Class 6: Putting It Altogether, THE ENTIRE INTERVIEW SYSTEM, START TO FINISH (video)

Ultimate Visibility Formula Class 6: Putting It Altogether, THE ENTIRE INTERVIEW SYSTEM, START TO FINISH
1 hour 42 minutes
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Me a song right here. Oh, welcome to our final class, like, you know, when anytime we start something we never, we don't really see the light at the end of the tunnel and it seems like such a long way off. However, when we started this six weeks ago, I made a promise. And I hope I made good on that promise, which is that I will teach you the entire system of how to be interviewed, and what to do while you're on the show and what to do after the show. So the entire system at this level anyway before the advanced level, and that you would be able to in the course of this program, start submitting yourself get booked and hopefully start being interviewed so you could bring some of those experiences back to your class. And I know some people have set up very auspicious goals for themselves, which is pretty exciting stuff.

I feel like I want to check in with you. After I do this intro And just see how you're doing, what kind of wins, where you are now compared to where you started with the class, what the differences for you what you may have learned or gained. I'm really open to hearing all of that. And what we're going to do today in our final class, and I really meant what I said, it's like you guys look so beautiful. And so happy to be with you. This really is one of my favorite places to be every week.

My connection with you, getting to see your inner star shine out into the world, getting to experience your willingness to do this and be more visible and I take very seriously that it's it's not a light thing to say, Oh, I'm going to be seen and heard by a lot of people, for many of us, especially very gifted people who have had interesting paths this lifetime and others. It's pretty meaningful to say out into the world. This is who I am. This is what I stand for. This is who I stand for. This is what I do.

And this is what I offer. And if you resonate with this, it's time for us to work together. I'm here to do big things. How about you? That's basically what your messages Excuse me. So you're really stepping up.

And I take that very seriously in supporting you to do that, and helping you to get there. And also, because it's a new skill, even if you've been doing this, you're up leveling in a big way. And maybe you've been doing sort of small mediocre shows and you're ready for the big time you're ready for being interviewed in your area. And by the way, in the advanced classes, one of the things I teach is how to travel anywhere and look up how you can be interviewed in that city. Many of you may already know that little secret sauce that you shouldn't be traveling anywhere, even for vacation. If you don't mind, I know vacation.

I'll leave that up to you. But if you're going in for a workshop, let's say someplace, it's really important. If you're going to show up at that workshop, why wouldn't you book a speaking gig before you get there? Or after you get there while you get there? Right? make use of that time.

I mean, besides you, me and the wall, yeah, you could write it off when you do that. There's also this is you're suddenly meeting your people, you're getting new clients. And the same is true for being interviewed. Frankly, even more so because when you speak, you may have 20 people in the audience, you may have 100 people. When you are interviewed, you're going to have 1000 10,000, half a million people listening to you. So it's much easier to do a 20 4050 minute show, and have a ton of people connect with you.

And besides podcasts, there are real radio shows all around the country. And I will teach you in the advanced class how you can connect with those radios. shows in any location. So it's a really important skill to have, it'll completely change your game. And today's class is about how to put the entire system together. And even though you've learned most of the elements, I want to make sure that you have it in you, the beginning, the middle and the end and how it all flows.

How you show up. So I want to open the floor first, to celebrate your wins. And to mostly check in class one, two today. What is the difference? What have you learned? What have you gained?

How are you different? What are you looking forward to? So I open the floor to you to share and express all of that. I'll go Deb for me. My wind was finally getting the format down pat. My Ron media one sheet, which was huge, so I posted that last night or it might have been earlier this month.

I'm so sorry. Is it just me? I can't hear Rene at all. Can I do it? Can everybody hear me or no? Is it anyone else can you?

You can hear her, Michael. This is really weird. I can't hear at all. Huh? Give me a second, please. Because that's not gonna be good.

I must hear you. That could be a problem. It put everything through my microphone. You know what this is great example. Because if you are going to be interviewed, you want to make sure like I'm interviewing somebody. 30 minutes after we get off my radio show.

This gal is extremely accomplished. She's been doing what she's been doing for 30 years. However, knowing she was going to be on zoom, she realized she didn't know what to do and she couldn't hear her herself. She did a mock recording. And she's been interviewed before but this was a new system for her. And I, she did what I taught you, she gave me a free Astro locality reading.

And she's been amazing, really showing up and gifting me with all this stuff. And so, normally, if somebody doesn't know, technology, I'd be like, you're probably not a good fit. But I know she's a great fit. And I know she's a good human, and she's already created rapport and relationship with me. So I showed up for her to when I taught her how to do the zoom, how to go to for tech support. I took the time with her, but I'm telling you, because when it's your turn, and you know, you're going to be doing something always the day before or a couple of days before check out your equipment.

You know, make sure I mean, that was a weird anomaly that hasn't had happened before. But still good to know. It was going through my microphone for some bizarre reason, zoom made that choice instead of coming so that I could hear it. So just, you know, thank you, universe for showing us Yet again, how important it is to be properly, technically set up way in advance for an interview. So you're not struggling when they hit record, but it's okay. Sorry, Renee.

Thank you. No, that's fine. So, for me, the big one for me was getting my media one sheet all formatted and done. I needed Karen's wife but obviously didn't know her. So it was an issue. But I finally got it done last night, or this morning, I'm not sure where the time frame was when my husband came in the office that is 430.

When he going to bed I was like, okay, so at one point in that he really got it done, which was huge, huge, like, I feel really good with it. So I did post it. So I'll see if there's any feedback on that. I did post it last night. So that was big this class. Even though this is my second way around, I just feel like everything came together.

Like you know, we had those two strategy sessions, you know, with even the other consult and just the crash In general, I got the roadmap done. Yeah. Which is huge. I've gotten my branding down, I got the elevator speech, like, everything just seems to have come and come into play now. And I feel very confident going out in the world. And I'm very excited to get at least 50 interviews done by the end of the year.

And I didn't know I just can't thank you enough in the clan. Everybody in the class is just so awesome as well. I mean, this is just a phenomenal, phenomenal course. And I've been telling, you know, some of my tribe about it that I know need to get out there. So hopefully on your next round, hopefully they'll be they'll be in that. Awesome.

Yeah, the next round is starting up in January. The advanced class will be October 30, through November 20. It's only four and it is really advanced. So if you're ready to be like savvy pro big time, even for TV, by the way, some of these skills, then definitely register for that. For those of you you know who I've done this before. Sorry, I'm processing what Rene said, and my mouth is talking at the same time.

So this double information coming in. Okay, so fully present. So to finish that thought, yes, those of you who've done the advanced, you come in half price. So you've got that and those of you have taken this and advanced, you can always come back, I just keep filtering you through, you can do ultimate visibility again for free as my gift to you. And I would Yeah, I'd love you to send me some people. That would be amazing.

And I, you know, can give to you on the other side in an affiliate way or some free coaching sessions. You can decide I'm pretty fluid with all of this. So thank you so much for that. And I also want to two things, Renee, I really want you to post your replays or live so we can listen, I know I want to listen. I definitely Want to hear you because I'm so excited about where you started the first class the first round two classes ago, and who you are right now. Whoa.

That's what it's all about. So I'm super excited. And the second thing is when Renee says roadmap, just in case people don't know what that means, and frankly, I think I coined that self. It's not like it's a technical words you wouldn't know out there. But what it means is, what the end result is. So we created a roadmap for her.

So she literally knows every step to take to get her to where she knows her business is going to be ultimately, and I mean, that's the big, big, big ass vision. And so we worked it all out in one of our private sessions. So she is has total clarity about not only what it is what it's called, With her branding, and then how to end up there, and it's pretty exciting stuff. And I appreciate, you know, something that Renee has said, which I've heard a lot is, and I think we've all had that experience, that you sign up for a workshop and you're paying money or time or energy, but certainly money, and you walk away. And it's like, I don't think I got what was promised. And it is really my intention, you get that here.

