No more note-taking anxiety.
Is taking meeting minutes difficult or daunting? Meeting notes made easy will help you take notes and minutes more easily, efficiently, and confidently.
Meeting notes and minutes are the all-important work product of meetings. How can you produce these valuable documents the easy way? This course provides you with insights, best practices, strategies, templates, examples, and practice to ease note-taking assignments. It helps you reduce your note-taking challenges and produce professional, effective notes and minutes.
Notes vs. minutes: This course is for you whether you take notes at freeform, action-packed team meetings, or formal meetings that follow parliamentary procedure. The best practices presented in the course apply in both situations. You will review examples of both informal notes and formal minutes and learn strategies to use in any note-taking setting.
What will you learn in this course?
Learn the answers to these questions and many more:
Note-taking practice: When you have learned a range of strategies, you will take notes at a virtual meeting. This practice gives you an opportunity to apply what you have learned and to identify additional changes you want to make in your note-taking habits. After the virtual meeting, you will move through an expert review of the meeting's content, comparing the information you captured with the instructor's.
Bonus learning: Beyond learning to take more efficient notes and minutes, you will get tips and strategies to improve your meetings. When your meetings improve, your job as a note-taker takes less effort.
Time-required: Working through the course online takes about 4 hours. If you complete the suggested activities-conversations with people in your organization-it will take longer. You can take as much time as you need in a lesson. Just complete the course within 90 days of your registration.
Your learning takeaway materials include:
Great meetings + excellent minutes = productive workgroups. Do your part to strengthen the equation.