The first step in this process is embrace. We first have to embrace our sensitivity, we want to honor it, we need to understand that this is not a burden that has been put upon us but a blessing. And this is where we start. You want to tune your awareness to what lies within you. How does sensitivity show up for you? How does it assist you?
How does it hinder you embrace everything that shows up with love and acceptance, we want to let go of judgment. Write a list of all the things you love about your sensitive nature, right a list of all the things that are painful. Practice embracing yourself with love, when you notice either the pleasurable or the painful aspects of your sensitivity. This is a gift when we really think about it. We have been chosen to be sensitive to help others We are here to be of service to others whatever we decide to do with our lives, but when we have this sensitivity, I always truly believe that it was given to us, not to hinder us, but to help us. And when we embrace our gift and when we really own up to the fact that we are sensitive and that we are empathic, we start to see the world in a more positive light.
So go ahead and write that list and embrace this gift.