Hello, all welcome back to the next one. In this one, we'll see how we can attach the source char or Java doc for our test engine. And if you don't know what Java doc is, you will just understand it shortly. Let's open Eclipse, bring it up. And I'm just gonna create a package real quick. And then create a class so that so that I can show you a few things.
So maybe I'll just call it as test package. We might not use this and further in the course, but let's create a class again. So maybe test Angie. class and just name it test NT or maybe just let's call it test, Angie demo, and then maybe use a main method, but actually, we don't need a main method. So let's click Finish. And we have a class here.
So I'm going to create a method here, and maybe just name it as public wide test method. And then I'll use an annotation with it. And don't worry about what annotations are right now because we will learn everything in detail in future lectures. The whole purpose of this one is to show you how we attach the Java doc. And so we're just taking an example for that. So add the rate test.
And I will click on Import test from our dot test engine dot annotations not from J unit from an test engine. Now I have this thing imported the statement for us also, if I hover my mouse on this at the rate test on the annotation, what does it say? Read at the bottom it says this element neither has attached source or nor attached to Java Doc, and hence no Java doc can be found. It means that when we hover my Hover the mouse on it, we don't know what it is, we don't know the details of this. And we don't pretty much know anything about it right? Because it does not have the documentation attached with in Eclipse.
That's the reason we have to attach the Java doc. This is why we do that. So let me just hit the command or control key on the keyboard. So the mouse hand sign will come and I'm gonna click it. Here we'll say class file editor. Source not found.
So what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to click on attach source and then add the source but first we need the source right, so we will download it from somewhere. Here we're going to search for destiny sources or file. I'm going to search for mbn repository. This is Maven repository, we can find pretty much any JAR file here. I'm going to search for test engine and open test engine here. And I'm gonna download the same version as I have the test engine jar.
So there are quite a few latest versions right now. But I have the test ng G, JAR file, a six dot one, one version, and I can just verify it quickly. So go to documents, workspace, personal libs, test in G test 26 dot one one jar. So I'm going to download the same version for the sources JAR file. From here, under the files, you can click on View All and it's going to show all the jar files available related to this version. And I'm going to download the test ng g dash six dot one one dash sources dot jar.
If you click this, you will have this pop up for saving the file. Just click on Save File. Okay, and then it should just stop Download the tar file. Now we can actually just copy the jar file to the location where we have our other testan g related JAR files, just to organize it cleanly, so that we don't really spread all JAR files at different places. So I'm going to copied to the test and the folder where we already have our jar files stored. So then we can just close it.
And we can again, switch back to eclipse, and then we click on a data source. It gives us this option. I'm going to click on external location and click on external file and we need to go to the location where our jar files are right so I had on lips and test Angie and this is the source dot jar sources dot jar. Select this open and click OK. It will change this now because it Find the doc bite. Now we don't need this, I can close it.
But let's see the difference. If I hover the mouse on test at the rate test annotation right now, I see the details mark a class or a method as part of the test and the author name and everything. So basically, we see the details here afterwards. That's the magic of Java Doc, there would be lot of methods inside test entity that we will be using. And by adding the Java Doc, we will be able to see the details of those methods. So it's really good to have it.
Not a very, like a showstopper or a blocker, we can still work without the tower dog because we'll be learning everything. Anyway. So but it's still just a little bit useful to have this out. All right, so please go ahead and do this. And let me know if you have any questions. I'll see you in the next lecture.
Thanks for attending this one. Thanks.