And in everything I teach, just know that this advanced three day event, whatever of mine private sessions, I give you probably 10 times what it what you're actually paying for, because you are that important to me. And your visibility. If I was put here to help with that. Let me tell you, I'm going to help with that. And if I can't figure it out, I'll figure out somebody else who can but it is my intention to use every gift I have at my disposal to help you get ahead. So if you're willing, if you're hungry, I'm here.

Cool. So thanks, Renee. Who else Oh, good. All right. Can you hear me? Okay?

I hear you. Great. Okay, good. Yeah, just want to say, Wow, what a big difference from when I began to hear. I mean, a lot of big, like life changes really embracing what I do first of all, and I mean, you know, Renee, you've been amazing and doing the mock interviews and then of course connecting and, and stuff to just, I mean, between you, Debbie and Renee just working. Like I was both your little project, you know, really, and I've moved up from there.

I know what I want to do. I know that the clarity of my mission, and I'm a lot more confident about getting out there. I'm competent at all where whereas before it was really scary for me to really get out there and play big and wouldn't have said the number that I gave you earlier on. And that is, you know, between 30 and 60, podcasts, interviews, and just our last class, I really got clear on leveraging that, and not just doing it and go, Well, I hope people, I hope people go to my website and they want to work with me and I hope people buy my book. You know, I think that would be a nice thing to have as a result of doing the podcast interviews, it wasn't enough clarity on why I'm going to be doing that many and it's a lot of time and commitment.

Now, it's gonna be leveraging to do more, play bigger in some more, you know, looping that all together, and using that really as leverage that really got clear for me, you know, very recently so All right, now I get it. Now I'm really on a mission and this is a good thing. It's a really going to be positive. Move forward for me. Beautiful. Yeah.

Thank you. Same. Let us know when you're being interviewed so we can listen. Okay? Okay, proud of you. Thank you.

Well, I'd like to go next. Is that okay? Yes, please. All right. First of all, I'm going to say for everybody, at least for myself, you are truly a wonderful gift. So thank you for being in my life.

Thank you for helping me with my branding. Thank you for helping me get there more direction. And thank you for allowing me to overcome a I'm going to call it a challenge. So we talked about in a private session, so thank you, and thank you for the medium she Thank you. Thank you, thank you. But I don't want you to know anything else, but I really appreciated your direction, your insight, your foresight, your intuitive abilities.

You truly I want to remind you again, you're a gift and helping me become a bigger player. So thank you. Received I really appreciate that. Welcome. That's so nice. My turn Hi dabs Felice first of all I loved last, I loved hearing your story and I just wanted to honor you for sharing that that was so beautiful.

I'm a little behind for lots of reasons but what I am is super excited. I have you know, every time I listen, I'm more clarity about my show. And I've reorganized some things because of the course i'm going to catch up on all the details that you know drive me crazy, as you know, but I'm enjoying now like just vitual letter and all the all the things that I I want to get completed. But it's, you know, when you share your story, what I kept feeling was this is really like, I felt like I was listening to your interview. You know what I mean? I felt like I was listening to you share deeply and completely who you are, which made me so excited.

It really did and made me feel like I now I even want to tell people more about this course just because I can tell them about you even more deeply. And that may seem weird, but really it's like I was given so Much from listening to your story, and how you ended up in the gift that's been unraveling like this whole time for you to be here with us now doing this work helping us understand. So I wanted to thank you for that, because that was really touching for me. And the rest is just me catching up to all the work that I have to do. And I'm very grateful and every time like, I'm excited, I'm excited for all of you. I'm excited about learning.

I'm excited about my own show, because I've learned from watching you I really like what's crystallized for me is how people have to talk to me as well. And the questions that I have to ask for people to come on the show what I have to look for. So that's been exciting, because I've been kind of riding that train robe, you know, just like going along with it. So I wanted to thank you for all those things really great. Really, really great. Thanks.

Yeah, thank you. That's pretty exciting. I love that that's crossing over into your own show as well. And I love that, you know that's such an important comment because for people Who do feel technically challenged and it's deeper than that. And I know that with you. And I just want to say for people who you know, they have all this brilliance.

And then there are certain areas of overwhelm. And God knows in my life, I have my own areas where that takes place to know that you could keep walking this road and find a way to meet those projects in a friendly manner. And rather than the resistance or the running away, recognizing actually how innocuous it is and saying, oh, oh, I can do this. I can, you know, just to be present long enough to realize I got this like, I really got this. And this little, This little light of mine, you know, I'm gonna let it shine whatever this is, I'm still gonna find my way through this because my brilliance is way too important for this little impediment to take me off my path. And that's so true for you, Lisa.

You're ready in a moment. mazing interview, and you deliver so much content. So I'm so grateful that this little technical piece, you're able to deal with it. And frankly, you already have these pieces, like they're good enough. I've seen your one sheet, right, I've seen your letter. So you're ready to go out in the world in a big way.

And I'm so excited to hear that your own show your own podcast now, by virtue of all this is going to be up level two. Yeah, I'm so grateful and you're brilliant. I really want you to know I just find you so brilliant. You made it really easy. And you also give given give me have given me so much confidence because I don't have to figure it out. You know what I mean?

And even though because I had a lot of resistance first time this time, it's more just like, you know, kind of circle all over the place so much going on, but I'm not I don't feel any resistance. I'm just like, excited. Now things have calmed down at all in a finish this stuff here. This is good. You know, so excited, really excited. Thank you so much.

Really appreciate you received. Thank you. And I think we may have gotten everybody Let me check in. Yep. Awesome. Okay, great.

So, so perfect. Everything we heard today because really this program is all about that. It's about building confidence, knowing how to get booked, actually booking yourself. And then we get on the show doing a great interview. And then what to do after. Because the after is everything, as you heard, right people were saying here, it's like, well, it's so great to be interviewed.

Books, products, community workshops, yay. But what are you going to do between the interview and to fill those or sell those because that's really why we're using our time and energy to be interviewed. And that's why we are showing up for somebody show that we appreciate so much. They're giving us the time to do it. So it is ready. So the truth is that even though you're here, and time is an illusion, it's already done.

You're just this is like deja vu. You're just over here on this side of things. Oh yeah, I know how to do an interview. I'm already amazing at it, I already get great results. So you're just sort of back here in time in a loop, if you will, and creating what you need to do to live what you've already lived. So thank you for everything you've said, if anybody feels so moved at some point, in the next week or day to do a testimony written or video, I would be super grateful.

Thank you. As reminder, upcoming classes, ultimate visibility formula for those of you who know people need to be in this and ready to send them here. It is the same website dB, D, db, bi d dotnet, slash visibility. And that's going to start On January 8, great way to start the new year. And for those of you moving into the advanced class who feel called to that, that starts October 30. And the price is going to remain the same until I get back from out of country.

And then that's going to go up and that's db slash services. And if you're repeating it, just reach out to me and I'll send you a private invoice because like I said, it's half price. The class today is about putting it all together. So the steps that would put it all together are going to be the magic number of seven. Because why not? So people who want to be interviewed, the seven steps are as follows.

First, you want to search for the top podcasts in your industry. How do you do that? Well, you could take this class and you could get the list that I gave you. The second 17 page lists and certainly use that you can use I think it was in class number three. I'm pretty sure it was three where I taught you on your own, how to look up classes, excuse me how to look up podcasts, radio shows. So you already have that.

And then this week between class five, and this week, class six, I sent you a little gift through email. I know many of you have picked it up and sent me a woohoo back. But I sent you a little gift, because I sent you some new podcasts that you can put yourself in for. So that was just a little bonus gift that I sent to you. But what about even further if you're on your own what is possible here? Well, there are 706,000 podcasts right now.

And my statistics that I shared with you are that there are 3000 new podcasts every week. So even if you listen to this as a replay next week It's gonna be 709,000 and ad infinitum is just going to keep getting bigger. So when you want to go podcast hunting, you can search for podcasts by category or subcategory really great place for you to go is Apple podcasts used to be iTunes now it's called Apple podcasts. So just search there. And you can look by a keyword, let's say health. Or if you know people in your industry that you look up to, and they're an industry expert, use them in the keywords and find out the shows they've either been interviewed on or they host if you will also do second option a Google search for podcasts related to your industry, or area of expertise or industry experts, all of the above that will work really well too.

