So now let's talk about constants. in JavaScript a constant is some kind of a box so to speak, that are that you are going to store something inside it, and you are most likely not going to change it. So for example, your nationality is probably not going to be changed. Your height when you are an adult is is not going to be changed. So you can store these variables or these values inside the constant not available because you you don't want to change these throughout your program. So to create a constant, as we learned with variables you just create, you just type the keyword in instead of var as we learn for variables, you type const const, and then the name of that constant could be your nationality, nationality, For example, UK, and then semicolon, so this is a constant, something that is not going to be changed could be something else like const, your height, height, or my height equals to 100, ad, and then semicolon.
So these things are not going to be changed. So if you, if you store these in variables, it's okay. But if you want to follow best practices in JavaScript, just store these values in constants, so that you follow the best practices in JavaScript, because these are not going to be changed.