The item description is optional. So it's only 50 words to shorten description. potential buyers will tap read more to be the description before contacting you. So please don't forget to add three things as follows. measurement, item condition and pickup time and location. This way, you really cut down on the number of people who send a message to you just asking about the item.
You will save time and attract more buyers with a clear description. does not have to have a super long description as an eBay item description. Selling your stuff on Facebook marketplace takes time takes little time and effort, but the payoff is well worth it. helps the planet by deducing trust. When you click on Submit button, your area of sale and by groups will be popped up popped up. You can pick the group to submit the post their group at the same time order to post a group you may need to join the group to do so.
Now I am managing to the past I just submitted my computer log into Facebook comm click on the marketplace under watch. On the left side menu, click on the Manage button. Scroll down to the Edit to post the window of your posts will be popped up. You can rearrange photos and adding an item description my sample description description has a lot of information that might be too long for Facebook marketplace. That's it. Congrats on posting your first item on Facebook marketplace.
Wait for the first inquiry from your potential buyer. If you don't hear anything if you don't hear anything within 24 hours, please check your past shows up in a search result. And check your title contains the searchable keywords that people find the item