiest one.
So that would be the content. So if you're just starting out, sort of with a view content conversion, because what's gonna happen is Facebook will then go out and find people that are more likely to, you know, want to read the content on your landing page, which is great because chances are You are then going to get is going to like more people will want to do that so you'll get better response to your ad. And Facebook will then show it to more people. So you'll get a larger number of people actually on your landing page, which could lead to more purchase conversions. But it also will help Facebook start letting the pixel track the type of people that are responding because really they have to be interested enough to read what's on your landing page first before they're interested enough to make the purchase. So ideally, you want to go after, you know if you've been doing this for a while and you've already got a pixel history and the standard event history and pixel is very familiar with, you know, what process it needs to go through to get to that purchase and what a purchase means, then definitely your conversion is going to be purchase.
Okay, so I hope that makes sense. So again, you're just starting out just go out for review content if your season and we're ready for it. Let's go after the purchase and fairness. Alright, so that's easy peasy stuff right? The next thing you want to do is you're actually going to want to build your audience. So it's going to give you a couple of options here, you could build an audience from scratch, you can use one of those custom audiences.
So here you'll see it gives you that option, you could add one of those custom audiences that we have built. And you can also add a look alike audience here, look alike audiences and audience that's going to be based on your custom audience. And it's going to look exactly like it. So for example, if you build a custom audience, for people who have made a purchase from you, it has to be a custom audience. It's built from your look alike audience, Facebook will go and find people that are similar as possible to those people who have purchased from you. So that's pretty powerful and very cool.
Again, it's more of an advanced Lesson, but I want you again to know that that option is there. And hopefully, when I build the advanced Facebook course, this will look familiar. And it'll be quicker for you to catch on how to use it and we can go ahead and make some bigger, you know, bigger what's the word I'm looking for bigger sales, bigger purchases, bigger numbers, we could just go after the bigger stuff, okay? Because this what we're doing is fabulous. But the Facebook is exceptionally powerful once you know how to use it and which parts of it to use like the look alike audience. All right.
So let's see here. So we're gonna create a new so we're just gonna leave it, we're not gonna touch anything, and go to location. So the first thing that I want you to do under the location is it defaults to everyone in the location. But if you think about it, if you're selling Product especially if it's a higher end product. You don't want everyone who just happens to be in that location. You want people who live in that location because first of all, you're selling a higher end product chances are people are going to not purchase it from Facebook because where would they have it delivered to maybe they're just on an extended visit or or something and they might not be there on time to receive the product.
So it's safer to select this people who live in this location. Okay, there we go. All right, so it automatically here is defaulting to the US. Based on my research, there's specific areas in the US I want to go after that my data has showed is more likely to purchase this type of kids bike. So the first area and I'm just going to show you a few I won't show you all of it. But the first area that I discovered was a hot area for purchasing bikes is Texas.
A lot of money in Texas and in some other areas in the US. So I think you tell you just type it in and boom, it pops it up for you. So let's try another one Florida show to be pretty good at this as well, because they've got that beautiful weather all year round and people can ride their bikes all year round. So there we go. Okay, so Florida and another one that came up for me was California. So you could select Yeah, you could select by state or you can put in by city if you're that specific.
See how the different cities pop up just to prompt you so or if you want to be super, super precise, it gives you the option to drop the pin as well exactly where you want it. Now Um, so you can go in very tight or you could just go very, very broad. So that's how you would use this section. Alright, the next spot, of course is our age. So our age range. Was that again 35 I mean, my scroll bars glitchy today sorry.
So the age range is 35 to 54. That I want to go after. Now, it's 35 to 54, is what my dad showed was like the super hot range for purchasing. However, if I want to keep it even more broad to start, and then that data show me, what, who's actually responding to the news actually making the purchases, I could, you know, just make this a little bit more broad. Right? So I'll go 30 to 54.
