In today's business environment, we are all as a consumer are bombarded with all sorts of advertising and marketing message. This message can come from online and offline as well. So your consumer will ask a question is, why should I buy from you? What's so special about your product and services that I cannot get from other people? So it may be in a technical term, you will often heard is, what is your unique selling proposition USP. So when you are creating your next marketing campaign, it is really important that you need to create the point of difference making you different from your other competitor.
So in this video, I'm going to share with you another term that I learned from the marketing guru, Seth Godin himself. He has a very special term that I like it or not, he named me the purple cow. So what is a proper Let me illustrate on my own understanding from Seth Godin book. The purple cow. Imagine that you are traveling on a fallen land and you decided to rent a car driving at the highway. On the left hand side of the highway you see a very big, huge field full of cows, thousands thousands of cow assuming that in your lifetime, this is the first time have you you have encountered such quantity of cow so what will be the first reaction when you see thousands thousands of cow first time in your life?
You will definitely have a wow wow there are so many cow Holy cow. I never see that many cow in my life. As your journey continue for the next 30 minutes you are still driving at the same highway of the left hand side of the highway is still the big field and you are still seeing thousands thousands of cow lie on the field. So 30 minutes has passed what what is your current reaction and emotion towards all this cow I bet you are not as excited as 30 minutes ago and you continue your journey for another 30 minutes now one hour has passed on your left hand side there is still thousands thousands of cows sitting there. Now one hour has passed now what will be your emotion then? I bet right now you have totally no reaction as even though you may feel really boring seeing all those count Am I right?
Oh, so don't you saw a cow which is totally different from the rest which is purple color. So what is your reaction when you first see this purple color cow I'm sure that you're going to get really excited because it's totally different from all the cow you have been seeing for the last 60 minutes. I bet you probably will get down from your car and go to take a selfie with this purple color cow and this is what sick God did mentioned as purple cow effect. So what is all this means? In our daily life, what what do all these cow mean in our daily life, or this cow represent advertising and marketing message. Just imagine how many brands do we as a consumer encounter every day, from the moment you open your eye and you go and brush your teeth.
That will be that is when you first encounter the first branch of your day. So follow through the whole day, looking at the brand advertising message you receive throughout the whole day from when you drive to work, when you watch TV, when you view the internet, listen to radio and whatnot. So they are easily three to 5000 marketing message has been combated to us. And I want to ask you a very serious question. How many of this advertisement and marketing message really, really go into your head? I would say not many.
Why? Because most of them are boring. Just like all the cow They are just boring. So if you are creating your next marketing campaign, it's really important that you want to create a purple cow effect something that people will remember something that people will have a wow factor or something that people want to engage with. This is what got me having a purple cow effect in your marketing campaign. In the next video, I'm going to share with you how you can create your purple cow