Hello, and welcome to the demo video. For the success bring success technique. This technique is made of five steps. Let's start with the first one. Let's set the goal, I choose a more complex goal such as writing a book, the next step would be to divide that goal into small steps that I can do in no more than 30 minutes. Let's start by choosing a topic.
The next step would be to write a book summary, one or two paragraphs on what that book will be about. Step three, would be to write a table of contents. I'll finish this in 30 minutes as well, and so on. So basically, I divided these complex tasks into small and doable steps. Each step can be done in 30 minutes. That means I can reserve 40 minutes per day to make a step that will help me achieve my goal.
Now all I have to do is to make one step each Day and consider that small step of victory for me. By winning victory after victory, my task will be completed.