So now you've got a really yummy list. I would make sure when you put together that list because you guys are are at a beginning to mid level range. I would not call you pro yet. But you're heading there. at this range, I personally would love to see you go on bigger shows. So it's not enough to say I'm going to book myself on 30 shows, and just take whatever comes your way.

I do some due diligence and find out how big is this show? how active is this audience? Is this the right fit for me? Do I like the show? You know, listen to a show. If you don't think the host is doing an amazing job.

I would pass use your time wisely. Because those 30 shows could change your life, right? And if you're showing up and doing all the right stuff, it could be the show that's off. It's too small. or something's not right with the show possibly or something's not right with what you're doing when you're being interviewed. So just pay attention to results too.

But definitely get yourself booked on bigger shows. So what's number two in the steps? Number two is research the individual podcast, right? You've got your list of, of potential podcasts you've put together. The next step is, isn't this a great fit for me, read the show's description, listen to an episode or to visit the website or blog. All of these will give you tremendous amount of information.

Some of you may have a team working for you. And if you do awesome, this is part of their new job description. They need to research this stuff. So it's great for you. And your goal is actually to answer these three questions is the podcast active? Like I said, even though there are 706,000 podcasts and there's 3000 new podcasts every week, it doesn't mean they're all viable, because many people will get into this industry and say, Oh, you know, they say in business, I need a funnel.

And they say in business, I need a book and they say I need to speak and I need a YouTube video and I need this and I need Now, before you know it, these people are so overwhelmed and I need a podcast. And they don't realize a podcast isn't just something you throw up so that you can increase your business like pasta and hope it sticks. It's actually something you do because you love doing it. You have enormous curiosity. And there's a reason why you're showing up weekly or every day, however often their hostess doing it, you're really getting something massive out of it. And not everybody is so they show up.

They set up a podcast they start doing they're like, Ah, this is a lot of work. I don't know. I don't think I realized that when I started to do a podcast. And it's really hard to get an audience and all of that. So people do that will often drift off. They won't last more than 12 episodes.

So make sure so that you do get booked on bigger, better shows larger audiences. Is the show still active? And by looking at its most recent episode, you can tell if that is so the next question that's really good. Besides, is the show still viable? Is? Is this podcast relevant to me?

Does the topic connect with me? Excuse me? Is this my target audience? In other words, even the conversation with the host? Is this the kind of conversation they like to have. Now, sometimes you can stretch a conversation and I've taught you throughout this, how you can go to a mainstream show, and actually have a very woowoo conversation.

But you don't have to talk. Whoo, right. But you can still be received tremendously out here. It is actually the conversation everybody is dying for. And I literally mean dying. So just know you can translate in a lot of different places.

Make sure that connection is there. And for those of you who understand energy, need the energy of the show. You can even muscle test, you know, is this the right fit for me? That's my Yes, that's my No, that's my you know, you'll know how to do this. So check it out. That'll be so much easier for you And then of course, do they accept interviews?

Or is it a solo show? Is it just the guest? Talking? And that's their whole show? There are a lot of shows like that. But most shows actually have guests to be interviewed.

So when you answer yes to all of those, then you know, okay, it's time for me to contact the host, I'm going to ask for an interview. I don't want this to be a waste of my time. So here's the pitch letter. I've taken this and now I've made it very personal. I've put my media one sheet. So that leads us to step number three, pitch the host or the station, if you're going to a station.

If you're traveling. When you learn this in the advanced class, you're going to want to reach out to the producer station. It is a little different. So the podcasts, schedule their interviews through email. It's okay to send a cold email because often that's the only way we can reach them. If we send a message on social media, the goal then is to ask for permission to pitch them.

And if they say yes, then we move the conversation over to email, I can tell you personally, as a host. I have difficulty following social media. When somebody tries to pitch me, I can't. Because I have no breadcrumbs to follow. I'm just too busy getting hundreds of emails every day. I don't even know what my numbers are.

But let's say they're, they're probably close to 40,000 on social media. And if people are writing me their two in a message, and you know, the next message comes in, and also that's pushed down, I can't follow what they're asking for. Now, if they can't get ahold of me any other way, which isn't true, I know it's actually easy to find me and on my website, there's a contact form. So it actually is very easy to find me but I Want to say for me personally, and for people who've probably been in the business a long time, in general, social media post to connect isn't great. I also want to give you a couple caveats there. When podcasters are younger, they prefer social media to email.

Most of them don't like email at all. They like text, they like messages. So that actually works. The other thing is, and I want to harken back to a story we had earlier, which is when Jennifer went out, and she saw a post on LinkedIn, that was from Tony Robbins, she saw somebody reply to Tony Robbins, it was a podcaster. She made a connection with the podcaster in that chat in those messages, not a private one, but in the Tony Robbins post, and then connected and she was able to book an interview. So when I say this I'm wanting to give you all colors, because there are some people who will respond very positively to social media and find that easy.

Then there are people like me who prefer not. I think usually the social media people are the ones who have like a jot form set up a calendar. So you click on a link they will give you and frankly, everything's automated. I automate mine in a different way. So just know that if you can't reach them through social media, find their website, or find their email. Once you send in your pitch, well, every email should be personalized.

You need to remember your name, your title, your company, and all your links for credibility. Occasionally, a higher end show may check you out if they don't know who you are to want to really make sure it's a valid connection and somebody valid they want to have on their show, not meaning that you exist or don't exist, but that the love Have conversation and content you'd bring would be wonderful for their audience. You also include the list of topics you're ready, prepared and qualified to discuss. You focus on the value you provide to their audience. If you have a link to an interview that you've done, include that, like, you're not going to give 20 of those, but maybe you did something amazing with somebody noteworthy include a link to that and if they want to check it out, they will, maybe you will have a connection in common and you could say, Hey, we both know that this is a you know, been a longtime colleague of mine or friend of mine, or, you know, it was a client of mine, however you want to do that it helps provide social proof.

And of course, always, always, we want to provide links to things like our website or social media profiles, relevant projects, products, so they can easily research you if they choose to before making a decision. Now, you We've done all that if we don't hear back, and almost always we will. But if on occasion you felt really compelled to connect, connect with somebody, and that you don't hear back feel free in two weeks to send them another you know, Hey, I know you really busy. I sent you this I'd love to hear back. I'm still very interested, you know, super kind and aboveboard, always treat them with great respect. And then if you don't hear back, it's a no, they've moved on.

And they just don't have time. Please don't ever take it personally. They're just so so inundated with offers all the time. Move on. But for all of you, because you are showing up so brilliantly. And I know the level of interview you provide at this point, and I know how you're going to be saying, hello, I'd love to come on.

You're totally pro at this point. Now it's time for you to schedule that interview. So they'll send you a link or a way to do that they've agreed to interview you And your next step is schedule it in your calendar. When you're scheduling this, make sure to ask ask the pertinent questions. How is this call going to be made because you want to prepare accordingly. Now in your replays that you've got on your platform, which you are you still have access to for the next couple of weeks.

There is a sheet that I provided in there as a gift and it's an interview sheet. Go ahead and check that out. You can download it you can keep it on your computer. And it's a great checklist anytime you book an interview. It asks you all the pertinent things. What is the hostname?

What is the show's name? How long is the interview for what kind of audience is it? Do they take ad breaks? Do they take listener calls? Do they have music? How is it being done?

Is it on zoom? Is it on Skype? Is it official Facebook Live, which I don't know if that's really an interview. But so many people do things, different ways. And if they're going to do a Facebook Live, please make sure it's a big show. Okay, and upset about that.

Yeah. Is it to a radio station? Is it through? Like, how is it being recorded? What is the equipment they're looking for. And always check out your equipment at least three days in advance, make sure everything's working.

