It's important to know the concept of clean code. And I always stress the importance of clean code. And what a clean code is, is that you write a clean, organized, meaningful code that you can read, you can fix, and others are able to read and fix later. So here I'm going to give you some tips on how to write a clean code. First of all, you need to write a meaningful variables. Don't just assign variables and name them like ABC x Zed.
You always always need to avoid these practices. Always give your variables as well as functions, meaningful names. For example, you want to create an array of foods. You just named that array or there are bad variable foods. Don't just Name it A or B, or C or any symbol that is absolutely terrible. And later, you will not be able to identify which code or which variable you assigned these, or this array to.
Another tip is that you use objects and functions. Don't just type code just a piece of code without grouping that code into a function, or creating an object. Because always try to gather your gather things that are related to each other and make functions or objects. For example, you want to calculate the percentage of something maybe the GPA, you don't just type just a bunch of code and execute your JavaScript file. Don't do that. What you would do instead is that you group your code into a function Whenever you want to calculate, you just call this function, your code will look much more professional.
And people who see your code will know that you are a professional developer. And also you will be able to get jobs easier if people recognize that you are a developer, a professional developer. Another important tip is the order of execution. If you want to call a function, you need to know when to call it don't just call a function at any place in your JavaScript file, you need to assign exactly when this function should be called and know that exactly beforehand before you even create your function. Another tip is that you need to avoid syntax errors and runtime errors and syntax errors are easy to avoid, because once you execute your code you will know if there is as if there is a syntax error, runtime error. are important to be avoided, especially if you are creating for loops and while loops.
You need to know exactly when to start and when to stop. And don't forget loops that will keep executing, even after the array after it has iterated over the complete arrays. So these are very important tips that you need to follow in order to write a clean, organized, meaningful code.