Study Process to Master Problem Solving Skills

NEET and AIIMS Success Coaching Improving Problem Solving Skills
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NEET aspirants I'm your friend and coach Rohit kircher. We are still in the step five of a nine step signature solution in which we take you from less chance of getting into your dream college to very high chance of getting into your dream college. In this video, we will discuss study process during IIT jee or need preparation. I have designed the study process upon working with lots of students on one to one basis and I want you to pay utmost attention now, because if you understand this and start applying in your preparation, you will significantly get a lot of results your mock exam scores and rank will go up and as a result, your chances of getting into your dream college will go up significantly. So study process is like a mantra during itj preparation. You will have to understand it thoroughly and live it daily during your preparation journey.

So on the left hand side, we have four options that Students generally have for studying theory. So these options are coaching notes, coaching modules, reference books, and video lectures. Generally these are the sources that I see students have during the itj or need preparation for understanding theory. I want you to shortlist at most two sources. And then upon reading them upon studying them create master notes out of it. So for example, if you created coaching notes during your coaching, and you're also referring to coaching modules for theory, after studying both these sources, or after studying the reference book, if that is your second source, create notes once again and we will call these notes as master notes.

The reason we are calling these as master notes because whenever you need to revise that chapter again, whenever you need to revise the acuity of the chapter again, you will follow only these master notes. These master notes will help Due to effectively revise that chapter before each and every mock exam, that's why we call it master notes or master data. So first step of study processes create master nodes shortlist at most 230 sources and create master nodes. After you are done. Upon creating the master nodes, go to the solid examples. So solid examples you get during your coaching.

You get in your coaching modules you get in your reference books you get in your video lectures. So whatever source you are falling for solid examples, take it out and start doing that questions yourself. It doesn't matter that if there are solid examples, you have to look at the solution directly. No, you have to first solve those questions yourself and see how many are able to do yourself. So the ballpark figure is that if you read the theory, you've understood the concepts you have created the master nodes, then 80% and above, you should be able to do by yourself. So if there are for example, 50 odd examples that you have done by yourself, you should be able to do 40 and above yourself.

If you're not able to do 40 and above yourselves, you'll have to go back to the master notes and read them again once again, before moving to the level well questions. So this I call as the feedback loop. If you're not able to solve 80% by yourself, you have to go back to the masternodes read them again. And then look at the solutions of the remaining questions of the salt examples that you were not able to do by yourself and then move to the level one exercise. Now level one exercise has simple questions. Now what is simple questions, simple questions are the questions which involve the direct application of concepts or theory.

Again, here 80% and more you should be able to do by yourself. If there are 100 questions in level 180 and above, you should be able to solve yourself if you're not able to do that. Go back to master notes. Again. Read these Read the notes again and then come back to level two. And you know that when you are stuck in a question when you're not able to do the question you need to follow three try strategy, you have to try that question three times.

First try, you can spend 10 1520 minutes on it, second try after four or five hours of the same day and third try next day. So, after you are done, clearing the doubts of level one, move to level two. Again, the ballpark number here is 80%. And above you should be able to do by yourself. Again, if there are 100 questions in level 280 or above you should be able to do by yourself if you are not able to do by yourself, go back to the master notes again, read them once again. And then clear all your doubts, apply three try strategy and then move to level three exercise.

Now if you're preparing for J. So level one would be simple questions. Level two would be j means level questions and level three would be j advanced level questions and again in level 380 percent and above, you should be able to do by yourself if you're not able to do it. Go back to the master notes applied retry strategy and clear all your doubts. Now if you're preparing for need or aims level one would be simple questions. Level two would be neat level questions, and level three would be neat and aims level questions.

So I want you to understand this study process very thoroughly. Watch this video once again and start applying in your preparation. Because if you live the study process daily in your preparation journey, your mock exam scores and rank will go up very significantly, your concepts will become strong, your problem solving skills will improve tremendously. So for Curie short low shortlist at most two sources for questions, you can have as many sources as you want. Because it's a ballpark number that on every chapter you have to do almost 400 questions in J. And similar number also applies for need.

So identify what sources you have for the problems and start doing them one by one in order to achieve the target of 400 questions per chapter, hope you will start applying the study process as soon as possible and will benefit tremendously from it. Thank you

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