Session 3: What to Do After You Get Booked for an Interview

Ultimate Visibility Formula UVF Session Three (3) - Once You are Scheduled to be Interviewed - Then What?
1 hour 36 minutes
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Welcome to the ultimate visibility formula. Welcome to class number three, session three. I am Debbie dagger, and I have named this particular session. They said yes. Now what? So what that means is, this is the week, over the next week when you're going to submit yourself to podcasts and to radio shows.

You have your pitch letter. You have your media one sheet, you've been doing mock interviews, and you're ready. We're going to be covering a lot of material so that when you get out there, you feel comfortable and savvy and we're going to keep working on and massaging some of these skills, you're gonna have a lot of opportunity to ask questions. So before I dive in, there's a couple of things First of all, don't worry, because you're going to be getting a PDF that I've put together. I think it's 17 pages of radio shows and podcasts. And I will show you it's already in your folder, your Dropbox folder, so it's there for you.

I'm going to go through it a little bit view so you can get an idea of what I put together just very quickly, because I took some time so that each of you can see there's a place for you that there's a podcast for you. And I'm also going to show you how you can do some of this on your own. I also want you to know that if you continue working with me, I'm going to show you how to do this as though you're a publicist, so that at any time, you can land yourself in media very quickly. I added a couple I think for Laurie and for special needs, but there may also be something for spiritual. We'll take a look together, but I purposely under To categories listed, also some magazines or articles or blogs, to their podcasts, but they also have a connection these particular shows, they run blogs, magazines, etc.

And look for article submissions because some of you may want to do some writing around the subject that you're an expert in. So the idea is that you have a lot of venues, a lot of avenues that you can put your brilliance out into the world, and really be a contribution and really have a voice out there and start to connect. So it doesn't matter if your business It doesn't matter if you're HR. It doesn't matter if you're acquisitions. It doesn't matter, like what ever your subject is. There's a specialty podcast with a plural SVM for you.

It's an amazing world we live in right now. So we will go through that and I'm going to ask everybody a favor right here at the beginning and the favor is this that be fully present today. And that you'd be really dialed in. It's going to be a big week, we're really ramping it up, you're ready, you'll be more than ready. And in order to really feel ready, I'm going to take you through an arc through this whole session from beginning to end. I just asked you to be fully present really for yourself.

I know that we're all busy, I know that we all have multimedia going on and I know you guys have been doing really an extraordinary job. So just if you can shut down the Facebook, the cell phones, anything that may distract you, if you've got a puppy like me, make sure your puppy said and happy and off to the side and so forth. And you know, let go of emails and things that will be the best. I want you to really lock this moment in. And I would love if you would type in the chat box. Your name and I am fully present right now.

Thank you and while you guys type Thank you watching your typing go to some settings and just make a little change here we go beautiful thing. Thank you so much everybody I I accept your commitment to be here right now that's pretty awesome. So I am also fully here with you right now it really look forward to this. I always look forward to this and I look forward to your growth and I look forward to your lights going on and Guess I just want to make sure also in the chat room, you're alive and well. Mm hmm. That you're fully here and alive and well.

And the schedule is, you know, we're going to be 90 minutes, you stay a little bit extra after. And so just plan accordingly. So we have quality time together. I want to start off today by acknowledging wins. So if anybody's got any wins, celebrations, something homework, they were able to do interviews that went, well, any of the people work that, you know, check, you feel like, okay, it's done. I got this, or maybe something has happened out in the media slash radio slash podcast world.

Why don't you chime in right now and let's just do a check in and see how it's going for you. I had a big win. Yeah. So last year. week I was interviewed on a podcast. And it was one that I had done before.

And he invited me back. Hmm. So that was on Friday. And it was really good. It felt really, really good. And while I was doing it, I was noticing that I was also thinking about, Oh, I should have said that always, you know, like, noticing some of the things we talked about last week that say this, and then the ones that I missing and things like that.

And what else? It was just amazing was so much fun. Like, I just felt way more relaxed and dropped in and yeah, and I had a really big awareness of preparation matters, to actually be prepared to, he sent me a list of questions. I went over them I you know, kind of had an idea of what we were going to talk about and, you know, we didn't get to all of them. But just being prepared, like was way better? Nice.

Yeah, preparation really does matter. One of the things you'll see in your template in your Dropbox this week is a little giftie. For me, which is a sheet where you can write everything down every time you book a show. What are the call letters? What's the phone number or the zoom? or How are you connecting?

How are they is the producer going to reach out to you you're going to reach out to them? How long does the show? Do they take ad breaks? What is the theme of the show? Do they take listener Collins? Is it 20 minutes, one hour?

The light and funny today of music, you know, there's so many different vibes preparation really is everything. And it's wonderful to we don't always have the grace of somebody sending us questions. And when they do, it's really nice because it's a great time to just reflect you know, what do I want to share? chair here, how do I want to direct this? Because there's two things always concurrently going on for us as an interview guest and this is the truth. The one thing is we're absolutely showing up to give away a lot of content value.

The other thing is, we are as business people during a conversation in a really particular way. Because we want people to feel something, and we want people to do something in the best possible world. Generally, what we want them to do is opt in at the end or become a client or buy a book or the workshop, go to social media and follow us, you know, you decide what would be the best outcome for you. And at the same time, we're not salesy, right, that's not the point because if we can create the arc of an interview, and this is more advanced, but it's just good to start to put this in your brain, that that's possible, giving away something So much connecting and having this incredible synergy with the host and great conversation while at the same time. In the back. There's an intention, which is I want to pull you guys forward.

I've got even more wisdom to share with you. We can work together. There's ways I can help you if you're the right client for me the right avatar. So good work. I'm so thrilled that you're already out there and doing this. Thank you was super fun.

And you could post the link if you like the replay. Okay, celebrate you. I will as soon as I get it, I will post it. Yay. High five girl. Thank you.

Anyone else have a win this week? Okay, so we're going to move on And I'm going to post something. Let's see. Let me go over very quickly to my calendar. And I'm going to give you a link. And I'm going to ask you, if you can avail yourself for 30 minutes.

This Friday, they'd like to give you a mentoring call as a gift. So this is the calendar where you will do it the link. And when you go to the link, you will see there's several things you can choose from the one that you want to choose from, of course, is the name of this class ultimate visibility formula. You'll see 30 minute sessions, and I just want to connect with you and bring any question you have about the course are we You're at anything that you might want help with or any place you want to go. I also want to ask you some questions and see how the class is going for you and what you might need. So we'll, we'll both do some sharing but we'll be very onpoint in those 30 minutes so that we really get a lot done I honor your time in mind and they'll be one call after another pretty much so the 30 minutes will be definitely have boundaries and be static.

Okay, so cool. So take this calendar link and just go ahead and make an appointment you know, on pacific time so you can set this up what works for you. And All right, let's let's head right now to Let's head to our PowerPoint and start there. Okay, so session three today is the interview. They said yes. Now what?

So being interviewed. I think all of us the one thing we really want to know is that we can show up calm, we can show confidence because it makes a huge difference. Whether we're delivering something from stage whether we're being interviewed whether a meeting with a potential client, always to have a sense of self assuredness that it's okay, whatever happens, I got this, I'm going to be okay. There's a level of spontaneity because every show is different. Every host is different. And I'm going to keep it real.