And if you haven't used, what they are recording you on, or doing a live show on, you make sure well in advance that you've got all of that working. And if tech isn't your thing, do not worry. You have friends who are great at this and just say, Hey, can I grab 15 minutes of your time? like can you just come over and take a look at what I'm doing? And make sure I'm setting set up or can you just do a quick Skype or zoom with me to you know, come in and see that I've got everything set up correctly. It will take probably five minutes, right?

But just give yourself that grace because when you show up, it's like, ah, zero anxiety. You don't want tech anxiety. You don't want I'm running late anxiety. You don't want any of that. So make sure you know phone Skype zoom Brant. What is it?

Is it live? Is it Memorex? Is it recorded? How's that coming across Next Step five, prepare, right. You're preparing for your interview. My external mic?

Is it working? Am I using a headset? Is it working? We never use the computer mic. May. We never use a cell phone.

Please don't even we're sound quality. You want to make sure stellar stellar, stellar. I gave you in class, man. If I remember these things, I'm so impressed by myself class. For you received a list of tools, very, very specific so you don't have to figure this stuff out. They're incredibly inexpensive and easy.

The light I am on right now, I'm going to teach you a little behind the scenes. Okay, the light I'm on right now. I don't even know if it was $17. But this is actually a professional light. And you see it on the list of tools. Just check it out there.

And these are great, by the way, because you can even flip in a phone if you want to do some webinars or YouTube videos and so forth. Put something out on social media. So these are terrific. I also and this is the secret sauce. I once went to one of those stores like a Ross or something when I when I first started out, and I didn't have a lot of money. I bought a lamp one of those like spotlight lamps.

That's on a stand Did you know you could move it around and I don't know what it caused it was bubkis it was like 815 bucks and I use that and I have to tell you, the lighting was phenomenal. So just get a good light you want to show up looking well have a nice background. Some people like to put their trademark back there the books back there, whatever I do this because it's I like you to look at me. Um, but however works for you is fine. And all the other tools are there. I told you about the microphone that you can get.

That's an expensive I told you about what you're looking at me right now, which is an HD camera, get that very inexpensive and it works. It's beautiful. And I told you for those of you who are ready for the roadmap, you could do a private session with me about that. You're welcome to do that. And in the roadmap, then you are going to want to get the next pieces of equipment, which is an equipment, it's stuff online. It's stuff to do your webinars and start moving around.

Webinars into courses and into retreats and into events and into masterminds and all of that. So that you have the full breadth of what you're here to do so you can start really stepping into it. So again, refer to that tool list, because all of what you need is there. What else do I want to tell you about preparing for your interview? Yes, if you have background noise, you need to find ways to eliminate it. You need to conduct these in a really quiet space for yourself.

Always show up a few minutes early, they may not connect with you until they do but that's fine. You've got plenty of time to breathe. If you remember in class too. I walked you through a meditation and that is something you can do in minutes so that you immediately are right in your body and ready to synergistically connected With the person on the other end of the camera or the microphone, and if you remember, in the meditation, we basically closed our eyes, we got comfortable in our body, we breathe 21 times. And then we said some very significant things that creates just huge shifts, huge immediate shifts, go back to that meditation and listen to it. And that can be part of your toolbox.

You will already I know each of you have ways to get calm. You can include that, of course for interviews or anything else in your life, so that you're prepared when it's time to be on air. And you give them your undivided attention during your time together. I would say also, just as a caveat here, it's really important to know Step six, giving a great interview that you know, for all of us at some point, you're going to go through something and when you go through something, you don't bring it to the interview. It's really great. I gotta say, I mean, I've even had like a 10 year relationship break up in the worst possible way.

That one morning and then that day I had to conduct an interview and there was no way I was going to cancel it. And I made the choice as I always do to show up like a complete Pro. But have to say there's a lot of grace that even when stuff is going on, and we all know this too shall pass. That's the truth with everything. Good stuff will pass, bad stuff will pass. neuroses will pass, joy will pass.

Everything in life is fluid and moves like the ocean. So even though something seems incredibly significant in the moment, if you will put it aside and do all of the tools that you now have, and really show up, present and connect with another. It will be the greatest grace. First of all, you'll give an amazing interview and you'll actually be giving yourself some levity while something else untoward is happening in your life. And it will be the respite you actually need that day. So trust you can you have the ability to put everything aside.

And that won't always be the case. Most of the time, you can be having a great day and be full of joy and be connecting with your people and happy in your life and be with your animals and your friends and your lovers and all of that stuff. But if something else should happen, just know you still got this. You don't have to cancel things. Unless it's a dire emergency, then that's different. And if it's a dire emergency, absolutely give them as much possible notice that is kindness.

If you don't, if you have an emergency, and you know you're going to have to cancel because someone has died like something serious, then you must give them the grace so that they could do triage in their end right the host. So the people who will eventually listen to your interview will be hearing you for the first time. And the thing is, it's all about first impressions. That's the only chance you get to make. So don't turn your interview into this big old sales pitch by this by that if you do this, that'll happen, right? We don't really care, your latest product, your latest service, nobody cares.

You don't even care to listen to other people instead, always focus on providing as much value or entertainment or actionable advice to the listeners as possible, they will remember and love you for it. Let me give you an example. If you worked, for instance, in health, and you're being interviewed, listeners actually don't buy health. Now they should buy into health, but they don't. So instead, when they're being interviewed, they should share on focusing on the pain that people experience the pain that they go to bed with And that they wake up with. So when you if you weren't health address and talk about specific pain that people have that you treat, it changes your results and everything.

What happens is when people are listening, they can start to self identify, oh, I have that pain. Oh yeah, my knees that's like oh yeah, like her client there my back to Oh, she can do that oh, that's very interesting about migraines, giving you all sorts of examples, but suddenly they're connected with your work. So go from that standpoint, we all know the pain points and we should that's part of our business is to understand what are what is the pain that our clients feel. So you could talk about problem solution problem solution throughout your interviews. Because unless you and the host agree ahead of time, that the whole idea of doing the interview is to actually promote something, then the podcast is a pitch free zone. So you're You're generous with your responses.

You use stories you use examples to support your advice. You respect your time limits. You don't hijack the conversation. You don't ramble for too long, and you let the host take over. It's their show. And number seven what's number seven, you always end your interview.

This is my way this is my neuro. This is my Debbi Neuro Linguistic for call to action call to action. This is where the people who now know you and love you are going to be wanting to work with you. The hostess wrapping up the interview, you thank them for having you as a guest on their podcast and you end with your call to action. What is that you haven't been pitching on the interview doesn't mean you can't leverage that exposure to attract new clients for your business. You tell the listeners, this is how you can get in touch with me.

And I offer you this free gift or resource. And what happens when they go to that link is they see, oh, I'm joining her email list. And in response from getting this video, this report this book this you decide whatever it is. I want to give you a caveat here. It's really important, because I have a friend, I have a new friend actually, who works at a really big station kpfk here in Los Angeles. And I will tell you, the part of her business model of being on a mainstream radio station is that she does do affiliate marketing.

So there are times which is brilliant, by the way that she can do that model and be so successful. I happen to know some really, really big transformational names, who do workshops. Three day events to lead people into a mastermind, she helps fill their room by interviewing this person offering her listeners the link, and she gets half of everything this guy sells. And this guy fills up the room. So he loves her. Right.

And I also know that she conducts further interviews with people like myself. And she's already made me an offer to do this to have me on so that I can upsell something, of course in a class and again, she'll take 50% there is that model. Not everybody offers that because not everybody has success in that space doing that. I but I also want to speak to that so you know, that exists. So if somebody comes to you and says, Hey, I'm a host, and I see what you're selling and doing and I really like it, and I love to offer this to people, why don't we do something together? Jv here or affiliate here?

Full steam ahead. So know that you have a winner. To build an affiliate link for them so they can track their sales, they will create, you'll create a special link or your web person, your tech guru will create a special link for them so they can sell on your behalf. that exists. But not everybody does that. Most podcasts don't, but important to know.

So what happens? This is your bonus tip. After you've done all seven steps as we know we don't just go go and interview I'm on to the next thing. No, we show up. We sit down we take a moment we say to the host, thank you. Right.