Because it's, it's not that people who were 30 didn't make the purchase. It's just that the majority started at the age of 35. So it depends how, how, based on research, I don't want to go too far off, but I want to put in pretty much what my research showed me and then just kind of extend it just a little bit. And then because I want data, my own data to show me what's actually accurate, and we decided that I decided through research that women were the major purchaser of this product, of this type of product, I should say. Uh okay and then languages um, you know, you could add in English also anybody who speaks English at all, this would be good to show too. If your product is ethnic based, you could target different languages right in this area right here.
So like if I just wanted English speaking population then I was just typing that. Now if I'm doing a service and I only offered in English I for sure want to add an English all or if you have something that only has instructions and their extensive instructions in English, you only want to do English all because you don't want to, you know, send it people who didn't speak English who wouldn't be able to understand your instructions, right. So that's the area and if you're doing just a general generic product, it's probably safe to just kind of leave that blank. All right. Now here under detailed targeting, this is where you start entering your targeting. You're going to start with entering what your research has shown.
And then I also look at what Facebook suggests. So for example, cycling, so cycling, definitely, I want to target people who enjoy cycling, because, again, it's the parents that are going to be looking at this. But if a parent enjoy cycling, chances are that they're going to want to encourage the kids to enjoy cycling as well, because it could be something that they could enjoy and do with the kids. They can more easily show the kids how to cycle. They understand maybe the fitness behind it, whatever multiple reasons, but chances are if a parent's interested in something, it'll be much more likely that they that the kids will be exposed to it and that they will want their children to get into the same type of activity. Not always, of course, I'm just saying it might be more likely than a parent who doesn't enjoy cycling.
They might not think of putting it like buying a bike for the kids. showing them how to cycle it. Of course, this is very generic, I'm very generalized. So don't quote me on any of that. But I'm just saying chances are, because we can't target kids, we have to target their parents. So I'm going to go up to the parents who enjoy cycling.
So if I click on that, you'll notice that beside it, what it shows me is the number of people that have indicated an interest in that specific topic that I just put in. So let's try something else. So let's try bicycle. And as you can see, as I'm typing in these different things, everything underneath starts changing and this is what we call Facebook suggestions. And beside each of them again, you can see how many people with that interest have an interest in that area. So it's funny because people like bikes, but people specifically like bicycle handlebars and bicycle wheels and bicycle pedals.
I guess I better start adding some of those things in. And again, my data didn't show that I need to add those things in, I just want people in general who are interested in cycling. And then my data showed me. It also includes people who are interested in things like cycling magazine, in specific retail stores, which is a very good thing I'll show you in a second. But it's a very good thing to go after to. So whatever niche you're in, who are the big retail players for that put those into because if people indicate an interest in cycling anywhere and going to a cycling store, chances are that they might be more open when they see your ad, looking at something to do with cycling, for example, right.
So so so bicycle, bicycle itself has got 142 million, excellent. And the other thing you want to keep in mind is when you look at the audience side on the right, you want to make sure it's not too too narrow to start anyway, unless you You definitely know somebody has to be interested 100% in one certain thing, but otherwise just keep everything very generic and very broad and and make sure that make sure that it's a good number. So I'm going to type in some basic code, and I'll show you some of some of what data showed me as well. Um, they let me see some things that came up for me were things like Bass Pro Shop, and I think it's because Bass Pro Shop as you know, specializes in outdoor gear and usually higher end quality things which these bikes are their higher end quality bikes.
So you just click and it's got a good number of people following it. So Bass Pro Shops would be a good thing to put in there as well. And same there's something called Oakley, which again is an outdoor adventure. Maybe I should take up the word adventure, but it's an outdoor living outdoor, avid outdoor lover type store, so that again, you can see how it relates to cycling. People who like being outdoors usually do also enjoy cycling, because that lets them be outside and explore where they like to be So, and like that 8 million people are interested in that. So we'll go with Oakley as well, and see what else may give you an other example.
So magazines. So, again, if you think about it, so what we, okay, the way we want to think about it is, who is likely to want to buy this product. And then I want you to take it one step further, who is almost 100% guaranteed to buy this product, like what would they absolutely need to look like? So let me let me give you an example. I've used the example of cat so I just because I have one and she's always in front of me, and so it's easy to think of cats. So with my cat For example, let's say I For the store and I sold, like cat socks, for example, right?