There are some amazing hosts out there. And there are some not so amazing hosts. The more you work your way up In the size of show and the length that this particular host has been doing it, and how professional they are. In other words, the longer you're doing this and the higher end shows you start getting, you'll see a big difference, the host really get better and better. So it's also really good practice to be with a big amalgam of different posts and experiences, but just know for all of us, that's the way it is. What I recommend for you, and for anybody who's going to be interviewed, is that you come up with one to two key points.

That's all you're going to cover during your interview. It's really easy to feel like Gosh, I want to get everything in. But the truth is, we can't digest that as a listener. It's just like, eating at a buffet. Right? If you go to a buffet, they always say the most important thing to do is take a look at all the food and decide What you want, because there is no way, you're going to be able to make your way from one end to the other and ingest all of that.

And even if you could, you're not going to feel very good. It's like an overwhelming feeling after that, like, Oh, I ate so much, I feel miserable. So they say, look over the buffet, and you could say, I love shrimp. I really love salad. I love zucchini. And you know, they have fruit, I know that I'm going to go back and that's what I'm going to have and that will be my meal.

So it's the same way if you're going to give this huge buffet of information on any kind of an interview. The audience and even the host cannot ingest all that information and actually it's not effective. One of the things I'd really love you to do is start to listen to shows. Make that your homework if you were in the car, start listening to talk radio, talk radio that Has interviews is even better. If and by the way, of course, there's also podcasts. You know today in cars, there's like a million ways you can listen to things.

Or if you're just you know, going for a run at the gym, you want to put something in your ears, your earbuds just start listening to podcasts a lot and start listening to various interviews. What do you like? What don't you like? What did they do really well, what would you like to emulate? One to two key points, you'll start to see that the very best guests are people who can focus on that. When people focus on that we can really receive the information I can tell you as a host.

It's fun. If somebody shows up and they have this subject. That's fascinating to me, but we go down one to two paths. That means I can ask so many questions. A really good hostess curious and really good guest says things and brings up content. creates curiosity we want to know more we want to deep dive with you.

One of the things you can do and you're welcome to do is go to my website Debbie dash finger, comm D BVI da ch IMG, your comm and click on interviews or dare to dream, the name of my show. I mean, I've been on air for 12 years, so you'll hear a lot but even if you want to look at the last two or three years and pick out shows subjects that sound really interesting to you. I could certainly go through and list some guests I would absolutely recommend were phenomenal. And if you would like me to post that on the Facebook group. I also though if you know there are particular subjects that fascinate you feel free to play around and listen, I believe you can download the shows. So if you want to put them on your phone, to listen or whatever is easy for you.

So start listening to shows and what you'll hear is the really best guests. They have a way of sticking to one to two key points, they're not all over the map. And it's fun and it's so much easier for you. And if you're wondering, Well, what one to two key points, it's really up to you. And the truth is, if you're someone who gets bored easily, you can pull out one to two key points that you know you want to focus on. And maybe in a month, you're like, No, you know, I've done a bunch of podcasts.

And that was fun. I feel like I've explored from my end, I think I'd like to have some fun and just switch it up a little, none of the hosts will know, right? This is really up to you. So you can keep it either one one lane, if that works for you. Some people just like consistency, and some people like a lot of variety. So you decide, but just every show one to two key points.

As I said, you will get a list of the contexts radio shows and podcasts. And I guess right now, I think it would be nice to take a look at that. So I'm going to open that up with you. And let's see what that looks like. So this is your PDF. Go.

This is pretty exciting stuff. Okay, so as you can see, I wanted to put, first of all so many different types of shows that you could just see in what you're receiving as a bonus here. There are so many shows who knew. I also really wanted to make sure that I took care of you guys and that you had places where you could submit yourself as I shared, if you could do 10 shows, look, if you've got it in you to do more. Have at it. submit yourself as long as you're right for the show.

That's the most important thing. And then if you do get booked of course do your homework absolutely got to listen to the show and have a feel for it. What is the host like what is it show like and then you've got your little sheet and you could fill it in. So come the day of the show, you won't be running around. A big component of being confident is you know who the host is, you know the vibe of the show how long it's going to take and so forth. Another thing that's very important when you're being interviewed is equipment, have really good equipment.

We're not going to talk about that right now. But we will be talking about that going forward. And I don't want you to feel even overwhelmed by hearing the word equipment because I will be sharing with you. You know, if you want to get a microphone, I can show you things I can also show you really simple, very inexpensive things. You can get everything on Amazon and I can even show you an HD Logitech little camera you put right on your laptop. It is exceptional, incredibly inexpensive.

Does it Perfect quality camera work. You've seen me on it every week. And actually I'm using it as my microphone too. That's how good it is. I also have all the accoutrement Of course I have cans or headphones, I have lighting. I have an actual Yeti blue microphone.

I have a blue microphone, I have snowball. I have all sorts of things but you know I've been doing this 12 years professionally and interviewed for that long as well. So you can start with something simple. And if you have a little extra money and you're ready to go to a nice mic, you want to do that and you want to be in a quiet room. You want to honor the host time. Never be in a lab room Do not be on a cell phone ever.

And if you need by a landline, I know. For some people, that's a thing of the past but for those of us who are interviewed, I would say almost to a man or a woman. We all have a landline for that very reason because there are times and radio shows whatever We have to call in some people if you've got amazing zoom or Skype today, you can use that you can absolutely use take technology. Skype is a little wonky. I find zoom can be great. Just make sure whatever equipment you have wherever you located it works really well.

And if it doesn't just, you know, a landline these days when you add it to satellite or cable, it's nominal. And the great thing is it's also International. So consider that too. So here we have at the beginning, mom on the right, seats, conservative guests. So I this is sort of funny because it's certainly a show. I wouldn't particularly be on Okay, I'm not conservative.

So I still wanted to share something like this because maybe some of you are. Here's another show And this says everything chain is seeking financial industry experts. Some of you may have some gifts there. Hart, printer radio is looking for authors and speakers. Well if you're an author if you're a speaker, you would absolutely be great for this. And here's what's nice.

This is all broken down show names show descriptions, you know ahead of time, what's going on show hostname. I have a feeling that Kathy you know who this is. And look at this 19,000 listeners who listens, business owners, corporate managers, coaches, consultants, speakers, trainers, authors. So, Kathy, this does say, and I don't know if you've got a book out, but I would say because of the description here, you would be great for the shop. Because anybody who you as soon as you see the word, business owner, corporate, etc. you're somebody who can speak to some issues that they have and some things they'd like to learn.

It says the call letters are where the show comes out of in this case it is iTunes, also the website, the show URL. And then I love this because it's true. She says, we asked you to listen to five shows before you appear, give them a five star rating and review. That's pretty big for all of us. We really want to know as you've listened to the show, you know what, you know what you're getting into. So you're good to go.

Once we are connected, and yeah, reviews count. So leave us a good review. Here's one for business owners and artists. And again, I'm going to go through this quickly because you have this in your inbox, it is waiting for you. I'm just wanting to give you an overview of what's possible. It gives audience size which is wonderful.

