Before posting an item, or dallying posting an item, I suggest you find a similar item by pretend to be a buyer on the Facebook marketplace. Tap to browse, then type the keywords of the item you're searching. The first item that will be listed on Facebook marketplace was large furniture that needed to be picked up locally. When I searched the similar couch type to buy the big tolian so far there was no item came up in a search result. Yes. When I searched to using a keyword couch, instead of the word sofa to similar couches came up.
I always learned from other sellers about better keywords to display the similar item Please do the same to reach a wider audience and sell your stuff much faster. Please be careful picking the right words to describe the item to reach the right buyers. When I posted a bunch of large furniture, I typed the keyword moving sale on the title. We don't know why we are not sure. For some reason. Facebook marketplace AI suspended our past we needed to devise the ad along with the new title.
Please don't freak out. If similar things happen to you. There is a way to solve the issue. Please keep in mind that Facebook marketplace is still in beta