Pentatonic Hanon 01-12-20 Lesson Series

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The Musicarta 'pentatonic Hanons' (or PentHan for short) are Hanon-like keyboard dexterity exercises which use the pentatonic scales familiar from, and used in, lots of popular music. As such, these exercises are much closer to 'what you want to play' than the abstract finger exercises and scales of traditional piano teaching - so, a better thing to practice overall. (You'll find many such exercises in the Musicarta Pentatonic Workbook and on Musicarta Patreon, and - without teaching notes or MS - on Mister Musicarta YouTube.)

PentHan 01-12-20 is a substantial lesson series which drills the major pentatonic scales in triplets with repeated notes - a great way to practice the keyboard dexterity required for improvising. It was added to this (Musicarta Pentatonic Workbook) course in February 2021.

The section has an introductory video (this lesson), nine compiled-exercises videos, an 'Introduction to the Playing-by-Ear Section' orientation lesson, and twenty playing-by-ear exercise videos.

Depending on 'where you are' in terms of expertise, working through some of the more basic Musicarta pentatonic material might be helpful, and some basic finger dexterity is an advantage. On the other hand, the PentHan 01-12-20 series is a great way to acquire both, if you're 'up for the challenge'.

Watch the introductory video, and see how it goes.

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