It gives what country it's in love that funky thinkers needs new Foster's. This is in the UK. We'll cover They're looking for mature printers over 50 new startups surprise outcome. Maybe some of you are good for that show. The Darrius Norman show jazz artists interviews. So musicians, night dreams, talk radio, they are looking for people into the paranormal.

Fun show over 30,000 was that 30? Or? Yes 300,000 audience size like that's a great show, right? And you may not be right for it. So you don't want to submit yourself but if you are, it's you. Here's one for adventures and climbers.

Here's one for the health field piece. Obviously for you, this would be terrific. And it even gives the demographics which I think is very helpful. It says that their audience is basically 25 to 64. That's a pretty huge, broad range. It's a satellite radio And it's out of Long Island where I'm from originally.

They've already done well. I'm not sure since I put this together, so maybe it's up to about 200 plus episodes since then. And it's a nonprofit organization, NCC radio. Here's something for experts and trainers real estate investors. Here is something for top music producers willing to take a risk in indie artists. Here's something for spiritual and mystics and I have a lot of this broken down.

Now some of these are quite big shows. I wanted to throw you into the mix of several sizes, to be honest, none of them are terribly small. However, some of these that I've listed here, these are really well known podcasters but why not you? Why not you. Now even though you may be an HR person, for instance, or a business person Or, you know, into animation. I mean, I could come up with a lot of subjects.

Still if you've got a spiritual bent or a spiritual journey that you've taken, and you can leave that in hundred percent, and keys even though your health guide, obviously because of your journey and your book coming out, this would be a good forum for you. Again, just deep dive because you want to make sure they don't say something like channelers or astrologers, you would not be right for that. These are a bunch of people. I actually know. Joanne white, Nicole Janssen, they run amazing shows. So you want to check that out.

My friend Elana said that I could add her to the list. She is a relationship and intimacy coach, she's really well followed. She's no joke. So she says only submit yourself if you're a fit. You must be able to speak to the subject being an expert On soulmates deepening relationship with yourself with your body and intimacy. She's only into cutting edge, it can't be pedestrian conversation.

And she knows what she does is usual. So you know, she's good at what she does. And you must have a bare minimum of 5000 people, and you must be willing to cross promote fair enough. This is also somebody I know professionally, we're colleagues together. And so she runs a station called superpower experts. And these are the different shows on her station.

I broke it down for you. There's one for creatives. There's one for moms of special needs. There's one for moms on the soulful, spiritual path kid printers. None of you would be right for that. Because this is a run by neven Niva.

Actually, as a child, she's exceptional rainbow child. Amazing. And she's an amazing host. I mean, this kid is like the bomb. She's amazing. Amazing.

Amazing. superpower kids. If you're into sensuality, there's a show healers and energy workers, mindfulness coaches, and then Tony Tanya show. Listen, Tanya is divas mom. She's a Spitfire. She's no joke.

So if you're going to even submit yourself for her show, be ready. When she says, people really challenging the bounds of reality disruptors, supernatural abilities, people truly embodying what they teach that they're successful and proven. Do be that because she is a high frequency human, if she's hearing now I went ahead and I pulled some for human resources. This is ww DB Talk Radio 860. I've got the show producer there. And it is a show only about human resource professionals.

There's one called hiring on all cylinders recruiting podcast. And there you've got the email. And also the websites you can check that out. I have a couple here for well being Joe, it's called the motivation to move podcast and you've got the email address there. This one is also no joke. This is a very, very, very high end known podcaster, the Shane lean show.

And if you have a subject that fits in that that supports health, balance, relationships, productivity, and you could speak to her and her audience, you could go on that show and do a very good job. Special Needs there's something called the special needs family out out of Florida. It's an am station. And I this is one of those ones I wanted to give the additional information so you could see that some podcasts will have this In this case, this is one of them. You'll see, aside from the podcast, they have a special needs magazine. Maybe you want to submit an article or find out what they're looking for an articles and start writing for them.

There's the podcast, and I wanted to also break it down. So you have a lot of different ways to reach these people. There's the editorial director, there's the publisher, and there's also an additional submission, email. So sometimes, sometimes what I might do is I might submit something. So here you have, contact us, which means if we go online, we're going to see actually, I'm not going to open it. I'm just going to let you do that.

But we're going to see that there's something that you could do online, however, you have some nice emails here. You can submit yourself in the contact form or and or you could also Write to the submission, you know, and just say I'm also reaching out to you because I am interested. I'm an expert in special needs. And I'd love to have a conversation about that. So again, that's in your inbox. That's what you have to look forward to.

And as you committed last week, each of you, you are going to be submitting yourself to a minimum of 10 shows this week. The intention is that you get booked during this program. So really try to schedule something. Just know that when you reach out, a lot of times, a lot of shows are going to say I'm booked three months in advance. I'm booked six months in advance Can we look at, you know, a month way down the road, fine. Take what they have, it's all good.

Make sure once they book you on the show, that if they say anything they need and then the time they needed, absolutely make sure you get it to them on time. Really, really important. So we've covered that. And now you have the Radio Podcast list, you have the contacts, it's incumbent on you to start to. it's incumbent on you to start to submit yourself for things like this. And you'll get to report back next week how it went.

And of course, check in on our Facebook group, how you're doing. So, somebody is unmuting themselves, I'm going to mute you again. Who's calling in. Okay. So I'm going to head back over now. Go back to our PowerPoint.

So we can do that a little bit more and keep going down the list here. So we talked about being calm and confident. We talked about covering one to two key points only. In each interview, we've gone through the contact list of shows you'll submit yourself to at least 10. And let's talk about why be interviewed and what are the benefits? I can think of no downside at all.

So huh, yeah, I could think of absolutely no downside. That's that's pretty much something we're going to come back to because I want to ask you guys what you think, are the reasons to be interviewed, you're here for a reason. And I love to see what you know already, or sense is possible when you do an interview, when you're a great guest. When you have those connections, being in the right mental state, no matter what boy is this important. So let me just say this in all honesty, even during this program, I've heard from somebody who had a relative who passed who said to Apologies why they could not be here last week, but that they will be listening to a replay somebody else who has a family member who's going through something really serious right now, and other things. So what happens when you've got an interview?

Now obviously if something grave happens grave and you can't show up, you handle it professionally, right? You reach out as soon as you know so they can do some triage in there and find somebody else figure something out to cover. That's only in an emergency. Otherwise, you show up. I was asked this when I was speaking once somebody said, you know, what do you do if like you're having a bad day or something's going awry. And I just want you guys to know I'm going to take you through an exercise a little bit later.

So that you have an experience of The tool you can use in real time. And you don't even have to be in a bad place, but just to help shift you anytime, so that you really ripe and ready to be a great guest. So a couple years ago, I was at a 10 year relationship. And I woke up on a Wednesday morning to the phone, my partner, we live together, his phone ringing. And I looked down and I thought, you know, he was in post production and television and film and I thought, Oh, I wonder if they're calling him because they're changing the schedule. Because it happened and he had to be there when they needed them.

So I opened his phone, and I didn't get the call. But instead I opened up to an email that was extremely explicit, sexually between he and another woman. And my world changed. I went into absolute shock totally out of my body. Read I'd wished I'd never read, realized that the person I was with, that I was fully committed to was not. And it was a mess you can imagine, right?

