The three tools that we're going to learn today that we need to implement into our lives to help us create real lasting change, are strengthening. So doing exercises to help strengthen our body and balance out our joints in our muscles so that we have a strong supportive posture, stretching, lengthening the muscles that have been over contracted and tight and painful, lengthening them, relaxing them, allowing them to become more elastic and to remember their natural length and creating mindful changes. So creating behavioral shifts. How do we do this? We learn gradually, bit by bit, moment by moment to become more mindful, not just of our physical body and its aches and pains or its business In space or its posture at any certain point in time, but also of our breath, how our breath feels, our energy levels, are they high? Are they low?
Are we fatigued and what seems to affect this, our sleep and our habits that we have adopted around our sleep schedule. Once we learn basic mindfulness techniques, they start to flow over into all aspects of our lives. So relationships, sleep habits, eating habits, the way we talk to ourselves inside of our own head, the way we get work done, how productive we are, etc, etc. every aspect of our life is influenced by how mindful and how self aware we are