Hello, in this jQuery video, we're gonna look at the is window method. This is really simple. If we do console dot log, and we do dollar.is window, we pass it, you know, in the window itself, and we run it, we get the value tree my thinking, Okay, what was saving dude? So this is just checking is this parameter that's being passed in? Is it the windows all is checking my thinking, and I noticed a window popping in the window directly. But what if you have a function or a class that you know does something in return the result, and that result could be the window, or it could be something else.
This is the method that you want to use to determine the fate or referral term value is the window itself. And that's it. That's how you use the window. Obviously, you could do it on a variable, but I'm just keeping it simple and showing you why return if you apply the window directly, really simple stuff. Thanks watching and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.