Last is in fact our perception of reflective waves of lat, the lat from the sun travels to the earth in about eight minutes. of this light the human eye is sensitive to a small band of wavelengths. Without light color does not exist. When white light falls on an opaque surface selective absorption occurs. The surface of the object absorbs certain wavelengths of light and reflects others. Our eyes perceive the color of the reflective light as the color of the object.
Which wavelengths or bands of light are absorbed and which are reflected as an object color is determined by the pigmentation of the surface. A red surface appears red because it absorbs most of the blue and the green light falling on it and reflects the red part of the spectrum. A blue surface absorbs the red. similar to this, a white surface reflects the entire spectrum and a black surface absorbs the entire spectrum. The surface becomes warm as the light waves are turned into heat, which explains why wearing black in the hot summer sun makes you even hotter. What laws such as noon sunlight is composed of the entire spectrum of covered lots.
Sunlight sources such as fluorescent lamps may not be as well balanced as natural sunlight. incandescent lamps give off a warm glowing lot, whereas fluorescent Lots tend towards the green and blue lot of natural sunlight. If you've ever taken a photograph in a room lit by for less than lamps, you will see the green or blue tinge throughout the room. This lack of certain colors would make a surface illuminated by such light appear to lack the vibrant blue or green color in 1660, So Isaac Newton, the English mathematician and natural philosopher devised the first color circle. According to Newton, all colors are contained in white lot. What lot in fact was made up of the bundles of rays of atoms, which a prison could separate.
Both a mystic and a scientist Newton chose several principal colors and align them to the seven planets and to the seven notes of the dyadic scale of music. Although the spectrum ran in a straight band from the red to violet, Newton had an ingenious idea, twisting it into a circle. That's creating the first color wheel.