So I sat there until he woke up and I confronted him. And you know, he did what he did it was it was just really horrible and unpleasant. And I realized that because of that, and his response and a few other things, this was it. And in that moment, after 10 years, I realized I'm gonna have to move out. I'm gonna have to live somewhere else. We just got a puppy together that we're raising, I now going to be a single mom, a single mom.

And, and what I'm doing for a living is going to change to because of some of the commitments we had with each other financially. And the will have the everything else like oh my god and the life we have built together and families Just new implosion. I went outside I took my dog for a walk. I had no idea what to do. I took call my best friend. She was hysterical crying.

I was not. And I was in shock. And at noon, I had a show. And my producer calls at 1155. How are you doing Dad? Great.

Ready for the show? You bet. Okay, gonna connect you with your guest. And he got us together and the show started and I did. my radio show. was never going to cancel it.

And I could tell you, interestingly enough, sometimes when we show up to things like this, that feel like, Oh, just the last thing we want to do. It can actually be such a gift, because we have to do something else that completely takes our mind off. of what's really happening. It shifts the energy, it's actually really great energy shifter to have attention and connection on something else, especially when something's going on. So, you know, that's a big reference point for me about what's possible. If something happens, you know, basically the show goes on.

And it is really incumbent on us 100% that it's not a host job. It's not a stations job to take care of us if something's going on. And it's not their job. If they say How are you today? And they're just connecting with you The show starts I mean, that's not the time to start saying oh my god, I visit the grocery store. And there was a person in front of me and they were so on pleasant.

Wherever that conversations going don't because it is really our job to show up for those 20 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, hour, whatever it is, and be the best us We can. Okay. So that's that. And I could tell you lots of stories about some of the greatest gifts guests I've had. And over the years, only two I've never invited back. One is a transformational name.

He's not as big as he used to be. And he was booked on my show. I was heading out to the state literally heading out to my car to go to the station, the physical station in Burbank to have this interview with him. And I got an email, not even a phone call, but I got an email from his assistant saying, He's, he's been picked for jury duty. I said, Really? How long did you know?

How long have you had this piece of paper? That said he's calling in for jury duty to see if he's fit? Oh, you know, I think he got it a couple of weeks ago. Really? And you didn't think to tell me because that's the thing to do. high alert Deb.

He's been protecting called for jury duty. probably best if we reschedule. Easy peasy, right? She didn't do it. She told me through email. I was of course upset because I'm heading to the station I couldn't even make calls to get someone else on the show.

And the guy reached out to me and rather than just saying I'm so sorry, I screwed up. He had every excuse. And I was just like, I can't bother, you know you're not reliable and won't do it again. And if somebody wants a recommendation or asked about you will tell you tell them the truth. The only other time has happened and I will say over the 12 years I've had the most exceptional masterclass Yes, love my show love what they bring it is another zone for me only other time. So when I went to college with I was a Dramatic Arts major at USC, I was an actress and a singer for most of my life.

And this particular fellow was an actor still is an actor doing a lot of film. He had a very Film coming out. He reached out to me out of nowhere. We've seen each other over the years. But he reached out to me about my show and said, I really want to come on the show because I'd really like to pitch the film that's about to open. Is it possible I can come on in the state?

I said, Oh, I have guests. I'm kind of booked for the next couple months, but you know what, it's you. Let's see what I can do. And sure enough, I move stuff around. People were really nice about it. I got him in.

I met in Burbank, and I mean, the show is about to start. Not only is this guy not early, he's not on time, and I've been calling him texting him phoning him nada. I cannot believe this. So in the room where I am is a big light that says on air. It goes on in my room and also out in the hallways. Everybody knows, you know, quiet unset Well, I had to fake it till I made it.

You know, just chat chat chat started my show is that's the way the show is to go. And it was 20 minutes when I finally took an ad break and the on air line went down. Knock knock knock at the door and there he is. And he says oh My god, I flew here I had a drive. And, you know, the drive was crazy and, and I knew there was no way when he said what time he left knowing where he lived, and where the station was. He didn't leave on time.

And then he said that his he was moving and his cell phone got taped. And so one of the boxes, etc. Well, he was an amazing guest, I will say, because he's hilarious and very smart and articulate, great guest. However, I certainly had tremendous reservations. He left he never apologized, never cross promoted the show, and actually showed up a couple months later with another call his wife, who was also an actress, and he said, she liked to promote x is just about to come out. And I very graciously said, Gee, I'm so booked, we can't even take anybody else.

It's so far out. And I left it at that and I never went back was never going to have him back on the show again, you know, it's a lot of disrespect. So those are just some ideas of things. You never want to do right and ways you want to show up. And to be compassionate with yourself as anything is going on that there are ways to get through it. We all have daily practices and rituals, we all do.

Big world nouns, a lot of amazing information, find something that works for you, that can shift your energy and get you in the best game possible. Okay, so we're going to talk about different formats, different formats, what are they different formats for shows can be much like the sheet we looked at. You can have an internet show, you can have a talk radio show. Now talk radio show often if you do get on an am station wherever you located. It's basically 10 minutes in 10 minutes out. They could have you want for only 10 minutes, or they could have you on for you know half the show.

But what I'm saying They'll interview you for 10 minutes and then we'll go to an ad break, and they'll come back and for 10 minutes, we'll go to an ad break. That means you must be really aware when you're being interviewed to keep your answers succinct. There's nothing worse than someone asking a question. And you're answering the question and you're waxing on instead of pulling it in and just speaking to what they asked and going back out on a talk show that's in the morning, and they cut you off midstream, we'll go on to add break, and it's just mortifying, and you don't look very good when that happens. So really learn to bring it in 10 minutes and then add 10 minutes and then add and you can listen to the show ahead of time. If you get on one of the big stations, the terrestrial we call it our mainstream meaning on the dial stations.

Often they will only have you on for a very brief amount of time, they will tell you in advance. It's only going to be three minutes, five minutes, whatever it is, but often That's a short amount of time to get your message in and whatever it is you want to share one point, I would take that to one point and just have something we don't know. That's the most important thing when you're being interviewed. You know, we hear the same information. It's the worldwide everything. So what do you know that we don't know?

That's what I want to hear and how you're going to deliver it that I've never heard before. That's interesting. So let's bring this back here. And we'll talk a little bit about equipment. So I mentioned to you that there is something that I use and the one that I have this camera slash microphone is a Logitech Hd 1080 P, and I'll type it here for you. Like I said, really expensive built in mic and it is super.

If this is where you want to start, this is worth it. You can hear what I sound like you can see what I sound like. Now when you're ready for the next bump up realize how heavy This is. So this is a Blue Yeti. Microphone. It's got my volume, it's got game.

This is a mute and unmute button. And here's what's beautiful about everything. These days. Everything is USB. So the truth is you can actually travel but just know if you're going to travel and do an interview. Make sure how awesome the Wi Fi is.

In advance because if it's not you need to go somewhere really quiet. No knocks on the door no bangs, no anything. No Starbucks, and you have to make sure the Wi Fi is stellar. lighting. Let's see if I can pull this over. Um, you know what, let me go get very quickly these pieces jab, jab, bomb, how much does it run?