So who would be the most likely to buy cat socks? First of all, you know, 100% sure that the person is gonna have to be cat lover. Why? Well, unless they know somebody who likes hat so why would somebody who hates cats buy a pair of cat socks? Right? It's just not likely.
So first of all that, you know, they'd have to be cut over and second of all, you'd have to know that they like to wear socks. So ideally, if you're using Facebook for this, ideally, if we found somebody who liked socks and also really like cats, then chances are they'd be the most likely to be interested in your product. So that's how that kind of works out. So same with magazines. So if you look at anything are selling, is there a magazine that can go along with that, like are is what you're selling, like survival gear, outdoor gear. So what type of outdoors II type things seems to go along with that and what type of you know, like if you're saying something spiritual, what type of spiritual books or magazines would go along with that, that a lot of people follow them, because people who are kind of interested in something, you know, might buy it, but people who buy a magazine to go along with something, they're like, super, super interested in that topic.
So they are way more likely to be interested in the product that you're selling in a category. All right, so that's why I buy it. That's why magazines are very important to look at as well. So like, for example, so here for the bicycling example, so Bicycling magazine is one that had come up for me. The audience size 685,000 is still good. It's not as huge as I would like, but it's so good.
So Bicycling magazine, and then my research has showed other tastes magazine. So I'm just going to go ahead and add some magazines in there as well. So As you can see, we're we've hit the category. Like we're hitting some of the category, retail shops for bicycles, we're hitting in general that they need to like cycling and like bicycles. And then we're also hitting people. We're also hitting the magazines that show that they're like diehard fans of bison bicycling, cycling, I should say, um, and then, you know, you might want to take it one step further.
My research actually didn't pull it up. So I won't take it one step further, but you could always make the argument that people who like cycling, also are really into fitness, and then start adding in some fitness magazines. But that's, that's more of an assumption. Just make sure your whatever you're guessing is supported somehow by your data that the research that you've done so far. And if it is safely put it in and and if not, if you're kind of guessing you're not 100% Sure. What you want to do is create another ad set Going after the other thing, so you'd keep your AdSense separate.
So let's say I'm guessing with the, because again, my data didn't show that fitness was something that came along with people who purchase bikes, or who are diehard cycling fans, which is surprising because they more than likely are. But so what I would do is call this ad set, non fitness. And then I would create another ad set, which goes off to the fitness and I would add those into my targeting, and then measure the two against each other and see which performs better. So again, put in what you know for sure and everything else. Do once the data tells you what should be done. And I want to show you these beautiful options here.
What's it called exclude people and one's called narrow, narrow audience. exclude people would be like if you know for sure the type of people you want to exclude and I know that sounds very general but let me give you an example. So I had a client who was a psychologist, and I didn't want the ad being wasted on people who were his competitors, or who were in the same industry. So what I did is I use this wonderful exclude people, and I excluded people with those precise job titles have anything related to psychology. Okay, so that's how you, for example, could use exclude people option. But what we're going to learn how to use now is the narrow audience.
So when you're narrowing your audience, it's right now everything's pretty broad, but again, I want you to think, what else would this audience need to have in order to buy my specific product so like that example with the cat socks I gave you, you would put up here anything to do with socks and sock stores and sock magazines if there's such a thing, and then even narrow your audience and list people who also 100% have got to be Catholic. lovers. So that way is even more precise because whatever you're building up here is telling Facebook I just need them have one of these interests, but whatever you're narrowing your audience by you're saying and it's the and part must also have this. So with the ad I'm currently building the kids bike. It's only for kids between seven and 11. That's it.
So they have got to be cycling fans and cycling magazine fans and, and have all those wonderful things, but they must also be parents of children who are aged seven to 11. Because otherwise, why would they be buying you know, it could be buying for friend or whatever, but chances are if it's a really high end expensive bike, that people are going to be buying it for the wrong children. Okay, so let's go ahead and narrow that audience. And there's, I should have a suggestion Sweden's brows are the general category, so Let's click on that I'll just show you what the general categories are. The general categories are demographics interests, which we've been talking a lot about behaviors, like certain buying behaviors, you might want to play around with that at some point. And there's some more categories for you.
