Hue is the attribute by which we recognize and describe a color, such as blue, red, green or yellow. A hue can be changed by mixing it with other hues. When neighboring hues or analgesics hues on the color wheel are mixed harmoniously and closely related to us that created in contrast to this mixing complementary hues, choose directly opposite on the color wheel produce neutral hues. color value is the degree of lightness or darkness of a color in relation to white or black. The value of color can be raised by adding watts and lowered by adding black. Latina hues normal value by adding white creates a tint of Matthew darkening the hues normal value with black creates a shade of that hue.
And normally high value color such as yellow is capable of more shades of tense, while a low value color such as red is capable of more tense than shades. Although value is one of the four basic properties of color to Koroma temperature and value, it may be used independently, we can use value without considering color that we cannot use color without considering value. It is valued that produces such different effects of color, and why we begin in a series of practical and theoretical color exercises with the study of value. value can be assessed by looking at the qualitative effect of light and dark areas. Observing light tones against a dark background and vice versa. The effect of using tones of differing strengths of areas of different sizes.
A useful tool for controlling value and thereby controlling color is a graded series of values that range from white to black. This is known as a gray scale, or a chromatic scale. An excellent habit to develop an executing a design in value, whereas known as gray tones before it is translated to color. This trains the eye to assess color and its different properties.