Okay, in this python programming we have these qualities. We usually call a comparison operator. Let's see, the more or less is a comparison operator. Okay, so we can see equate. So, I will say this equal equal means is a variable phi equal equal to variable six. Okay, so 1.0 5.0 Okay, let's see, I will say false.
So I run the code I get the false. So let's see I change this to 5.0. I okay, true. Okay, then I had these are not equal. I can run the code. So he gave me false he does three or less To run again, it should give me true.
Then we have, let's see, as usual is the greater than. Okay? So I run Okay, false. So okay, let's see changes. They're both 505 key contain these seven true okay. If I want to do these are greater than or equal to I can l equal to d is greater than k greater than or equal to, and I run again is to give me true also.
Okay then I have less than k last time let's see they will both be run should be false. Okay, I can change these to let's say four it should give me true. If I want to be less than or equal to is equal then I just run it should give me true. So okay these are I will say this is our recorded, comparison operate things in this