But right now, again, I'm going after parents with kids, but ages seven to 11. So I'm going to click demographics, parents category, I'm going to click on that. And I'm going to click on all parents. And I'm going to see so I want parents with early children or early school aged children between six and eight. So I want that and I gotta go back in. And I also want parents in other age category.
So parents with children from eight to 12, so that'll cover so cover the parents I want with kids between seven and 11. So that's how I narrow that and what happens is as you do that, you'll notice that your reach number drastically dropped Cuz Now remember, it was like over a million, and now it's up to 640,000. So Facebook is a lot more clear on the type of people it's going to target for me and my ad money is not going to be wasted. Because why would I want to show it to everyone? Because as you can see, there's like, there's, there's only a certain percentage of people who have children within that age category, right? connection type is Facebook is asking if you want to include or exclude anybody who is part of your connection network.
So thing I choose is Facebook pages. Okay, I like to exclude the last option exclude people who like your Facebook page, because again, why waste ad money going showing an ad to people who are already following you? And, you know, maybe they're more likely to buy but I'd be of course posting. What you want to do is put your ad out to people who don't know who you are. To brand new audience, you want to of course, post your Facebook ad out to people who are based on a look like on is that look like people have purchased from you in the past. So there's different types of ads you want to put out.
And, of course, whichever ads you put out, you can also want to show your ad in your Facebook feed as well to your current followers and people who've seen it before. And just let everybody know that you've got a sale going on. And of course you're not it's going to be a little different to them because they already know you and they know what you've got. So you know, and they might have purchased for me before so that ads gonna look very different as well. But it won't be an ad like it won't be an ad it'll be a post. So I usually just take generally what the ads about the sale and just put a post out and say we have this fabulous sale on whatever and see how people respond to it.
So this section here is called placements and what placement is is Where your ad is going to be placed. And Facebook will give you two options, automatic placements and edit placements, automatic placements. If you leave that checked, it means that Facebook will show your advert thinks it needs to be shown. But if you've got a small budget, and you know you don't want to spread it out, because then you just showing it to a few people here, a few people here that you want to just kind of keep it all together, you're gonna get better results. And the other thing is that if you're creating like, for example, the first to Facebook and Instagram, like Facebook will show your ad to Facebook followers and Instagram followers. And you might think, Wow, wow, I get, you know, double whammy.
That's wonderful. But it's really not because Instagram is a very different type of audience. If you're going to create an ad in Instagram, which can work very effectively, I would say do an ad for that specific audience and in their specific way. So for example, when you post on Instagram, you're going to use a ton more hashtags. Like a ton, we're gonna get as many in there as you possibly can. Because that's what people in Instagram want to see, your visuals are going to have to be brighter, you might want to do, you know, more carousel type ads in a show different than let them scroll through all those different pictures, whatever.
But your Facebook ad is going to be very different from that. So keep them separate, okay, so that's why we're going to choose Edit placements. So that we like mobile only because let's face it, it's a mobile world. And we want people to see it, want to buy it, and it's just a nice quick transaction just like that. Okay, under here, Facebook will give you all these different options based on the different platforms as we talked about, as we talked about under automatic placements. And again, same reason that I had already given you we do not want the same ad to be shown on Instagram, we do not want this ad to be shown on messenger because messenger again would be a very different specific type of ad.
We don't want the ad going out to the audience network. And within Facebook, Instant Articles, again, it's a very different type of thing. It'll be a very different type of ad we don't want our ads showing on there. We want our ad basically just showing on mobile feeds. So mobile news feeds. Excellent.
Okay, under Advanced Options, you're going to go ahead and click on that, under mobile devices, you're gonna have this option here, this is only when connected to Wi Fi. So go ahead and click that. Because you don't want someone looking at your ad and then not being connected to Wi Fi and not wanting to spend the Wi Fi money to go to your landing page and scroll around your website and look at their options you want. Only when people are connected to Wi Fi, then, you know you've thought they're more likely to freely go through all your pages, or wherever you want them to go until they get to the purchase decision, right. So let's see here. This is where you add in your budget.
