So finally, what can you do now? Well, you can get started, you can make up your interview skills balance sheet, you can make an inventory of the processes, systems and methods that you have experience of. You can write a short case study for each project that you've worked on. Who was involved? Who did you interact with? What was your approach?
How did it progress? What corrective action was needed? How did you deal with resistance to change or with setbacks? And what were the results of the project? Right, all of those things down, work on your personal interview skills balance sheet and on your CV. What type of role really interests you?
And what do you need to do to be ready for it? what employers offer that type of role. How can you get yourself in front of them. Don't just apply for jobs, plan your approach and practice your skills. Get some interview skills training, if you can. Possibly through your employer if they have courses available.
Presentation skills training will also help. So get that in your CPD plan. A CCA hosts the largest accounting and finance vacancy job board in the world. So have a look at that. other institutes and organizations will also advertise job opportunities. watch YouTube videos on interview skills, there are many of them.
Practice with your friends, it's quite possible that many of your friends will also be about to undergo interviews or planning for a job move. So practice with each other, help support each other. And it's a bit controversial to say this, but think of applying for a couple of jobs that you don't care about in order to get the practice to get over the worst of the nerves before you get on to jobs that you're really interested in. Some useful resources. Well, there are many out there as I say there are many YouTube videos on interview skills. But some sites that may be of help Here are a couple of sites on the ACC a website that are useful.
The how to become websites has some interesting resources on interview skills and the balanced careers comm website. Also, I have no affiliation with any of these sites by the way. And if you need a book if you want to book how to get hired an Insider's Guide to applications, interviews, and getting the job of your dreams is a useful read.