The next preference scale we'll look at is thinking and feeling the way in which you make decisions. Do you make your decisions through thinking, which is where you decide on the basis of logic and objective considerations? Or do you make decisions based on feeling which is where you decide on the basis of personal subjective values? We do both. It's just that one of the attitudes is usually preferred and better developed. We can actually do both very, very easily very quickly.
It's just that we have a preference for one over the other that we will go to first before we go to the other preference. People with a thinking preference they decide with the head. People with a feeling preference decide With their hearts. People with a thinking preference go by logic. People with a feeling preference go by values, they go by personal convictions. People with a thinking preference are concerned for truth.
They're concerned for justice. Once people with a feeling preference are concerned for relationships, they're concerned about harmony. People with a thinking preference tend to be more objective about situations. They like to see things as an onlooker from outside a situation wants people with a feeling preference so much more subjective. They like to see things as a participant and from within a situation. People with a thinking preference Take a long view of a situation.
A long term view wants people with a feeling preference taking immediate personal view of a situation. When looking at a situation, people with a thinking preference will spontaneously find flaws in order that they can criticize and work towards making things better. Most people with a feeling preference will spontaneously appreciate whatever is happening and going on. People with a thinking preference are good at analyzing situations like good at analyzing plans. Most people with a feeling preference are good at understanding other people and empathizing. So to somebody with a very strong feeling preference, someone with a thinking preference may seem cold and condescending, most to somebody with a very strong thinking preference, somebody with a feeling preference may seem fuzzy minded and emotional.
Here are some key words associated with either preference, the thinking preference is associated with head objective justice, cool in personal, criticize, analyze precise principles. The feeling preference is associated with hearts, subjective harmony, caring, personal, appreciative, empathize persuasive values. We will use either preference however one will be stronger One will be preferred and one will be better developed. With this preference scale, we use both and we will interchange with both very easily and very quickly. But we will use one preference before we use the other. How clear Are you as to which is your preference.
Again, if you can mark this on your exercise sheet, it's something we can look back to as we progress through the exercise.