Hello and welcome to the meditation for nature. So to get prepared for this meditation, you can either sit or walk along, but I'm gonna ask you to just take a deep breath just in a very relaxed fashion start to pay attention to your surroundings. So as we begin, just take a deep breath and start to relax. Start to pay attention to your surroundings. Pay attention to the ground and the rocks of plants. There's trees around or grass, bushes.
Just everything that covers the ground. Continue to breathe deeply and pay attention. And then I would like you to observe the horizon where the land touches the sky. It's a dragon. There's trees or hills or water. Breathe again.
And now I'd like you to focus your case towards the sky. Pay attention to the colors and the light and any shadows Clouds are the skies and blue. whatever colors you see are perhaps the sun or if it's at night, the moon or the star, the darkness. Just take it all in and breathe and relax. And now shift your attention to the air. Perhaps there's a wind on your face, perhaps are aromas in the air that are fresh and then move your attention to any animals or any birds.
Insects Thank you Kind of fly. And then pay attention to the water if there's any in your surroundings. Maybe you're near an ocean or a lake stream. Just take it all and breathe and relax and enjoy this moment of serenity. And then I'd like you to gently shift your focus and kind of step back and observe everything. The ground sky and everything in between.
And to just be aware that this is an incredible living presence, that everything you're observing is alive. And everything you're observing, knows that you are there. So take a moment to relax and to sink in and to be aware of the presence that is behind a three dimensional veil that we call picture. So just breathe and relax. Take it all in and allow yourself to sink into the center of his stillpoint into the center of life itself. Just breathe and relax and take it all in to be aware of this presence.
And just take one more deep breath and when you're ready, it can release this meditation.