Although choosing a domain name, and installing WordPress is not the focus of this course, I'm going to include a short section describing just how to do that. I normally buy domain names from GoDaddy, and you can also host your account there. GoDaddy uses user interface for their hosting service called cPanel. And this is what we're going to use to install our basic WordPress site. This is the cPanel interface provided by my hosting provider. The user interface facilitates several functions from a file access to email account access and creation and also the installation of content management systems CMS such as WordPress If you're familiar with the basics, you can skip this video and pass on to the next.
Scrolling down, we can see that the WordPress environment can be installed using software on the cPanel called softaculous. Simply click on WP and on the next screen, click install now. There are a few settings that need our attention. Assuming you don't yet have an SSL certificate installed, choose HTTP the system automatically creates and assigns the WordPress installation files to a directory called WP. For this demonstration, I'm using a temporary directory called WP one. But this space should be left blank to install the setup files into the root of your domain.
Name the site and also add a short description. Pay particular attention, setting your username and your password. The password should be very strong. I recommend using nonsensical words mixed with special characters and numbers. Enter an email for your notifications and scroll down. Ignore the plugins section as we'll be adding plugins for security later on.
Now click Install. installation takes three to four minutes. When it's finished, click the administration link provided an end to your WordPress dashboard. First of all our remove example posts and pages that have already been installed by the system as a guideline. Install a theme that you like. This one is active ello by color lib, which is free.
Install the theme, activate and we're ready to move on. click customize to check your theme settings. This is where you can choose which side you prefer for your sidebar, and how your post excerpts will appear on your home page. Content options should be left at the default settings and the slider turned off. Image sliders and carousels seem to be popular at the moment. But they do nothing for the site SEO.
They just serve to push your main content further on down the page.