Mindset Adjustments

Dare to Pivot Mindset Adjustments
16 minutes
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Hi, welcome to the very last section of the course. And my favorite topic of all the sections, mindset adjustments. So to kind of present this topic, I thought I would present these sentences. So it's not people situations or ideas that make us miserable. It is our perception of these people, situations and ideas that make us miserable. So just like the girl in the photo, you can blame your winter dissatisfaction on the coal on the snow on Mother Nature on how horrible it is that you have to stay inside all the time.

That driving conditions are horrible in wintertime and everyone sucks to driving. Or you can recognize that you are the worst Deciding to be miserable when it's cold and when it's snowing, and you are the one choosing to get annoyed about people's driving, this is totally in your control. So within this section, I want to kind of dive deeper into this idea of taking responsibility for how we feel about the life that we create. So it's all very nice and well to change external circumstances, to give you a better chance of feeling fulfilled by the life that you create. But unless you're willing and able to take responsibility for how you feel, and how you react to the world, then the chances that you'll find true fulfillment and true well being will be much less high because your state, your emotional state, or your mental state will always be dependent on Other people, and other people aren't leading their lives to make you happy.

They're doing it for themselves. So this is not this whole idea isn't about blaming ourselves or being upset with ourselves for being mad about the snow, but instead taking responsibility, recognizing the control we have, the power that we have, and being able to change the way that we look at something. So as we dive into this topic of mindset adjustments, I've decided that throughout this section, I will focus only just on five different topics. As healthy emotional management is quite a dense topic. There's a lot of different things that you look at a lot of different points of interest and and ideas that you could use. To improve your mindset, I decided that focusing on five made it is more manageable to be able to implement or apply to your life shift that you're currently working through.

So the first one, and for me, the easiest one to implement his gratitude. By implementing a practice of gratitude in your life, you regularly take the time to recognize the beauty and the kindness and the generosity and the silliness and whatever positiveness that you see in your life throughout the day. By default, it's so easy and so common for us to just focus on the bad stuff. We complain about how long worked is or how much people annoy us, or how could they do this? I can't believe they said that. And yet forget how how much that can breed is down.

By focusing on the negative stuff, we just get caught up in, like a snowball of negativity. So by having a gratitude practice, we're taking an opportunity to recognize what we're grateful for on a more regular basis. to then get our mind used to the idea of recognizing beauty and recognizing joy recognizing things that are amazing today. And so naturally you become better at recognizing those things. Not only recognizing them, like for yourself within yourself and like bringing awareness to them, but then also mentioning it to other people and bringing, having them recognizing recognize the joy or the beauty or the greatness or the amazingness of whatever thing you're noticing. I can greatly notice how much more observant I am of beauty Ever since I've implemented my own gratitude practice I am, especially as a nature lover, I can more easily notice the smells and springtime and the blooming flowers, and how great being in nature makes me feel, which I would have noticed previous to having a gratitude routine.

But it would have been harder or maybe I would have had to consciously bring those things into my awareness. Whereas now they jump out and I just I can't help but notice them. Because slowly My mind has become more used to focusing on those things that bring me so much joy. The next act section or the next aspect that we dive into a little more within this section is self confidence. So I find that having embarked on this journey of Living more authentically and creating a life path that is more right for me, it is inevitably brought more self confidence into my own self. But to be able to embark on that journey, I had to become more confident and find more self assuredness and more self love and, and feel more confident within myself to be able to stray away from doing things the standard way or the way that many people in my life do them.

And I find that the way that I was able to do that is through this connection within. So within the first section I talked about taking the time to develop this relationship, this strong bond with yourself and learning to hear and understand what is most important and what is necessary for you. And by doing that, it just naturally made me feel more comfortable and more proud and more openness He to be who I am. And then as I embarked and started applying these ideas to my life and doing things that felt more in line with with my values, or what I had seen was important to me with my internal connection time. Then again, the more confident I felt. And then the more that I acquired this confidence and the self love and this, this self care, the more that I felt like the relationship that I was having with that I'm having with other people are healthy and are, are truly authentic and are where we really get to nurture and care for each other, instead of meeting each other.

When I was younger and lacking this type of self care and self confidence and self love, I might have had people in my life not because I love them, not because I thought they were amazing or not because they are Made me feel great. But because I needed them because I needed for them to love me, I needed for them to give me things. Whereas now that I've gotten to a place where I feel more comfortable with who I am and what I have to offer the world, and the relationships I have, are much more truly aligned with feeling as though they give me greatness and I give them greatness, and it's just shared, beautiful connection. And so although this path of developing self confidence is way bigger and more ample than the implementation of gratitude practice, the value that you can get from it is significant.