There is a Yeti right now. This is what I did. I wanted a package just makes it easier to get everything at once. So Amazon and I obviously should have stopped and I'm going to send you guys a list so you don't you know you'll have all of this. They have a package right now for 149 and it includes the microphone. It includes these headphones and they're really good.

They're perfect. It includes a pop filter which is really good because although you won't be singing when we speak psychologically it's called or it's really easy for that to happen. If you don't want to use this if you have a little furry thing, there's also free. I like to call a furry thing but it's also phones things that they put on we I use them when I go out in the field to interview somebody. You just got to make sure that the quality is really good. So even if you get the very inexpensive these little foam things, you can also get that if you want to do it independent then it takes down the cost of your your blue Yeti.

This Logitech you can look it up but honestly Thinking Gosh, I don't even know if it's 4050 bucks for this camera microphone. So like I said that would be a really easy place to start. And then this is wonderful because you can fly it in so I could have my microphone coming to me this way. I could have it coming to me this way. Or the microphone also was a stand and it could be right here. Lots of ways you could do it.

And especially the more room you have, you know the better so if you want to get a all in one like for 149 plus the microphone, you can get this. If you want to start low end and experiment you know if you get this Logitech or another eight really good Logitech HD, you could also I suggest because technology's always changing and I've had this Logitech for quite a few years. So feel free to look at reviews, Logitech HD, you know, best camera, something Computer camera and there's still really low price. So have really good equipment you want good lighting. And so I'm going to tell you that I do a ton of stuff that are hacks, right? So my lighting, I went to Ross and I got a spotlight, literally a spotlight and I played with it.

So I turn on the camera, put the spotlight over there and just play with an angle and I'm telling you when I turn it on, it might as well be a $500 Spotlight. It looks really good. It's very warm. There are no shadows. It lights me up very well it doesn't blind me. What other hacks you know for the landline.

I buy a really inexpensive Panasonic 2030 bucks, Best Buy. I also have a headset that goes in it's a Plantronics I like playing tronics excellent sound quality. I could, I could record a class on this. I could do it on this too. These are so inexpensive, I believe I really believe in hex. By the way, this great.

Something I'm experimenting with coming up, I just bought a green screen. I'm so excited because I teach about books. And I've always wanted to have a library behind me. So I'm going to use the green screen which again, incredibly inexpensive is just basically a fabric that's called Green Screen right size. It'll flip over this room divider. And I can project anything on it that I want can be the ocean it can be a really lovely color that particularly looks good on me.

It can be something about my business, I can create an HD wallpaper if I want. There's lots of ways to go with that. The other thing is some other pieces. I have Other headphones. So, you know, I have a lot of different ways that I can do what I do. And they all sound really good if and this has happened and it might happen to you, maybe not hopefully not but I've had occasion where I've I've done something one way very successfully and just once in a while get on with somebody in the podcast will say I don't know I just doesn't sound right.

All right, you don't, I've got a drawer here. You don't need a drawer you really just need one thing that's exceptional. And that you're really comfortable with you know shows up for you just because I've been doing this so long. I have this just in case. So that's really all you need a Logitech get a great camera slash mic to start off with. It does the work for you and make sure that beautiful makes you sound great.

And when you're ready for the next step or if you want to do concurrently listen if you're going to get the Yeti or any other mic if you want to restart Search it podcasting, interview, great, Mike, etc. Feel free to do that. But you still need the camera, you've got to look good. And get some kind of lighting. Even on Amazon. Again, I'll send you the links, but there's a $17 deal that you just plug in again, USB, and you can make it as bright or as mellow a light as you want and it's on a crane that moves, you can put it anywhere and attach it very easy.

So there's lots of fun ways to do this and make it work for you. You don't want a ton of stuff either. So you feel like you're crowded with equipment, but just enough that you're gonna when you do these interviews, you're going to be a pro, you're going to show up very pro. So I want to open it up right now for the question, which is why do an interview? What is the benefit? I want to hear from you?

What you know about being interviewed Why you want to be interviewed and what you're looking forward to creating because you're being interviewed? So unmute yourself and just chime in. Well, I think it's important to be interviewed to share my knowledge, if it can help somebody. I mean, it's it, it's a give and take. So it helps you to help people and it helps others as well. You know, if you're given a gift, or you know, something to share, I think that that's important, you know, as well as promoting your business, but I think the important The most important thing is to help other people really.

So definitely carry a gift help other people. Exactly. Anybody else. I think for me, it's to expand my influence as well as to be considered an expert at what I do. It's one of the quickest ways to become known as a go to expert or known authority in your field. without doing anything, you don't even have to claim it.

But people see you enough. Oh, Kathy is being interviewed here. Cathy's being interviewed there. And something happens in the minds of others where they say, Oh, you know, we need somebody to do this. So we need someone on a panel. You know, Kathy would be a really good choice.

She's an expert. We see her Yeah, she's on all these shows. And it happens it is creates a life force of its own. So 100% you do become an influencer. You can start to hang out with influencers. There's so many amazing people we may have always wanted to know.

Or we may get to know because we're being interviewed by them. Like this is an amazing person. You want to stay in touch with them, or how can I help you? There's so many ways to build relationships. Absolutely be seen as an expert. I think to be interviewed, is a way of marketing yourself and Brandon, to get your message out whatever products or services, one wants to go to market, really.

We all have a mental I have a message I want to promote. So I want to let the world know. I'm here to serve others. Come on my book is another way of doing it as a form of background noise. I'm going to do something about that. Good happened now because when you're interviewed your job, boy Yeah.

Yeah, exactly. You know, this is why when people do a book launch and they've written a book, how do they get their selves out there, they have a press release. Some of them have The grace of getting booked on television or news but of course, it depends on the level of name you have. And it doesn't matter if you have no name yet out in the world. Radio and podcasts are huge for people to become aware of you your message and what you have to offer. So when they fall in love with you during an interview, and they're really compelled and intrigued by the wisdom, you share the jokes, you share the stories you share all about your subject and expertise.

They're going to walk away and say, I want to know more about that person. How else can I learn more? Should I read their book? Should I look into their product or their teaching a workshop? Maybe I'll get on their list. And as they send me things, I'll start to know them like them and trust them even more.

So I'll go to the next right step to work with them. So it is about getting your message your products and your services out there. I think sometimes too, I think about it being really exciting to connect to new audiences, and allow them to hear what I can you know what I can share with them what they've been waiting to hear. And also to figure out what audiences I fit with. You know, there's probably places that I didn't really expect that I would be welcome that I'm welcome. And people want to talk to me.

Hmm. What do you mean by that? That's interesting. Why I think that in the conversations, you find out more places that you're meant to share your purpose. You know, like, when not right now. I have like this view of where my purpose will fit.

But as soon as I'm in conversation with other people, I'm like, Oh, yeah, and it fits over here too. And it fits over here too. And there's an audience waiting For me that I didn't know was waiting. Yes, that is true. And for sure you've got at least bleed over. Besides children.

Besides moms, you certainly have bleed over for anything heart based, anything spiritual based. Now you're writing a book author base, so this will continue to be exponential for you. Yeah. Hmm. Good. I like that you're thinking that way.

