The additive color mixing systems uses light and transparency to mix color. It is distinct from the subtractive or pigment system. When the three primaries blue, green and red and mixed evenly, they produce white light. This is the process by which two or more distinct colors of light are combined to produce new colors. Red and Green combine to produce yellow, yellow and blue produce a magenta red usually called magenta, and a green and blue produce turquoise usually called Cyan. The color resulting from the mixture is always brought up and the contributing colors.
Additive colors are used in color television. dots have three additive properties, red, green, blue, or bended by the odd which then uses the full color spectrum. Theater lighting is another good example of additive lighting in use today. Put simply, additive color reflects lot uses protected and transparent lot and has the primary colors of red, green and blue. RGB, which when mixed produce white subtractive color absorbs light additive color reflects light