What's up everybody in this lesson we're going to go over survival of the fittest by Mobb. Deep over to the east coast more ready. There are a couple of things going on I want you to pay attention to so let's start from the beginning. Have a couple of actors. F sharp to the E, F sharp. Now with your left hand, you're going to hit the G okay.
So We'll go two hands. And then you're gonna go to the G with your left hand so your left hand is gonna have E and G. Right, that's the first part. Then the next part, you're gonna go. This chord right here, you got to get this chord, C, E flat, A, C, E flat. So the way you do it is F sharp. Hold the E in your left hand and hit g at the same time.
Right hand you're going to go see So let's get the rhythm and slow it down. Okay, so the hint when you hit G is on the snare drum, watch this pay attention. Right? Play along with me and you can hold on to the left hand the whole time. If you want to let go It's up to you. There's no rules.
However you feel. Fingers I'm using thumb index and middle finger in both hands. Right hand index, left hand ring finger G is my index finger in my lifting practice