You've already thanked them at the end of the show. That's lovely. But we want to write them an email. We want to send them a card, maybe the card, the little Starbucks gift card, the little whatever you want to send. If it's just a card or a little something something. If you make sales.

I would recommend you do that. If you make sales, sell books, get Clients full of workshop. Absolutely take the time to personally send them an in the mail. Thank you. It'll go really far. Otherwise, just send them a quick but heartfelt thank you so much and here's why it goes so far you want to build rapport and relationship with influencers, you want to stay in touch with the host.

Add another little caveat, if you had an interesting experience, it wasn't quite your show your host or something. Still thank them. You don't have to keep the relationship up. But for those you will have special connections, it's going to change your game. getting interviewed on podcast is the first step to establishing that long term, mutually benefit relationship with influencers in our industry. We want this because over time these relationships lead to a number of opportunities, including introductions to other podcast host referrals to prospective clients.

Collaborations joint ventures speaking engagements Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo. So show up for that. That's why we're doing this. That's the other side of the deliciousness of this entire process. And always remember with gratitude for the hosts the station, it takes a lot of work to prepare, to record, to edit, to promote a podcast interview, frankly, to even nurture a listenership and pull them along for as many shows, episodes and years as we do. So for every podcast hosts that interviews you, they are essentially giving you free exposure to a highly targeted and engaged audience.

So when your interview is over, how do you want to support the host? How do you want to say thank you? How will you promote their interview your interview once it goes live? Will you give their podcasts a positive five star rating and review us on Apple podcasts or YouTube or spreaker, Stitcher or libsyn or wherever their show is or radio station, be sure to do that offer to introduce them to other guests for their shows. There will be people like myself, I get booked six months in advance. I'm on a number of publicists lists agentless individuals have been on my show who are doing a launch and want to come back in a big names.

So I often don't need guests if you're gonna you know, do it with me. It's got to be a really like, honestly, it's got to be a big name. So there will be people like me, it actually isn't of assist. But then there will be other people like no, this is great. I don't have to do any work send me or send me somebody I'd love to hear if you think that highly. But the bottom line is you want to align in a way that actually assists them not generically, but them What is it they need to support their success in their business and feel appreciated any options?

Pieces of that will go very far. So we'll take a respite here. And I want to ask you guys for Q and A, let's do some questions. What about what is what I've just shared or any part of this process? Do you have questions about? So this is your time final class.

I want to say I'm going to really miss you guys. This has been like an amazing group. Really amazing group. You're all deeply in my hearts. So have at it. What kind of questions do you have?

What do you still not know or feel clear about this process? Etc, etc. I've really silly question. I love questions. Yeah. So when you're when you say like, you know, mail them something.

So do we like if we're just making contact with them email, just email him and say, Can I get your address? Like, does is it just like a strange email that you get? You're like, what the heck you know, I mean, No, it's not strange at all. And I've certainly had people do that much over time. So it's not strange at all. And most people, most of us have a business address.

So there's not nothing to be afraid of like if it was a man asking me for some reason, and he's been on my show, I would know. I would know why he was asking that something. At least a card is probably coming or something sweet. So I wouldn't be concerned at all. And yeah, ask away. We'll know what you mean.

I think I'm a little unclear on the branding part. So you know, I had spoken a bit about the branding and I got a message and I have the media one sheet and I think branding is still a little gray area for me that maybe that's something that we talked about in the multi boho mama thing, but I've already kind of gone the route of listen to guidance and have my logo and no now Do I have to change all that or go with that? This might be a long conversation, but I think I'm still a little bit unclear about the branding. So that might be something I need to work on a little bit more. Like my wording in a what's what I say I you know, as far as I've got my little paragraph by just like two or three words that really define who I am, which was the branding.

I think I'm a little unclear on that one. So, um Cool. Well, if it's some ideas, you know, in the in the UVF, Facebook, you think and just kind of throw some out there. You can do that. You're always welcome to Do that. I don't know that that will get you what you want need.

Okay. It's it's pretty important conversation. Yeah. You know, and, and unless you're working in a group full of branding experts, I don't know that you'll get what you get a lot of love and support, for sure. But the essence I'm not sure you'll receive that that would be a private session because it is a long conversation. Okay.

And and I just want to say it's also great that you don't know that you're realizing on the scheme of things. I've got all these pieces, and this is super solid. This is the one piece that's missing right now. So and I want to say when you say that, it occurs to me as well, your roadmap, I think would be really important to cover because you're clear about the big mission, but not necessarily the steps to get there. So yeah, that would be amazing to receive and I'm glad you know that because Once that's in line, I think everybody's starting to identify that as these pieces come in. There's freedom.

Right? It's just like, Oh, I can say all this stuff. With so much ease. I know what I handle my website. I know where everything is. I know what my moniker is, I know what my label is.

I know what I stand for. I know how to say it so succinctly. There is no guesswork. So 100% great that you identify all of what you got and received and is like crystal, and also what's missing right now. So I would say, Yes, get those pieces down. We can book stuff for when I come back.

If you want to work with me, or if you want to work with somebody else, whatever, but definitely get that because you're, you're like a train right now. Right? Yeah, I just feel like there's little gray area there. So yeah, sure. I'll definitely book something with you and we'll get some clarity on that. Great.

Thanks, Debbie. Yeah, What else do you guys want to know? I have a question just about how to make sure. Like, I know when you get asked to go on an interview, I check the radio check the show, I check it out. But something happened to me when I was on a person show. They said I was gonna do one thing, and I got on there and all of a sudden, I was doing something completely different.

Okay, I love this. Thank you so much, because you're the first person really giving a real world experience and I've been waiting for this. So would you go into a little more detail? What were you told and then what happened? Sure was like, we're going to do an interview. We're going to talk about your gifts and what you do and we're going to have conversations about intuition I got on the show and I was doing live readings the whole time wasn't prepared for it wasn't grounded for it.

She threw me in I was like and I mean, I was live so I couldn't do anything about it wasn't like a podcast recording. I was in it. You know? I mean, so, and I just, you know, I really understood a whole other description from what she said to me. So, you know, I wasn't that I was opposed to it, I just wasn't ready for it. And I really felt like confused and a little bit upset.

And I felt like, you know, I was like, What just happened here? Was there something I could have done better or something that I needed to be more clear about to protect myself from those types of situations where you're just all of a sudden you're alive and you can't do anything in the moment except just go and I went with it. It's like, Whoa, yeah, that's pretty serious. I it's so interesting when you were describing that. I don't know about anyone else, but my heart literally started skipping beats. Hmm.

It felt a little panicked hearing that Oh, yeah. Who, and also like, for me as an energy worker, when you're thrown into a situation like that, and you're not necessarily prepared for it. I was also in her portal. So I was all of a sudden dealing with all kinds of energy that I really didn't want to deal with clients that I didn't want to deal with either my people, you know, questions that were like, I wouldn't even like I would find a totally other route but like, Oh my God, he's serious. So I was scrambling in the moment to just make sure I was contained. And I had my setup done.

And I just wanted to like, just if I there's anyone I could serve, okay. really unpleasant. Yes. Great question. important questions. So I, I need to do this for myself because I don't want to miss a beat here.

Okay, so I want to tell you three things. Got it. Okay, so the first thing to tell you is this, and these are all very viable. The first thing is innocent. situation like that unprepared. It is your right.

To speak your truth. However, we do it in a really cool gracious way. Even while being interviewed, we have boundaries we can enforce. So, for instance, if that had been me now, first of all, Lisa, you're really funny. And you can use your sense of humor to great benefit in a situation like this. Because sensibly, you could have laughed and said, Oh, this is great.

I see you want to do readings here, and that's lovely. What I need you to know is that the way I work is, I actually need to be made aware of that ahead of time because I have a couple of adjustments I need to make first so that I can really properly show up because I want to do a great job for your listeners. So if you don't mind Give me a minute. Let me switch gears here and I'm going to Xyz and then I'm going to dust it off. And then I'm going to come back out and let me be ready. So I just need a moment of silence or you know, fill in the blank here, Lisa with whatever it is you actually need.

