In the previous video, I've presented to you the plus one push up a technique with which you could do 52 push ups per day by the end of the year. In this video, I'm going to provide you with all the tools you need to finish the plus one push up challenge. And I'm also going to tell you about the prizes you will receive once you finish it. The rules are one calendar where you have to take each day you do the push ups, you start with one pushup for the first week, and each week you add plus one to the number of push ups you'll be doing. You may ask yourself, what happens if you can already do 20 push ups? Shouldn't you start with 20?
No. You need to create some momentum before you hit the your average number of push ups that momentum will be a positive force that will motivate you to go further. And by then you will also have a history of successes or failures. The days and the secret is just this incremental increases. Never exert yourself beyond your body and your mind for the end result. If you think long term, you will be able to do 100 pushups in only two years.
You just need to keep up with the habit. I believe that you can do it, watch yesterday's video again and link these habits to another one that you've already been doing. They I believe in you and I'm going to put some prices on the table. When you take your first month if you ticked all the boxes without leaving one day out. Send me an email with the title contest submission. in it.
I need a print screen with your calendar, a photo of you and some comments and how was your experience? How was it How did you feel cetera. All the submissions that have the full mass check will receive free access to one of my other courses, the secrets of time or the secrets of personal in it. On the screen there is a link to the plus one push up challenge. Go there and subscribe. Once you subscribe, you'll get a daily email reminding you to do your push up and complimentary informational regarding personality type ologies and how each of them gets motivated.
Start your push up challenge now.