And to realize that, yeah, I even just listening to everybody else and hearing. I feel like I really want to offer a lot to the audience that I'm talking to. And that's really important to be able to bring that value to them. And to know that they're open to receive that right that you can feel that the receiving and giving of what I'm sharing So yeah, so I think that that the more interviews I do, the more I feel that receiving and the giving and the the back and forth. Yeah. Yeah, the connection can be very magical.

When we're on the show, either to a host and or to the listeners, it can be a game changer. And we everybody feels that everybody feels the magic when that happens. It's so cool. Yeah, so excellent. Anybody else? Okay, so let's talk about some success tips around interviews.

The first thing that's very important is provide entertaining content. I had a client come to me by the name of Jennifer Jennifer was a young widowed mother, two young sons. She'd written a book. really lovely person. And when she came to me, she came to me because she was really broke. She had hired a publicist who she was paying at the time, you know, publicist now around $5,000 in a month retainer.

So at the time she was paying 3500 a month, she said she barely got booked on any shows. And then she went broke doing this for so many months. So she came to me and said, you're sort of my last stop shop. Because if you can get me to the place where I'm being interviewed consistently, and I'm getting results, and I can handle this, so I'm not paying out until I can pay out this will be really worth the investment. So the first thing I went to work with Jennifer is really was her story and her point of view, because it was a it was really a heart story about the loss of her husband and what happened and how it happened and what she went through and so forth. However, the way she told the story and the way the points were coming out had to change.

It had to become more entertaining. It had to be that we were really brought into the story. It had to be that we saw the hope it had to be that we understood the pain because we all have it, but also the light that was going on for this woman in really wild, crazy ways. Very good ways. And so the moment we started to shift that around and how she showed up on the show, still the same person, still the same book, still the same story, but there was a tweak to it. Now it doesn't mean that her journey or pain was diluted.

Contrary to that. It was just that we added this other piece of point of view and it was really about delivery. So people started to really receive her and Jennifer started getting booked a lot. She started to be asked back a lot she started to get Really great footage on herself. And television started to open up to her. And when she did one morning talk show really well and had footage on that.

And that was part of her bio now. Others came along and started inviting her on. Jennifer is one of my testimonies because she says, you probably saved me at least $50,000 a year, because I learned the entire system. I was doing it really well. And everybody was responding. And I created exactly what I had always dreamed I wanted to create, rightfully so.

Sometimes we just need those tweaks and directions somebody can see something we're not seeing that we're doing out in the world. And that's why we're not getting that result. So do provide entertaining content. also hosts value brevity. It is our show, right? It's probably got our on it.

And we are the good ones anyway, we're really curious. We want to know things. We want to have a conversation with you. So it's really important to not talk on and on ad infinitum. sound bites, obviously a wonderful, you don't have to do an entire interview in soundbites. However, you do need to learn how to volley it, bring it back.

Get in, get out, answer the question, get out. Sometimes you can talk longer, because it'll make sense. You'll need to however brevity brevity brevity, I had a gentleman come to me by the name of Danny. And he worked for the IRS for the Internal Revenue Service as part of the US government, and he wanted to create his own business as a CPA. And he actually had booked himself before he even met me on morning talk radio, but he said something's so is not going right. I can tell.

But I can't tell why. But I just know like, nobody asked me back and it's not really good reception and I was hoping to get clients so I could start my CPA business but nobody's knocking at my door. So maybe you could listen and let me know what you're hearing. And I listened to Danny's so you can imagine someone is talking about numbers and taxes, right? And I told you about the 10 minutes in a 10 minute interview and then a break 10 minute interview on a break on morning talk radio. And Danny was being asked a question and blah, blah, blah, blah, like, you can't digest that kind of information.

So it wasn't working for him. So I worked a lot with Danny on soundbites, statistics and stories. Bring it all really tight, smart guy and he followed the story. strategy. Well, he was doing well. And years later, I was speaking on stage.

And I was actually talking about interviewing for entrepreneurs. And I looked at the audience and there he was so sweet. He saw my name on the promo that had been out there. And he drove out to Beverly Hills to see me speak. So when it was done, and I was speaking to people, he came up to me, it was really lovely to connect with him again. And he told me how well you've been doing out in the world.

He said, You mind terribly. I'm just interviewed on something I know, it's not your job. But I'd really love you to listen to my latest interview. Can I give you a copy? And it's like, of course you can. It would be great.

When I had time over the next week, I listened to it. And I decided I was going to give them sort of a free mentoring session and offer some feedback to him because there were a couple of things still tweak tweak. But I gotta tell you, from the human who had come to me here at The IRS wanted to start his own business to being a couple years out there and following everything we had worked on here brevity. Oh my god, he was so good. I am telling you, I took notes think I was listening to him talk about stuff thinking, I didn't know that. I didn't know I should be looking for that as a person paying taxes.

Like that's actually really simple. But I had no idea how important that was or how much money I could save things. That's what he's talking about things we don't know. That's what you want to share. You have a brilliance and a wisdom none of us know. Don't ever take for granted that we know what you know, we don't and that's where you want to go.

Those are the best interviews. This guy was knocking it out of the ballpark. So host value brevity. And then you want to learn to be an attention grabber. So one of the ways that we can be an attention grabber is We have to know how to well connect write a book will get you on a radio show. But the book will not keep you on the radio show.

Because if that's all you talk about, we will hunt you down and serve you for dinner. You have to bring content to a show. It cannot just be about you. It cannot just be about your service or product. It cannot just be about the book you've written because guess what? Everybody's written a book today.

However, by virtue of the book, by virtue of what you do out in the world, by virtue of what you know that we don't know, that's what you bring to the show. So again, some hosts not all will read your book ahead of time, even though it'd be nice if they all did, they don't. And that's okay. It's just the business right there. They're busy. But whether they read it or not, it's incumbent on you to bring to bring it to real Bring the entertainment really bring the content to be an attention grabber to really connect with the host.

And understand you're serving them an audience they have nurtured over whether it's a year or 12 years or however long. These are people who tune in faithfully because they love the host. They love the show. So you have to be part of that community and serve that community and that host it really is about building on the shoulders of whatever's already been built. And some clients, they still do. Really amazing.

They're a couple and their channels. They used to be very big in the telesummit day when people made money, because they were interviewed and so packages, that's quite a thing of the past now. And when they did really, really, really well. They were making books and then the telesummit world died. Of course, it's shape, shift shifted, shape shifted, it's become something really different. It's basically an opt in to increase your database.

They're only 30 minutes and it's just a wholly different thing. But back in the day back in the heyday, it was something really remarkable. When the music died when TELUS summits of that nature died, so did their career. And it got so bad for these people that the woman went back to become a hairdresser. And the guy went back to do construction. Like, that's all they had to fall back on, so they could pay bills for many years.

And then they came to me, we actually met at an expo. And it was great because their channels and I ended up to say much, they can see everything but they said, We know what you could do for us. And we started working together. And within a couple of months, they were being interviewed. Now there are is that they had no one way of doing business. Which was a telethon way, which is basically host ask a question or listeners calling someone a healing, reading whatever.

And they could just go on and on or not. But the world has changed, right? You're doing a podcast, it's somebody else's show, nobody's really making that money. You're not selling those packages anymore. So they had to find a whole new way of showing up and doing what they did. And we work quite a bit on that and strategy and technique, and then getting them on the show.

