Okay in Python we have these are what we call these these. So far variable we store one values for these we can store a few values. So to Korea these by term we can do something like this. So let's say I will say variable one equal I see I can stall as he go I can start to see si house okay okay then I can see ah if I want to get these are recall these are the elements, you're going to get a first value All these elements we can do something that is variable one zero okay I run the quiz see okay I didn't see anything here I need to pray okay I run and then I run the code. Okay I get the first value her if I want to get a second value I change it to I just know is zero now is one okay then I recruit run okay he so let's say in Python programming This leaves if we want to get our first value we start from zero now if you want to get a second value you get one value we go here to the fourth value put here podiatry kV Council, I say we want to get Let's see second value to say the last value.
So 0123 I can put something like this okay then I run okay I get here and go okay. So one three so until within this range here. So if I want to increase I put four okay then I get last three values okay. We used use the while loop follow we can