Second thing we do is we're going to change our profile image. Okay, so you want to pick a profile image that's 180 by 180 pixels, I'm just going to take this photo and chop it up in Photoshop. But whatever you do, just make sure it's a square image so it shows up properly in this section. And so I'm going to go ahead and do that now. So what you'll do is just come up here, hover over the picture and click Edit Profile Picture, and then click on Upload photo from your computer. Okay, so now I have my cover photo here.
Looks really good 180 by 180 pixels, nice square image. I just doctored that up in Photoshop. Now I want to add my my cover. So this is my profile. I'm going to add my cover so click here. Okay, and upload photo.
Okay, now I've got my cover up. Looks pretty cool. Nice little Catching a color here kind of stands out my web designer probably want to come in and redo this but just for the purposes of this demonstration I wanted to do that for you. So the next thing you're gonna want to edit Is this about section. So you just come up to admin panel, manage Edit page, and basic information. Okay, here you can change your category brands.
Here's your about hands on membership teaching you how to make money online. Okay. So we'll probably just leave that how it is for now it's fine. But you can put anything you want there. Just know that whatever you put here will show up in the about section. So keep in mind if you want to learn more about all this, you can just click on admin panel go to help click on learning video.
There's a six segment video. That's really good, where you can learn all about Facebook and the switch the timeline and everything else you need to know to fill in the gaps. We basically just want to get you started here. So let's hide this again.