In this first module, comma, we are going to be looking at the dictation of text full stop. As you can see, comma, Dragon is writing what I'm saying comma at exactly the speed that I'm saying it full stop, new line. How should you dictate question mark new line. When you first start using Dragon Dictation comma, I think it's best to speak slowly and clearly comma, because in this way, it will understand you better full stop. Dragon doesn't really understand language comma, but it does understand sound full stop. Therefore, comma, the more clearly you speak comma, the more accurate it will be in the beginning full stop new line.
You can see that I am dictating text and punctuation as I need it full stop. We will look more at punctuation in a future module, full stop new line. If you short phrases when you start dictating, comma, it will give you time to think about what you want to say comma So you are less likely to stumble comma, and the software will be more accurate as a result full stop. I think that there is no way that I can type at this speed, exclamation mark, new line. Did you know comma, that the average typing speed is 30 hyphen 40 words a minute question mark. Using my voice comma, I type at 120 words a minute comma, and so can you exclamation mark new line.
When you first Use Dragon comma, it can seem daunting because of the number of voice commands available to you full stop. To make it easier comma. I like to start with three key commands comma, which will get you competently using Microsoft Word very quickly. exclamation mark new line. As you can see, comma, Dragon is very accurate full stop. In the next module, we will look at the first of the key commands semi-colon what to do if dragon makes a mistake ellipsis