Icebreakers: Day 4

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Icebreakers are a great way for players to get to know each other and find similarities and differences. Create opportunities for introverts to shine. The goal is to create an even playing field and find ways for the stronger players to support the not-so-strong players.

Begin with easy questions.

Sit in a circle and ask these questions.

Always start by leading by example.

Coaches and Referees should start the game.

Be fun, even funny.

Speaking a foreign language is about imitating sounds and mannerisms and adopting a new culture. You should show them how fun this can be.

Ask players to answer these five questions:

*This is a great way to see how much they can remember and who steps in to help their teammates remember what they forget. This is highly encouraged in our program.

Encourage players to help each other.

  • How did you get your name?
  • What country are you from?
  • How many people live in your home?
  • If you could be any animal which would you choose?
  • Who or what can you imitate? (We will use imitation a lot in class)
We'll cover the following topics in this section:

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