Nexus discuss the team and advisors section. Now, there's a few things you want to consider. And number one, you want to highlight strengths, considered depth versus breadth, because we're talking about one specific product. So we don't need to know an entire bio and the whole life story of someone, we just need a little blurb that really highlights how they're going to help this project. Um, you want to have a coverage of kind of their background and expertise, highlight that package in a really neat little package. graphical, if you want as loose or as tight as you want, you can tell a story, you can make it fun.
Keep it on the short side, I think people will be able to reach out to you and ask questions as long as they can find you. And if you want to keep it live and have it linked to bio pages or other stuff or LinkedIn. That's useful as well. Let's take a look at some example. Okay, let's look at the team section in a minor one white paper. And so if we look here we have management team.
Nice little picture using the colors using a little bit of Graphics, a little blurb about this guy's experience, who he is where he's going to have the court these guys and they discuss the core team of developers and architects. So this is fine. I like this. Not too much. But it gives you an idea that they have an entire team that they want to mention here and their papers, 4145 pages. So this fits in line and then they they mentioned the advisors, expertise.
This is fine. Well, this can be a lot. Let's take a look at another one. coin starter. This is pretty minimal. You got a blurb about the founder.
And then you have the rest of the team here on cards right? And we don't get a lot about them and on their site, they have links. I do a little bit more than this, but this is fine as well. Not my favorite. A decent attempt though. Let's look at ATF again agricultural and these guys have a pretty standard approach.
These pictures are a little closer Together, this gets the job done and fits what they did. I don't like this one so much, but it's good enough, you know, and you see kind of see what we're going here. Good enough job. And let's look at another month look at persona I really like persona. Um, I don't, I think that the text is maybe a little big here. But considering you have a 30 page paper, that's fine.
We have the founder. The other seat, he's gonna be the CEO, the other main black blockchain guy and this is the end of their paper. So this works is well, I don't like it as much as the other one, but I'll attach the better ones. Interesting to note, there's some that don't even include the team protocol doesn't have a team on this. I wouldn't suggest that. I think that it adds to transparency having a team if you don't have huge experience, I would lean forward to my vision and expertise highlight the key is to highlight your strengths, highlight the strength of the team and if your team is more forward looking in, they have expertise highlight that they have a great background, a great profile, highlight that.
So there's a lot of ways you can go with it. These are a few examples and I'll attach the ones that I like the best and we can discuss in future videos in future sections.