Okay The if statement we can make it longer see more complicated area these are ELLs e as a variable one variable on sa c C sa p k dimeo printer, Praveen Bilbo won a small okay. So I can use any statement or statement here. Okay lightish in this previous programming calls in the C or Java, so we can nap and then all heels. Okay? they both want more than night and I say one is less than 20 then our variable one is more than die less than 30 and available on is less than k then LLC but one is more than D Robo one is more than 30 ah failed oh one is no I know last okay or else we will print available one is less than nine okay so let's say five. I put between the Okay, die 213 21 okay then Rhonda is cool okay variable one is more than nine variable one is less than 30 Okay.
So see if I change this to say more than 30 k i go to the second one variable one is more than 30 variable one is not more than I know less than 30 Okay, so what I try to say y'all try to mean here is that if this statement is no, it's not met Tammy will come to this LC statement here. So, we will check to see whether variable one is more than 20 k variable one is more than 30 then print this one. If not, we'll print this one. Okay, so the variable one is more than, say more than nine less than 30. we'll print this statement here. If it's not no more than nine years no less than 30 and he is more than 30 days we will print this statement here, or else he will print the statement here. So let's say less than I will give I say six key then I run a code.
So variable one is less than nine.