So time and time again. They be interviewed, listen, back, be interviewed, listen back, and they kept honing their skills, then it's amazing. They now own their own station. It's true. They have their own network. People are coming to them.

They're being asked to traveling everywhere. Delivering workshops, paid workshops. They have a farm. And it's really nice. I've been there. And people come out and do the workshops with them.

And they've been on television. So when you learn the strategy technique, and you start getting better and better at it. And of course, we get better and better because we do it over and over again. stuff starts happening, it's cumulative, it really opens up a world to us. And it may take a minute, it may take a week, it may take three months. But it does happen if you keep doing this.

Somebody mentioned in why the interview they say because I'll meet people I haven't met before. That's very true. And the numbers are like, if you saw some of the numbers on the sheet we're going through so one that said 300,000 I mean, all right, you get on that person show. You were just introduced a 300,000 people who would have never met you otherwise. Connection relationship. You get interviewed on another show.

Now let's say the shows only have 10,000. Most of them are bigger, but let's say it's only 10,000 new people you never met you get another show. 10,000 people you've never met, I've never met you, you do that 10 times. There's your 100,000 you get on that show for 300,000 audience members There's your 400,000 so quickly you can be introduced to people who never knew you. When Kathy mentioned about becoming an expert and influencer and D you can see what can possibly happen when you are willing to step into this and own what you came here to share the wisdom that you've been gifted with, because of your personal journey and because of your work journey. So again, you know, something none of us know.

So you created the business now what? So you made the board game now what so you wrote the book Now what? Now what? Now, what is the interview? Now, this is the next right step. Media is everywhere.

We're our own broadcasters, 24 seven, and we live in a really media centric world. There are 600,000 podcasts. Every week 2000 more new podcasts are rolled out. 42 million Americans tune in every week. This just Americans this isn't even worldwide. 42 million Americans tune in to listen to podcasts, which is five times more people than watch television every week.

They all need guests, these podcasts, these radio shows need guests, good guests. They're looking for you. They're waiting for you. They're wanting that conversation with you. Life does not get better. By chance life gets better by choice.

When you choose this. It chooses you when you choose this life starts to change. It really is a journey. That's amazing. Building a product writing a book, that is half the job. But the other half is becoming your books, your business's chief spokesperson.

And that's where you come in. And only you can do that. And I can't do it for you. But I can do it with you. And that's where you're going to be interviewed while this class is going on, so we can keep working together and honing your skills. There are people out there who didn't show up for this class you did people out there who said, Oh, I know I really need this, oh my god, my heart hurts.

And I need to do this class and it's so important and I know I need the skill and, and I know it's standing between me and really changing my business as it is today. But I'm overwhelmed. I get overwhelmed and I don't do it. And then I end up saying whatever, I'll do it, whatever. But you know what five eighths of whenever is never. You're here honor that that overwhelm a talked about for some people is also called worry and I also don't want you to feel judged so if you get if you get booked on a show it's okay to be afraid it's okay to not know it's okay to have doubts because we're still going to do exercises so you feel confidence and you can't know what you don't know you don't know till you do it.

So if you feel concerned it's okay just bless it acknowledge it, it will run its course and you'll be amazing anyway. And remember that even Moses was a basket case. So you're not alone. You're, you're with the best of the best. When it comes to each of us having a message like Keith mentioned, delivering your message, we each have nine seconds, nine seconds to get out who we are are, what we do, who we stand for? what we stand for.

So when you learn to do this, and you have learned, you've written a message, you've written your materials, you're doing mock interviews. When you learn to do this, this skill goes everywhere. Hundred percent interviews. Yes. Speaking on stage, going to networking events, if you're at a party and somebody introduces you often the first thing people say is great to meet you. What do you do?

You've got your message. You've got people leaning in. So does anybody want to report anything about how the mock interviews went? This week, anything that was noteworthy with the mock interviews anything you saw learned experienced? Keith are just going to say something or you overlooked that one. I feel bad about it.

I did not do it. All right. I was gonna ask two people here like, are we able to, like, work really? with Kathy or and, and? And what's the other person name? Sorry?

Sorry, you've really you know, can we share sessions or I guess we call it sessions and stuff like that do via zoom or Skype kind of thing. Yes, you love to interview questions, which I did copy and paste it. Like, tell me about your topic. Why is it important? I've saw it now. Awesome.

Yeah, definitely connect. If you want to post your email here, whatever, it's easy to connect with you. And also post on Facebook or if you want to reach out to somebody directly in private message them. Feel free to do that, you know, private message on chat as well as Facebook. Yes, I would love if you guys would show up because homework done you each get a turn you record it, boom, right? And then maybe do it with somebody else in the class.

That would be great assist. Good, good. Call. Thank you. Sure. And you're forgiven for that it you've got next week.

That's why we've got all these weeks is that so there's plenty of room, right? And even though everything is germane to where you're headed, I don't ever want you to feel that heaviness of like, I know you're working hard, Keith, I really do. And I know you're doing a great job of getting all your materials and I know you're very aware of completing things. So I just want to honor that in you. And instead of the Moses basket case thing, so you're doing great. Thanks.

Anybody else? Did you guys do the mock up? If you did, if you did the mock interviews, how did it go? Okay, so we're going to move on, just reach out to Keith, if you'd like to do that this week, and I hope you will. I'd really like you to do it because it's in the experience. And then the listening back.

Anytime you do anything, it builds a muscle so that when you go to do the actual thing, there's so much comfort. I wanted once upon a time on my bucket list was the dream of doing a marathon, which seemed insane to me, except that I really wanted to do a marathon. But between me and 26.2 miles, I had no idea I was going to get there. I was resistant, I was scared. I felt overwhelmed. All the things we feel when something is brand new, and you haven't experienced it yet.

But I knew enough to reach out to the marathon office. Just a thought. And they were amazing. I was actually shocked. I didn't know what they'd say. But I just introduced myself.

I want to do this. I don't know how to do this. You have any ideas? Yeah. We train every Saturday over at the Venice High School. Really?

Oh yeah, we map out the whole thing over eight months. Really? Yeah, we'll show you what kind of shoes to buy. What kind of wire drink what kind of 13 kind of clothes to wear? Really? Yeah.

And if you want to bump it up even more, you can go to the police academy every Tuesday night. They've got somebody who used to train the Olympics, the Olympic walk runners, and he's going to walk with America work with marathoners really come the first night. Police Academy, man did I not want to go? I had every reason under the sun. Why I What am I doing? What am I thinking?

But I also know enough to talk to myself in a very loving child, adult way to say Listen, if you'll just go this one. That's all we need to do. Just show up this once. And if you hate it, I swear we never have to go back again. And as you know, because you know how the story ends for all of us. Went unbelievably awesome experience I loved it loved the people who were there.

Love the trainer, love the challenge. I was in 1,000%. And it took me crossing over that line. And then for eight months I trained and you know, come the day of the race. I went over the finish line, I completed my dream, and I did it again the next year, so much easier because I'd done it already. I know what to expect.

Your mock interviews are your marathon training. This is you getting out there and having this built inside of you. So in the real experience occurs, you've got this. So definitely connect with each other and do your mock interviews really important. Besides the list of the the context for your radio and podcasts that are now sitting in your Dropbox, there's also something else I'm gifting you With it's, it's a workbook on how to be interviewed. It's fun, it's got cartoons in it.