Right? And you take 1,000% care of yourself because it's true. Otherwise, you're a mofo portal. And you I'd rather you cancel a show. Uh huh. Are you ever do that to yourself?

Any of you right? You understand? So that's the first thing but you can have a boundary handle it with a sense of humor but with a definitive boundary so you get exactly what you want need. Because my guess is that show was not big enough for you to do that to yourself. Oh, no. And I would I mean, I, I did what I was shown to do immediately I did it and then I but I was like, I couldn't I just didn't know as a human Being if I just needed to get out of that, because that's how I felt right away.

I just want to get out. Yeah. And so I kept things super simple. And I, you know, created my own, like, you know, protection, whatever. But it's still like that was just wrong to do that. And if you're an energy worker, this is wrong to do that.

That's what I mean. So yeah, but that's, that's Listen, just that alone was great. Well, there's two other pieces. Yeah. So in so because I want you to know, beginning to add how you can take care of yourself. Yeah.

So the other piece in real time, we can always, always, always do something and make adjustments. The second thing is that sheet I talked about, that I gave you in the replays, if you'll find that and you can just include this question, because for those of you who are going to do listener Collins at any point, that's one of the things to get clarity on Besides, is this pre recorded or alive is this going to be done through a station Or zoom or Skype or yada, yada, yada. also find out if you're and you can include this when you respond to the host. If you do choose to do listener Collins, I need to know ahead of time. And if so, then this is how it works on my end, very simple one sentence so that they have some clarity. But guess what if they mess up on that, and they forgot for any reason, you still take step in.

I want to harken back to something I shared, I believe in Episode Two of this program, which is I talked about one of my mentors, Steven Kotler who wrote stealing fire and Blitzer prize nominee and so forth. Man is interviewed all the time. He's one of the foremost experts in human performance. He's a genius. And he's a journalist. He's got a curious curious mind.

So he has shared before that when he's and this is behind the scenes, I've done workshops with him, where when he's being interviewed Because he says not everybody's a great interviewer, like he'll show up for sometimes for a show and somebody's asking stuff. It's not even his expertise. And so he learned early on, because his instinct early on was to have to figure things out and answer everybody's question. And even if it wasn't his field of expertise, and he realized, Oh, that's not incumbent on me to take care of? The answer is, I don't know. That's not my field of expertise.

He also learned early on, that he can come and do an interview. So if somebody's going here, South and he's north, he realized, Oh, they can ask the question. And with grace, he can transition it over here. So maybe they asked him a question about plumbing or something else that has nothing to do what he does. And he says, Oh, well, you know, it's a really interesting question. It's not exactly what I do out in the world.

But I might say that in regards to digital, digital, and then he's also All of a sudden off and running, and let me tell you, the audience doesn't even know the difference. And it's a beautiful way for him. Remember, I taught you, you do one or two points in an interview, you get right back to your expertise in those one or two points, and you're off and running. This is your interview, your time, your energy, your job. Now, what's the whole show? So when you're the great host, do not piss them off and be taking stealing the conversation or rambling and if you're trying to go here, and you really is something you can address with content, don't keep trying to receive or making it awkward, but I'm saying when somebody goes far off, and it upsets your boundary, or does it serve you or actually afflicts you in any way?

Or is like a like a How did they come up with that question? That's not even like my jam. with grace, bring them back here that is yours to do. So you all have those three things that is first of all ahead of time. If you do readings or anything like that, put it out there right away. Do you plan to do This is so great, you need to know this.

This is how I handle it to in real time, you have boundaries. Just do it with a sense of humor and levity and grace and ease. they'll follow your lead. They'll get it, right. And three, remember, you can really easily transition a question by sort of addressing it here and bringing it over there to your one or two intentions. Excellent.

That's great. Thank you so much. That was really good. Yeah, thank you really helpful. Thank you. Yeah, real real time examples are super welcome here because that's really how you learn is to go out and do the interviews and come back.

So those of you who are going to retake this class again, just know, you know, bring those back because everybody learns from this. Anybody else before we move on? Okay, so I want to do just play for about seven minutes ish, and do some mock interviews. But what I like to do that I think would be way more fun because I could do it, I do it for a living. But I would like you guys to interview each other raw. And I happen to know the two of you have done this professionally before.

So let's see how much we can get done. Okay, that's interesting. I'm just going with what I hear, which is not where I was headed. Rene, I'm going to ask you to be the interviewer. Okay, two people could cook go up here. Okay, cool.

Whatever. Michael. We You'd be interviewed. Okay, great. I knew it. Would you do this Lisa?

Thank you, Lisa. Welcome my friends who are so this is great. Let's pretend that this is a show. I'd like you to just interview Michael and Michael answer. I don't think I need to say this to any of you at this time but because it's always better to say there are no do overs. So if you get started in anything hooks you up which I do not anticipate for any of you is going to happen.

But if it should you figure it out and keep going and remember the secret word ever, even if you're on a live show, if you start down a tangent you like, oh my lord jesus and all the apostles. I am over here talking about all this shit. And this person asked me about that. What am I doing over here? You're on a tangent, take a breath. Say the word rather.

And come back to the point, make it super succinct and summarize and get out. Silence. Or if you goof Yeah, but are you better whenever you start saying all these like, just take a breath, rather than come right back, summarize and out. Other than that, have a great time. only do it for a couple of minutes back and forth so we can get as many people in as possible. Okay.

Hi, this is Renee masaccio. from real and radical. We're here today with Dr. Michael Gross. Miko Could you share with our listeners what you actually do. Thank you very much for having me on. I really appreciate it.

What I actually do is my motto is you are unlimited. And essentially I work with souls and other people who are interested in creating a new life for themselves to heal themselves to empower themselves and bring out their latest In bilities, to create a life that brings about unlimited joy and happiness. Thank you, my God. And I just want to ask for my listeners when you're saying you work with souls, you're actually working with people correct? That is correct. But I'm work with the soul level because 94% of our thinking comes from our conscious mind.

Let me correct myself rather 94% of our thinking comes from our subconscious mind, and 6% from our conscious mind, and it's at our soul level that works with the subconscious, for us to understand what limitations we have, that are imposed upon us that are just an illusion. By working with them, I help them to dispel the illusion and come into their own greatness. That's very interesting. So when you're talking about illusion, that's, that's what our, what we're actually living. What do you mean by that? An illusion is something that is created by the age of seven.

It's the fears or doubts or programming that we have That is not really reality. It's just something that we believe in that was created by our family, friends, relatives, teachers religions. That is not an actuality. But it's more of a fear or adult. Very interesting. So when you're working with somebody, you're working with them in person, like how do you actually work with somebody?

Well, what I do is I do work with them at person, Visa V, via the phone, or zoom, or whatever, or in person and work with them. And I have a conversation with them at a soul level. And the soul tells me what exactly is needed for them to heal, to achieve their missions and their goals and to find happiness or they're made in heaven miracle made, whatever their desire is at that moment. Wow, that sounds really awesome. So is it something that they're working with you for a long period of time? Are there a lot of sessions involved?

Or is everybody different? How does that work? Better Correct. It's different for everyone. Sometimes it's short term, short term, sometimes it's long term. Sometimes they want me to coach them for a period of time to help them re empower themselves.

So they go directly on their path. Everybody has a life path. They have several life path family, friends, relatives, and his spiritual life path. So whatever they desire, their soul urge, that is what I do. I work with them in the process. I help them to heal release blocks in their life release emotions, and preconceived ideas that are limited.

Okay, Mic drop. I got nothing. I mean, that was great. This could be 100%. It is recorded. And that could be an interview right there.

You can see that where Michaels coming from and his answers. There's just First of all, there's a fluidity right with the way he's sharing. Second of all, He is synced. He's literally answering her question and getting out. He used a statistic which we love. It's very attention grabbing, and puts our information in a whole new category once we have a statistic to hang our hat on.

