Hello, in this jQuery video I am going to show you how to remove an attribute it is really, really simple. So we've got this attribute right here called title is a value of hello world. And to remove it all you do select your element or element to dot remove at tr, specify the name of the element that will remove it for the attribute or should say, so title. And if I reload Actually, I wouldn't do this on button click of a button right here. I'm going to do it on button click some button when I am simply going to run this piece of code when the person clicks so far and reload, and you can see, it says hello world there, and he had the title attribute, I clicked that that attribute is now gone, it is no longer part of that element. So that's how you remove attributes from elements in HTML using jQuery.
If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a message. And as usual, I look forward to seeing you in the next video.