And it's got a really detailed information that I'm teaching you over these six weeks. So you have the blow by blow and everything is written out for you. So it's very easy to remember, you can keep it on your computer, whatever is easy for you so you can access that. And we read to remind yourself at any time or if you have a question about any part of this. So I want to talk a little bit about what you can do. So let's do this right now.

As I mentioned, if you're heading into an interview, and you want to be in a really great state of mind to do it, have a practice. For some of you. It may be meditating for some of you, you may think I really don't want to meditate and maybe just to flatlined, and I'd rather be energetic, but you all have practices of wonderful things and if not, this is a great time to question them, I'd like to take you through something this is quick. And this is a law of attraction manifestation experience. So I'd like to take you through this because you can use this yourself, you're welcome to it. And I would use it to picture the interview.

Just because we're doing this class, let's use the class as what you're going to create in your manifestation. So in other words, when I get to the point that says set an intention, I want you to set an intention for your success in this program, and as someone being interviewed, I want you to put a big intention in there for yourself. Okay? So you can close your eyes, not close your eyes. It's not going to take long but just allow yourself you know, put your feet on the ground, take a nice breath. And I'm going to ask you right now to just clear your mind.

Nothing you need to do or be just to be here. And I'm going to ask us all to raise our vibration with twins. Deep breaths right now and just in your space. That's right. You're doing great. Keep breathing You can feel yourself shifting as you go into your 21st breath, say to yourself, I am happy with who I am.

I am happy with what I have. I am happy with what I receive. I am happy with who I am. I am happy with what I have. I am happy with what I receive. Allow yourself right now to just feel be happy.

Feel peace. grateful, happy and grateful. And now in your space because you're all muted and you can be very safe where you are, say your intention out loud set an intention right now, later you write it down. So what is your intention for being interviewed? What is your intention for becoming very visible and allowing yourself to have the exposure that your soul and your gift came here to experience? Set that intention now.

Be as specific as possible. And now daydream about it. visualize this intention. it already is. It is happening right now and experience it. Be in it.

Tasted, see it, feeling and now let it go. There's no need to keep thinking about it. You can do this once, you could do this two to three times a week and then let it go and certainly before any interview, stay happy. Keep your vibration up this week. So the universe can deliver what you just intended for what it is you want and desire. And know know that it will happen, believe it.

Trust that it's coming. Be patient with timing, it's tomorrow, or it's in one month. Or it's happening right now, but just trust and let it go. And it is You really can get what you want. It's true, you really can get what you prefer and desire. And if you're in a bad mood ever, just start describing what you're grateful for, with an intention to turn yourself around.

And besides the amazing daily practices that you have already, this is available to you to use. Take you three minutes to do before any interview. You'll get to your interview five minutes early, ready to go nice and calm. And you'll do an amazing job because you've set an intention. This week, you're going to submit yourself for 10 different interviews, you've got your sheet to do that with. I'm going to share with you some of the equipment so you'll have that over the next week.

You already got a lot of good notes. I would like to share something with you here at the end. And we are going to head here. No, we're not going to head there. So let's bring this up here. Okay.

Hopefully you can see this all it's just a viewers just an audio. This is only three minutes, but I want you to just sit back and enjoy this. This is something that I recorded off of super soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey interviewing. This is an amalgam of quite a few different points of view. It really is about creating a dream, because that's what you're doing. Anytime you step into something new and you've opened yourself up to being supported by The universe to do something great out into the world, you're creating a dream.

So here's some of these beautiful points of view and actually, really successful people when you hear that they Buck up against some of the same things as you realize the truth of our being until we've realized we are a presence primarily and a person secondarily, we will feel estranged from our own being. Are you facing a disruption in your life that has you filled with fear, anxiety, some trepidation, authors Steven pressfield taught me the more important an activity is to your soul's evolution, the more resistance you will feel to it. This was a big bing bing bing bing bing bing moment for me, it means that with every dream there's automatically going to be some resistance or clouds as I call them in the book, but your will Your shear will can be strong enough to declare, I want this. And if it's for you, you can have it and confront that fear head on.

Resistance as I defined it with a capital R is that negative force that arises whenever we try to move from a lower level to a higher level, or we're trying to identify with our nobler nature with our higher nature, you're trying to get out of your own little petty ego, and and channel, the Muse are trying to get something wonderful out there. So that elicits this equal and opposite negative force. Okay. I'm fighting that part of me that says, You can't do that. Yeah, don't do that. And there's a part of me that says, Come on, we got to do this.

And then the other parts, don't remember what happened last time. Oh, you won't do that. You can't do it's in me. And there's a part of me that's where the real bad that's when real battle is. That is where the crux and the core of trust comes. In those two parts of us, the part of us that would rather stay broke and miserable, complaining, you know, living in the whatever, the mediocrity and why, why?

Because we're afraid because we get to control it. We get to control it. I know how to be broken poor and struggle and suffer and be angry. I know how to do that. I got a degree. But when it comes to being open, and vulnerable, because you trust the core ingredient of trust, is vulnerability.

Yeah. What do you mean by let go now or fall? fear comes up out of your heart. That's a very natural thing is human. All right, you are watching you see it, you have the right to relax, let it pass right through. If you don't do that, you're going to try and fix it.

You know, trying to control situations outside so you don't ever feel the fear and it all starts to bother you. That's what it means you'll fall And eventually you'll lose your consciousness, you'll forget your whole purpose. And you'll just be scared, you just get scared. I know this is gonna sound simple, but I really feel this, that your self worth is your job. It's your it's your sacred space to cultivate. And one of the things I do now, after all this healing work I've done is I sit in my journal or my meditation time, and I say, what would I do about this thing?

Whatever it is, sometimes it's an opportunity that I think I'm not ready for. Sometimes it's some body telling me that I can't or I'm not worthy, you know, of something. And I sit in my private space and I say, I really just play it all out. I can visualize it or write it. And I say, what would I do if I were if I knew I was 100% worthy of this? What would I do?

What would I do? If I knew 100% worth I knew if I knew what I do just what if something There you go. So that's my encouragement to you. You're not alone. Everybody who's stepping into something new experiences this, if you've already been interviewed, understand this is not just about still being interviewed, you're being called to the next level to bigger shows to a bigger message to bigger possession of why you're here. Everybody here is going to be up leveling and getting really uncomfortable.

Embrace it, because you're going to rock this way more than you know you will. So mock interviews this week, absolutely. Do it. submit yourself for 10 shows, you've got the template, you can write down everything about each show ahead of time we're typing in a few like you've got a workbook that is now going to give you the breadth of our course in really fun light way. And it's very nice to reflect on you will have a sheet of equipment. So if you want to click on anything, I'm also going to include different things like if you want to do your own online platform to sell products, I'm going to give you a link for that if you want to do Webinar Jam, just a really cool entrepreneur things outside of what we're going to use here, so you can really experiment.

And then you've got your list of radio and contacts, go through them, find out what your true fit for. And go ahead and submit yourself as much as you like. Remember to address each one personally to the name of and really specific about their show. So you've got that engagement going on. And we will carry on next week in our session for thanks, everybody for playing

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