Hey, welcome back in this video, we're going to talk about mobile gaming and why you should take advantage of it. So did you know that over 80% of mobile downloads are games? Okay, the mobile gaming industry is growing tremendously and creating millionaires overnight. Okay, so you can take advantage of this mega trend. And here are a few resources that will help you do that. So mobile edge, it's mo b a g.com.
Forward slash lb what dash is dash mobile edge. This is a mobile social gaming service that has over 25 million users can get a great feel for the mobile gaming market by looking at this company or maybe developing your own game for their network to learn the ropes. So back in the mobile apps video, we talked about how hire programmers, you can certainly hire programmers. You can learn programming if it's something that you're interested in, or you can hire someone to do this type of thing for you. would definitely take out. But definitely check out this website and check out what they're all about.
And then add to games, it's add to games calm. This company provides video game advertising a really cool stuff. So who may want to advertise on a video game site? Well, lots of people but, uh, one niche that we've heard had a lot of success is the dating and relationship device niche. Okay, so for whatever reason, they've just had a lot of success. A lot of our friends have had success in advertising in that niche on video games on mobile games.
So maybe worth something checking out. You just have to get creative and figure out exactly what that target market may be looking for. And that's a perfect way to build an email list if you're in the gaming niche as well. Okay, advertising on a game site with a compelling ad that people click on. It's a great way to build a list and, you know, have a market that you can advertise to through email. So definitely worth thinking about and checking out.
And then I've also put in a couple cool mobile games that are in the market right now, these games will give you an idea of what mobile game you may want to create. Okay, if you're interested in creating a mobile game on AR invaders, it's on iTunes. It's a game, it uses augmented reality to take gaming to a whole new level. Okay, so you could shoot aliens that are all around you in the real world. It's really cool. Okay, so it's probably the future of gaming, and it was developed using level three.
I put a link here as well that you can click on to check out how it was developed. But, you know, one of the guys in my team is extremely excited about this type of stuff. He insisted that I throw this in here. So definitely check this out. He thinks it's going to be the next really the next big thing. So you know, you may be right and if it is Then you heard it first here, folks.
So you can check out this game you can check out how it was created. And this may very well be something that you may want to think about maybe creating a game or having somebody create one for you. Maybe not the first thing you do in mobile marketing, but definitely something to keep on the backburner and keeping your mind for the future. And then gunman youtube.com you can check we've got a video here for you. You can check out this video. It's a great idea for a real time shooter game, which basically replaces laser tag with your iPhone.
Okay, so somebody just had a great idea. Create a game. So, you know, so really, if this is kind of what you're into, then it can be a lot of fun. Okay, I've got I've got friends in this niche that just absolutely love it. That they absolutely love it. They make a lot of money and they basically just create video games, okay, so if it's something that you're interested in, or maybe if it's if it's a niche you've been thinking about About mobile's a great way to do it, if you really think about it, you know, 80% of downloads are mobile games.
So you know, why not do a little bit more investigation and see if it's right for you. And then at flow type.com, it's a really, it's a really cool cloud computing company that helps developers come to market faster with simple API technology. So you can build a game like World of Warcraft for smartphones, with no huge expensive infrastructure, like Facebook, but it's pretty expensive to use, but it's free to test Okay, so if you can forecast an expected return on investment and build a solid business plan around your idea, you could easily take your lead if you you could easily take your idea to investors, which are all over social media right now. So all kinds of people out there that have the capital that you may need for something like this are just waiting for the next big idea. So like I said, this may not be something that you're doing today may not be something that you want to do right now.
It may be I mean, if this is if this is something you really want to do, you're very interested in learning more than by all means. But you may want to take some of the other techniques we talked about earlier in the training, and start using those and start really kind of figuring out mobile, and then moving on to something a little bit more niche down like this, which is one of the main reasons we put it at the end of the course that hey, that's for you. Definitely worth checking out. All right, so in the next video, we're going to talk about what, what's been kind of coined as the future of mobile, and really kind of the next level. Okay, so we'll talk to you and we'll see in the next video