And so if you haven't embarked on this journey of getting in touch, and seeing how you feel about yourself and your confidence and where it's at I would suggest you take this time to do that. Within the content of this section within the PDF document, I've provided a bit of information and again, external resources that you can use to help you kind of go down that path a little bit more. Next, I dive in this section into redefining happiness. So in the last few years, this whole pursuit of happiness thing has become super trendy, which is great. I'm all about wanting to be happy and live, living a life I love. But I think the unfortunate unfortunate thing about pursuing happiness is that some times there's a bit of confusion about what that really means.

Pursuing happiness is not about needing to be happy and laughing and joyful and perky and Sunny and rainbows and debt it up all the time, like what we see on social media. pursuing happiness, if you're realistic about this goal is also about being realistic about the fact that sometimes there'll be tears and sometimes they'll be frustration and sadness and anger, and disappointment and frustration. It's just natural that if we're going to have positive emotions, and we're also going to have negative emotions. And for me, this redefining of happiness is all about being more acceptance of the the appearance of the negative emotions, instead of rejecting them when they arrive and pushing them away when they arise. being mad about the fact that I reacted that way and being frustrated about the fact that there was tears and whatever it is. Instead, I allow the negative emotion to just be and that because there's no resistance Because I'm not trying to push it away, it naturally goes away even quicker.

And so, in turn, it does bring me more happiness. But you have to make sure that there's there's not that confusion that it's not just exclusively pursuing happiness, but instead being more accepting of the emotions that arise and allowing those to be. Which brings me to my next point, acceptance of what is. So I think it's important to recognize what you have control over in life and what you don't. And realistically, you have no control over what other people do. what other people say, what companies do with governments do, how people react to the things that you say, how people react to the things that you do.

Basically, you have no control over other people. The same way that these people have no controller for you. But what you do have control over is yourself and your reactions and the way that you lead your day to day life. So instead of letting yourself get dragged down negatively, by things that you cannot change, focus your attention on the things that you can change and work on those. Because otherwise you're just wasting your energy. And this isn't about being complacent, and saying, I can't change the government.

So I'm not going to do anything about that. But recognizing, recognizing within that you can change. So I can, for example, change my consumption habits, I can change the way I vote, I can become more educated about political systems or or the municipal government or see about tangible steps that I can take to change that circumstance. Instead of just sitting around and counting. complaining about how bad somebody is doing something, which at the end of the day doesn't benefit us. And lastly, living in the present moment.

So I talked about mindfulness a little bit at the beginning of the course. And so now we're coming all the way full circle, ending off the course, again, talking about mindfulness, because it's just such a beautiful and beneficial habit that is far too infrequent in our lives. In general, we allow our minds to run free, and they do and they usually cling on to obsessing about the past, or overthinking what may happen in the future, which is crazy because neither of those moments actually exist. The future is just us assuming what may happen in another future time. And our obsession about the past is just us ruminating and going over endlessly what our perception of what happened in the past was. And no, I'm not saying that things in the past might not hurt us.

But again, it's about choosing in this present moment, you get the choice of how you're going to react to that past event. So taking the power to be able to decide that. So mindfulness isn't only just about living in the present moment, so as often as possible being present with what is right now, but then also accepting what is right now. So not rejecting not pushing away the reality of your circumstance, but instead just allowing it to be what it is. Again, in the content document for this section, I go into each one of these topics. also provide additional resources.

I hope that by initiating these topics for you, you get intrigued to dive deeper into the world of positively improving your mindset. So that it benefits you in the life that you create, not only in this pivot not only in this life change that you're doing, but in the whole rest of your life in general. So as we come to the very end of the course, I encourage you to go off and put this master plan of yours into action. You're ready, you've created the plan you've connected in with yourself and I hope that connecting in with yourself is something that you continuously bring out with you throughout the rest of your life. Because it can have so much beauty and value to be able to continuously be embarking on on pivots and plans and life directions. That Most speak to you.

You got this, you got this life shift, I have no doubt about it. So go implement, start taking action because without action, this is just a big beautiful plan. But you're ready to implement and to start heading into this new direction that will feel more fulfilling to you. So good luck and I'm sure we'll talk again soon. Take care

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