Okay, so in this video, I wanted to introduce you to my favorite ebook info product creator. It's an editor called the papayas editor, I believe they somewhat rebranded or possibly bought out this other company called your story. So they kind of have like a double branding thing going on right now, I have not used this in at least six months. So I'm just logging in for the first time doesn't look like much has really changed. But you can, one of the biggest advantages is you can create an ebook for free. And if you do decide you want to turn it into a Kindle formatted or EPUB formatted ebook, you can choose to do that.
So that's a really, really nice advantage. I think it runs about $20 unless of course they've changed the pricing. But it looks like right now, pretty much the same as what I remember. So I'm going to log in and I'll show you kind of how it works. Here you can see a couple of the books I was working on. So I'm going to go into the fire on tap book.
And here's my editor. So everything is straightforward I have across the top here, all the different settings and pieces that I can use to build this out. I can set up different background, I can insert images text, I can check the word count. So in total, I've got about 3000 words, it gives you some idea of how long you know how long the book is, it's almost like a really epic blog post. And you can build out the different chapters here, which is how it was I was able to create the very simple syllabus, and then these are all broken up into pieces. So these are really just images.
And of course, a lot of the text style and things like that. This is like a special heading text, all the links, that's how I was able to insert all this and just make everything look really nice with the different orange colors to kind of flow with the theme of the cover. And it was just very, very easy to create all the chapters. They had a built in page for the copyright and I just edited it, you know, through and myself. This overall just really makes your book look a lot more professional and for something That's really only going to be you know, if you're looking to launch it between five and $15, whether or not you do decide to put it up on Kindle, this is a very, very easy format to use. So I was able to do this completely for free.
I believe if I hit publish, let's see free. I was trying to see if I could find the cost for you guys. But I would say just explore a little bit. And really, I just wanted to show you, the editor kind of give you an idea of what you'd be working with is a very, very easy editor use. This is another really great thing about the editor you can see here. This is actually the ebook cover that I use this one over here on the left, and I was able to just modify that, of course it doesn't look quite as nice as mine, or I'm sorry, mine does not look quite as nice as that one.
But they have a lot of different templates that you can pick from out of here. So it's really gives you a good place to start. So just wanted to show you guys for fire center. I'll leave a link and you can check that out for yourself. Let me know if you have any questions on this