And when something happened, he said rather. And what's lovely is, I can tell you that I heard exactly his point after the rather. So the self correction was perfect, right. And there's no attention on anything that happened before then or that's something actually just happened. So this was a great, great, great interview and a great beginning. Yeah.

Super. I'm going to ask Jennifer to interview Lisa. Oh, good luck. Let's go Jennifer. The Gauntlet meeting here. All right.

I was so good. I'm, I'm intimidated, but I'm gonna sit back like Michael, hold on. Wait, okay, I'll do my best. Oh, wait a minute. Okay, go ahead. So we're doing this without a media sheet.

I don't even know what to okay. I'm just gonna, I'm gonna make up that I know what I know. You do here. So let me correct you, you. First of all, the most important thing is Lisa. Right.

Let's be clear. It's to support the person being interviewed right now. And it's no problem to show up and say, Hey, Lisa, why don't you tell us about the work you do out in the world? You don't have to guess anything. Okay. Thank you.

All right, Lisa. So, thank you so much for showing up today. And for being willing to come on the show. We're so happy to have you. Tell me a little bit about what you do and the work you do out there. Hi, Jennifer.

I'm very excited to be here with you for sure. And I'm looking forward to sharing With your guests all the cool stuff that we do over here in Montreal, Canada. So I'll tell you a little bit about what I do. I was born seeing things that I didn't want to see about people. And from this experience of growing up being able to see things about people that I didn't want to see, I realized that I was able to help them find their way through their problems and challenges, to recognize their gifts and talents and to find the transformational opportunities so that they could live their highest level of life so they get the they could find their divine purpose so that they can spread their wings and fly in the missions in the life that they were supposed to. Beautiful.

I love that and when you say you saw things that you didn't want to see when was the transition from this is kind of something I'm resistant to and I don't really care for this sounds like it To Becoming Empowered and having this be like a superpower of yours that you were able to help people with. So this is a great question. When I was 23 years old, I had a spiritual awakening. And I realized at that point in my life, that being able to tune into energy being able to read people's vibrational experiences understanding that there was a divine aspect to each and every person, including myself, because I had been through some pretty dark ages at very young ages as well, realizing that there was a way through and when we listen to the light that lives inside of us, there was a way through really tough times to become the magnificent beings that were meant to be.

So my role in seeing the light and people and holding their darkness in my hand became something that made sense to me because I had done it for myself. I realized that when somebody can see their dark aspects of life are their challenges or the things that have been really hard for them. If I could turn it into Something that was fun, something that they could laugh at something that they could see hope in changing that, that would make the word possible for me. So I went from a resistant place to an open place because I realized the gift and being able to see was to show somebody else all the possibilities that they're not tuned in with, because they're living in the shadows of themselves in the moment. I love that. So you were kind of, well, you basically are a student of what you teach now, and you had focused on the dark.

And when you stop focusing on the dark, and you saw the light side of that, the gift in that, then you were able to help people transform that staying in that dark place to what's the lesson here and what is the opposite of that darkness. So what would you say is your light you know, what is that superpower that you have that to shed on others to illuminate that gifts and what? What is that superpower that you can really, you know, define for us here? Well, the great thing that I understood over time is that our darkness is our fertilizer. And that all things can be gross from the perspective of our own experiences that have been really challenging and very difficult. So my superpower is being unafraid of helping somebody embrace those tough times that they might have had or their challenges or stresses or areas in their life where they really feel like they're stuck and jammed up and they don't understand why the unlike a soft place to fall because I'm not afraid of it.

And when people feel seen and heard and understood, they're able to make transformations without even having to do very much just because they feel accepted, seen and loved. To me, that's the beginning of the gift. And then there's some other work that I do to help the transformation along mindset energy shifts, you know, making a trend using transformational tools to help people figure out how to become powerful and some life's strategies as well like living a better life, optimizing themselves, record helping them recognize who they really are on the inside instead of what everyone else told them that they should be. So navigating through that journey of the mind and the heart and bringing them together would probably be what, you know, my greatest joy is in the work that I do today. Yeah. Okay, stop, Mic drop.

Ah, so this was amazing, because what happens here? Lisa, once you got in your groove, forget about it. Write about it. Is it going down that went down? I'm gonna take you down or up. That's right.

You're gonna stop that down from happening. So you go up. It's powerful. So what we saw was Lisa was you were not fully embodied in the beginning of this. No, yes struggle. And I'll tell you why in a minute.

And it's so simple. But once you clicked, hoof, I mean, you I already knew the rest of this conversation is gonna be off the frickin hook. So, for everybody, when we're in our brilliance, we're in that groove. It's it's happening, man, that train is going. It's a beautiful thing. And I'm going to tell you a one thing.

Now, if this I'm going to change everything for you in the beginning, the question that Jennifer asked you was, what is the work you do out in the world? Right? So the answer is what you sort of gave us at the end, I do this, this and this was sort of comma, comma, comma. However, instead, what you started to say was your story. Mm hmm. There was a conflict in your brain because the brain said, damn it.

She just asked me what I do out in the world. But instead, I'm telling her that little girl I saw things I didn't see in congruent, right. Yeah, baby gets it and that happens. Because we're so used to going, this is my message, this is who I am. This is what I do out in the world, we get really lost in that, you know, narrative or that practicing that so much, instead of being fluid with the moment, which is actually your gift. So I want to just reframe that because there's nothing wrong with that information.

In fact, the truth is, that information is what completely kickstarted this conversation is what caught Jennifer's attention. And the road she chose to go down. So the only thing I would make different is to change the juxtaposition. Answer the question, because then you get out of your own way. So when she says what do you do out in the world, and I'm gonna make this up. I do energy work.

I do, did it I did it up. And then I would go into because as a child, I saw things I didn't want to see. I finally figured out but then finish that and now she's off and running and she will still come back to Point cuz that's what stood out. But for your own sense to be fully present in the conversation, answer the actual question. And then you can add that piece of really delicious information. And I want to say that I rather enjoyed that because I just I learned something I didn't know about you.

I didn't know that about the thing about the dark places. So for me, for many reasons, that was really fascinating to learn. And I wouldn't have learned that if I hadn't even just heard this couple of minute clip. So really, really, really well done, both of you, all of you. And just remember in the beginning and for anybody, if you feel a weird clog like that, like something's off. It's not because like you're not in your body and this and that.

It said, somebody just asked you a question. You're not answering it. And actually, if you've been recognized that you can do rather, here's what I do, but I did it. And then here's this yummy piece of information. Thanks, Cindy. That's great.

Okay, Lisa interview Renee. Well, well, well. Hello beautiful Renee. Hello Beautiful. How are you? Good.

I'm good. So I'll just like start like as if we're already on the show, and I've read all the stuff. Okay. Hi, Rene, welcome to the show. I'm very excited to have you here and I'm cannot wait to hear about all the really amazing things that you're up to and doing in the world would you like to share with us? Yes.

First of all, I say thank you so much for having me here. Your show is awesome. And you're helping to make so many changes in the world that I can't thank you enough. I am actually out in the world helping people change and shift their realities. By do energy work I do EFT work a certified Reiki Master Teacher and I can see energy with that. When I see the energy, it helps me assist the people in getting right to their point right to what's happening with them that they might not be able to find out otherwise, by going to whatever the traditional doctor or someplace else, they don't know what's wrong with them.

So I help those people get back into life back into their power, clear all this stuff very easily, very effortlessly. Well, I love the word shift. And I would love to know a little bit more about what kind of results they've had, like when you describe I do this work and it brings shifts and I hear you also saying, if I understand correctly, I accelerate that process through the work that I do. I'm really curious about so tell me like, what, where can they go? They're here and they can go where from the work that they do with you. They typically come to me when they are really honestly just lost.

I mean, that's a lot. A lot of my clients are just I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm feeling this or I'm feeling that and I don't know what the issue is. I have the ability to see their energy, the higher self talks to Neither guides talk to me. So it's really effortless for me where I just look at them. And all sudden, all these bodies, Lisa just talking to me and I'm like, what is going on, but they're telling me exactly what needs to happen.