So again, we're going to start off with just $5 a day there. Okay, so $5 us a day, and then here's gonna give you a selection. So you can start your ad immediately. If you go ahead and pick that option, it's your ads gonna start as soon as it gets approved by Facebook and that timeline will vary. I seen a pattern where the more I advertise with Facebook, the faster they approve, sometimes I literally as soon as I click this continue button at the bottom like this, boom, it's it's approved, like I don't even think anybody looks at it anymore. But sometimes it's an ad.
Like I said, I did that ad for the psychologist that I think they had to look at a little bit more carefully. So they do have real people looking at ads. And there's certain conditions and things that they look at, they have to verify you have to make sure you're legit. They have to look at your website to make sure you have certain things on your website. So There's a lot of things that has to be taken place before an ads approved. Okay?
So that's why I can't tell you, if you click the Run my ad to sort of say I don't know what how many hours it'll be before your ad actually gets approved, okay? Or you can keep it more in your control and you can set your start and end date. So the under conversions on your conversion window, you have a seven day conversion window option or one day. The way I recommend using this is if it's going to be a very quick easy decision. So let's say again, the cat socks Do you either like them, love them want them or not, it's not something that people are going to stress thinking about. Okay, so if you've got something like that, do a one day conversion window because you pretty much people can make their decision within one day and you want your data within a day.
If it's a higher ticket item, like even these kids bikes it people could want it right away but then they need to talk to the spouse because it is quite a bit of money and They need to talk to the bank maybe like who knows. If something like that, you might want to keep it as a seven day you click on it, you'll see. And it's asking when you want your data after, you know, one day click or, and it also depends on watching the chain, check on your ad. So to start when you're doing split testing, check your ad, every single day, every single day. So that's gonna be after a one day click. Or if you want to track people who click or view of course we do, then it's just gonna stay at a one day clicker view.
Okay, bid amount automatic or manual. Let it if you're new to Facebook ads, keep it automatic for now, okay, manual is more advanced. It's a very precise strategy on how to get it to work for you, and when you should use it and when you shouldn't, and all kinds of factors go into there. So if you're just starting out Please just keep it out automatic. But if you're running automatic ads and your ad start performing really well and you get a high performance, and it comes to a time of year where there's gonna be a lot of people competing for your type of audience like Black Friday, then quickly learn how to do manual bidding and what you should be bidding. Or, again, shoot me an email or message and and I'll help you give you some guidelines that you should follow.
Okay? So that's it's everything else you could pretty much like add schedule, just let it let the ads run all the time. I don't, I don't know why an ad might have to only specifically run at a certain time of day but perhaps for your industry it does. So you could fool around with that. There. And that's about it.
So it's good to go. And based on all of that extra data put in Now again, I'm still building this out. So this is gonna look different. But let's say I just kept everything as it is. It's going to reach 99,000 people, which is too Small of an audience to start with. I like to keep my audience reach on a brand new ad, I'm running between 300,000 and a million, because let Facebook go out with that thing number, and polling the people that are most likely to do the conversion that you selected, which my case was purchase.
So I'm going to just keep it really it doesn't mean you couldn't go after 2 million to 3 million people because that's too too broad and too big. You want to, you know, tell Facebook pretty much through all of this what you're looking for. But I'd say just keep it between 300,001 million is there is a really good starting target. All right. So if that all looks good, you're gonna go ahead, you're gonna click Continue. And what's gonna happen is it's going to bring you to the page we can actually create the visual for your ad.
Adding your content. So in the next lesson, that's exactly what we're going to learn. So to recap, In this lesson, we learned all about starting a conversion campaign, and how to create an ad set, naming our ad set, how to start putting in our interest, and how to go through all of the different ad set options in order to choose what will most likely produce the best results for our ad based on creating a product ad. Alright, so I hope that was helpful and I will see you in the next lesson.