Did you pick up patterns from childhood? who raised you or took care of you as a child, this can be parents, family members, or others that cared for you and had a strong influence on you. For most people, there's about two or three people in their lives that fit this. So take some time to write down two or three of your caretakers, okay? Now, once you've thought of two or three people go over the traits, and note the ones that were particularly extreme or influential. Do you seem to attract partners that have the same negative trait as your caretakers?
Or are you attracting partners that share the positive traits maybe of your parents or guardians, so it's something to think about? So look at each one and try to decide if these were issues or not. who influenced your worldviews? I'm going to go over some questions with you, okay, and maybe what you can do is go to the resources section and download the sheet or you can just write it down. But what you need to do is Make a list of your parents or guardians beliefs about life. So the meaning of life roles, political or religious beliefs, things like that.
Now, once you do that, take a look at them. And are there any beliefs that you have taken on as your own? And then when you figure that out? How about the beliefs that you haven't taken on? Take a moment to think about how your parents or guardians may have had different worldviews from each other. Have you taken on both viewpoints or came up with your own beliefs kind of somewhere in between?
For each parent or guardian, think about what their life purpose or mission may have been? What were they passionate about? What did they seem to be trying to accomplish in the world? And finally, ask yourself in what way did their passions inspire your current ambitions and values? Did you want to be just like them? Or did you feel the need to be different from them?
All things to think about you dig deep, you might find something or learn something you did. realized