So they're coming in this state of confusion. And when we're done in one session, typically that's very rare that somebody comes back more unless they just want to clean up, we get right into the show. So here's what's going on in your system, because I'll just scan right down their body. So here's what's going on. And this is what it probably means for you. And, you know, they're sitting there at all and all of a sudden, we will typically just bring them through a meditation, it's all channeled through their higher self, bring them through meditation, which clears out all the blocks and limitations and fears and I watch it all go and there's so much more actually that's going on and what I'm actually saying when I meditate, you know when I'm bringing them into that meditation, but it really is transformation and they get up and they're just First of all, I have to say at times they don't want to get up off the table like, glazed to be happy.

Exactly. They're loving it. So yeah, it's almost like come on get up now. So they will, you know, once they get upset, they're just amazed at the change because they've come in this confused state and now all of a sudden they're very clear, they're very focused and they don't have the aches or the pains or the sadness or whatever it is that they came in with. Oh my god, Mic drop. Okay, thank you.

So, first of all, seeing you guys in your power, meaning you are sharing your gifts is so beautiful. It's really moving. When you guys talk about your power, I know you're not alone. When you do that, it is really your strength. And I know each of you can feel this as you speak. So it is is really lovely and if you watch this replay you will see it yourself.

You're right in it right now but you will see what's happening that is so delicious and so perfect. I really want to point out to two things First of all, Renee, I'm really proud of you. You have come so far really the first time you in this class if you remember every time anything like this right came up, you would get whatever came up for you, you would stop yourself and can I do it over and and you actually couldn't do what you just did? And you're just like, bam you're 100% Hiya, darling. And the other thing I want to point out that was really lovely. is how in real time she was answering a question and this thought popped up and percolated right like I like to say little bubbles that we pop and and it was hilarious like to say oh well actually I've working on people who don't want to get up.

And what was so beautiful is to see her talk about that. See the reaction of the host to start, who's you could see the engagement and the synergy is happy. They're totally connected at this point. And Lisa's laughing, and Renee is laughing. She's finishing the story. And then Lisa has a comment.

This is what I'm talking about. You show up with somebody like you're meeting at Starbucks or your favorite tea place or wine joint, and you're just hanging out having a conversation. There may be a million people listening in, but we don't think about that, which is really connecting with another being and having conversation. So well done. Well done. Thank you.

And thank you so much, because you brought me here. It's my pleasure. And it's because of that, that thing she just described that she does. She did that to me at a wine party where I met her. I went right up where's the healer in the room and she she scanned my body and said, Tell us You know what, Renee? Hmm, I completely forgot I I was in so much distress when I met you.

I hadn't even thought about this. I had a hip so out so painful. I couldn't sit walk. Oh my god. It's been so long. And I met both Rene and Michael that weekend who both treated me and I have not had that pain.

And isn't that funny when pain goes when you forget it ever existed. But this was the inception. So you also brought you along. So yay, team. Great job so far, everybody and we're going to know for the final inning. We're gonna have Michael interview, Jennifer hasn't.

Alright. Good afternoon, Jennifer. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for being on this podcast. I had time to read your resume. We had a conversation.

But I feel only you can describe yourself better than I could ever. So I'd appreciate if you would Please share with us what you do, and the magnificent things you've created. Thank you, Michael, thanks for having me on the show. It's an honor to be here and be interviewed by you. Sure. So what I do, I'm a conduit for spirits message.

And I allow that to guide me when I work with people. I'm not really sure what we're going to do. When somebody comes to me, it just takes over once we begin, and I start getting messages for them and start honing in on what's going on with their body with their life. And as we speak, I start to get visions of what is coming in for them and messages that they need to hear and I share that with them. And we start to get real clarity on their next steps in their life, and where they're going and what they need to do to get there. That's what they want to manifest.

How did this clarity of this conduit of information be? Yeah, how did it start in your life? Well, I used to get a lot of information. And when I was little about what's going on with people, I could really feel energy and it was a lot of information as kid, which made me a bit introverted and nervous in larger settings with with a lot of people. As I got older, and I went through some difficulties, I realized that this is God energy here, spirit energy coming in, and just informing me what's going on. And as it guided me in my life, I realized I could use this same information to help people in their life so they can hear this for themselves and guide themselves as well by co creating their lives.

What a beautiful gift. Could you share one or two stories briefly, of what occurred after you share this information with them? Sure, um, well, I can kind of get a story about my own life, which is kind of a cool thing I was just thinking about today. pretty profound. A small piece of information I, the first action is to ask, ask for that guidance. And I really wanted to bring in the love of my life I hadn't at this point kind of late in life had the love of my life really.

And so I asked I unpacked that kind of demanded, where is he? Where's the love of my life I've been waiting for so long. And then boom, I got instant information was sign up for the site to keep telling you to sign up for and I had some resistance. But up until that point, I was like, Okay, all right. I will. I got it.

I got it. I will. So I did. And while the rest is history, I met the love of my life. I mean, thank God, I did it two years now and it's just amazing, the most beautiful relationship I've ever been in. So and I teach people this, this is what I teach.

And you know, people have had some profound shifts and changes in their lives using that guidance. What would be the best way for For us to get in contact with you learn about how we can have your gifts and you share the beautiful things that you do for so many other people. Thank you. I have a website Listen, the number two guidance calm is one way they can find out more information about me and get in contact with me in about book that I talked about the transitions I've gone through my life and what I do, and that is living guided. And that's available on Amazon. Yay.

I was I was with bated breath thinking please tell us where to get it. Please tell us your eautiful job you guys really just served each other. That was pretty delicious. A great job everybody. I am so proud. I really am nice story there, Jennifer.

And you know, remember different colors and rhythms. We're not just giving out information and content but we're also sharing stories and statistics and all of that. super proud. I hope You all feel very good about what you just did. It was brilliant. It was perfect.

You are so ready. I want to know about your interviews. So keep using the group. And here is what's next. We're going to end this always as we do in a really delicious way, and open this up a little bit. So what is next?

For those who feel called, we do have the advanced visibility formula. And that's for zooms only. We continue from where we're ending. Today, we're going to get deeply into how to do a soundbite how to actually tell a story for a great result in effect, why are you even telling the story? And what is the outcome you're going to get from it and what the arc of a story is, how to do statistics, you'll receive again one on one coaching with me that's part of my game. gift to you and you sign up.

And if you have interview replays and want feedback, I won't do this in general on the Facebook page, but to give you real time feedback on how you're doing or what can be changed, you'll receive that. So if you've got something coming up to an event or an interview, you have a little bit higher awareness or concern over you can bring that to me and we can talk about it during the class to help you do a really amazing job and the location to sign up again, you've got that in your emails, and then here it is, as well. It's the Debbie D dotnet. Slash services. You can sign up or if you've taken the class, remember, you can come in at half price and I'd love to see you all there. And yeah, the next class is January January 8. begins.

So if you know anybody that should be a part of that, please send them to the Debbie slash visibility. So they can sign up or you can intro us through email, whatever works for you. And I want to say you guys are capable, you're ready, you're seasoned, you're here to do so much good. And truly, truly, truly, I am very proud of you. I can't wait to follow all of what you're doing and to hear you out on radio and podcast. And it's not the end of the conversation.

It's the beginning. Because when you say you're stepping into something bigger and letting your wings fly, it's the beginning. If I can help you support you, if you want private sessions, if you want to connect about anything anytime. I'm your friend, your teacher, your colleague, your guide, I am here for you visibility is my jam. So it is my honor and pleasure to have had you be part of this. And I'm going to end this in the way that I began.

This and I am ending this with our song by Emily Sunday. So you remember who you are and why you're here and to read all about it. You've got to change a nation Come on, you've got baby there's no need Like to find the shadow some stuff hiding it all. Thank you Come on, come on. Let's get again. It's bounce oh, oh oh Oh, leave some take a chance to help me.

Now we're finding a good chance Thank you for joining me on this journey. It has been such a pleasure and an honor and I look forward to so much more with each of you very proud.

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