All righty, welcome back. In this section, we're going to be looking at responsive design. And this is something that is very important in a time where a lot of internet browsing is done on smartphones. As of now, our project should look pretty good on most monitors and laptops. Because it is a very simple layout. I would still recommend checking on as many different resolutions as you can, including Google Chrome with or without the bookmarks bar, which is a 25 pixel difference, and also in full screen for each resolution.
Specifically, a resolution I hadn't considered because I hadn't used it in about six years, was 1366 by 768. But that still makes up around 33% of all computers online. It is also necessary to consider tablets and smartphones both in vertical and horizontal orientations. So you can see here that these sizes are going to be more similar to a laptop, whereas this is going to be more similar to a vertical smartphone. Just something to keep in mind. The good thing about iPads is that even though they've changed over the years, most of them share a common resolution, even the iPad Mini, the only exception being the iPad Pro, which horizontally is very similar to a laptop size resolution.
Lastly, as a note for this section, I'm going to revise the project to include the video background in the contact section. And I'm going to upload a zip file for the beginning of this section that switches back to that. Alright, so let's get started working on the mobile responsiveness for a large smartphone in both vertical and horizontal orientation. I'll see you in that one. Bye for now.