Hey everyone. Welcome to this lecture steps to implement visual control in your organization. Let's begin. Step one, you begin by identifying areas where visual control is required. general areas where visual control is required are on the shop floor, right next to the area where actual work takes place. Step two, ask questions such as, what should the visual control board look like?
What and how many matrix can be placed on the board? How can the data be tailored so that even a layman can understand the visual control board? Step three, select the right visual control board. There are several ways in which you can display information visually. It could be a simple white board with matrix and other items listed in it. Or it could be an LCD screen, or TV displaying these matrix Step four, determine the audience.
Identify the audience who will make use of the board. These boards are generally for employees of the business process, so they are able to understand how good are they at their work. However, the audience can also be processed supervisors, managers, and the senior management team who would walk the floor to understand how the process is performing. You have to also find out who will update the visual control board on a regular basis. Step five, how will the data be presented on the visual control board? Keeping in mind the needs of your audience design your visual control board so that it could easily display all the matrix you have identified in step two.
Step six, display the visual control board. Display the visual control board you have created at prominent places across the floor where it is visible. Step seven, continuously improve the board. This is technically an unsaved thing, the business process and you have to continually be on a lookout to improve your visual control boards, seek feedback, incorporate the change, then continue the process. So these are the seven steps for you to implement visual control board in your organization. With that, we come to the end of this lecture.
Thank you for attending. See you in the next one.