The Origins Of Lack Of Confidence

12 minutes
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In this video, we're going to talk about the origins of lack of confidence. So where exactly does the lack of confidence come from? Is this something that we're just born with? Or is this something that we learn through school, through the media through our parents, right, and it's typically going to be all three. And as I mentioned, the lack of confidence comes from a number of areas, being society, parents, schools, and the media. And parents can be one of the most major contributors to the actual lack of confidence.

The thing is, unknowingly parents try to get kids to conform to what their view of reality is right what they think is correct. And they may unknowingly be harming their child as far as not letting them become their best version of themselves because they have preconceived notions and beliefs about themselves, about society about the world, which then they place on their children. So just think about it. How many times have you had The following phrases act like a grown up, be realistic, get your head out of the clouds, he or she's such a dreamer. That's a crazy idea. I never heard anything like that before in my life.

No one has ever done that before. These statements all instill limits and bring them back into what is socially acceptable. Here's the thing, with most information out there. Conventional wisdom is mostly always wrong. It's to get people to believe a certain ideology. And it's typically there to have people be held back and not do anything out of the ordinary, right?

If you are trying to do something that's extraordinary if you're trying to change the world, if you're wanting to do big things, you hearing these kind of statements here, bring you back to quote unquote reality the reality that your parents or the media society, whoever thinks that is correct, or that is available, because if something is is brand new if something is completely, quote unquote, not logical, right? Then most people are going to say, that's a crazy idea. Nobody's ever done that before. And then how many people out there have had a tremendous amount of success by doing something that is out of the ordinary, right? That is not what most people consider to be the norm, right? So it's really something to be aware of that the origins of lack of confidence come from all these different areas.

And when it comes to school everyone wants to fit in. And oftentimes, kids with different learning abilities, right, and learning disabilities get put in different groups. And some students get made fun of because they're not as smart, as intelligent as others. And so what ends up happening is these types of labels, right? Get integrated into these individuals identities, and so they get labeled as slow as not the greatest learner or not the fastest learner. The most Intelligence, right.

And so then it becomes a belief pattern, that they are not good at math. They're not good at social studies, whatever area of focus, right, that they're not very good at their beliefs create the reality and the way of being. So if they're put into different groups, then their belief about themselves is that they are not good at math, right? If they have to go into maybe a special math class to learn. I mean, for myself, I remember going through elementary school of struggling with math, I had a hard time getting it. I oftentimes just wanted to give up because it was just really difficult for me to process the information.

And I just had a just really hard time with it. And it wasn't until my junior high years that I really started to fully understand math, and it wasn't because I just, you know, happened to be smarter. He was just because I understood it better and differently, and the teachers were working With me, and they were telling me, hey, just like with anything, as soon as you start it in the very beginning, or if you're not really good at it, you're going to fail, you're going to have problems. But as you start to really understand it and get a hold of the information and process it, it's going to become easier. But not only that, they helped me see it from a different perspective, right? They helped me become more resourceful.

So it's important to understand that different labels that are placed on students, right, they take that with them. And they hold that to be their identity, right, their beliefs about themselves. And when it comes to the mainstream media, I mean, they're funded by different advertising campaigns, to get people to consume and think in a different way but in a negative way, right. They want you to think in this fairytale fantasy land, right? Where they're getting you to almost make a decision without thinking for yourself because as soon as you're able to think for yourself, and truly ignite Understand that you know what, this isn't the best product or service for me, or you know what, I may not be good at X or Y. But I know that if I continue to practice and learn, I will eventually become better.

And my favorite example when it comes to like the mainstream media and advertising is the stereotypical beer commercial. So with those kind of commercials, you have a guy that's watching TV, they are typically not very healthy. And then somebody hands him a beer, or he goes and buys a certain type of beer brand. And you already know what's going to happen next, right? In the commercial life instantly becomes an instant party. There's beautiful women all over the place.

And then he realizes he has his dream sports car. He's vacationing on tropical island, all these different things that help him forget about life's ordinary troubles. So it behooves the media to sell more products this way because people are easily influenced, right. So when you're able to really think for yourself And understand that a lot of the labels and different types of identities that people have placed on each other on yourself right through growing up through your parents through school, right is really just a belief pattern. And it's not something that is ultimately true. Because when something is true, you believe it to be true whether or not it's logically true, right?

So you have the ability to change the way that you actually view yourself and your belief pattern by becoming the best version of yourself or becoming confidence or becoming competent, right? And being able to have that formula of success. But you have to understand where this is all coming from right where did this originate from? You see, very few people are actually happy, fulfilled and leading purposeful lives for most mediocrity has become a way of life where they gave into their thoughts, their beliefs of their family, the media their school, right the peer pressure of them having to be in the middle and not having to be anything more than their peer group or anything that's out of the ordinary because they don't want to not fit in, right? They don't want to get criticized. And whenever you're doing something that's out of the box, right, that's not ordinary, you're going to get criticized and a lot of people are not willing to go through that.

So they're okay with mediocrity. they're okay with just staying in their comfort zone, and not making any moves, not doing too much. Because if I do too much, I will get people to criticize me. And I will get people to reinforce what I believe about myself that I'm not very good, that I have all these problems, and that I should just stay, you know, where I'm at to not make any noise, right. And so the idea that people in things control their lives is so thoroughly ingrained in their thinking that they normally will not respond to logical arguments that prove otherwise. And a really interesting quote here that I love from William James.

Who was a philosopher and psychologist says that the greatest discovery of our age has been that we, by changing our inner aspects of our thinking can change the outer aspects of our lives. The truth is that we're not victims, but we're co creators, and the building of our lives and the world around us. So this is really important here, because it's really all about how we think about ourselves, the value that we have, right our self esteem, but then how we see the world from our internal eyes, right? If we see that the world is full of opportunity, it's full of great things. And we have so many things that are to our advantage. We have so many benefits, we are completely resourceful.

We can do whatever we want to do. As long as we put in the time, energy and resources, then the world is going to reflect that back to us right when we step out into it. But if we have a different way of looking at the world, right and we look at the world as it being harmful as it being Critical and being rude mean and all these different negative things. And that's exactly what we're going to get back from the world because that's what we're projecting. Right. So just think about a projector screen, right?

And it's showing in front of you, and you're seeing a big screen, and you're seeing exactly what you're feeling inside of what you feel the world has is about. Just think about watching or looking at the local news or the news around the world, you're always going to find negative things going on, you know, bombs going on over here, shootings going on over there. And while they're really unfortunate that they happen, there's very little that we can do about them. And once you start to get accustomed to seeing those things, that's what you think the world is really all about. You start thinking that the world is all negative and has all these problems and people are constantly bombing and dying, when in reality that is just what you're seeing. And so once you're seeing that you're projecting more of versus if you were looking at the opposite side of that, right?

The opposite side of the spectrum, where you can look at all the positivity in the world, all the positive things that are going on in your life, and that you can take advantage of. So it's really about projecting how you feel inside all the positivity out into the real world. So it can reflect that back to you. And Shakespeare said, we know what we are, but not what we may be. So here's the thing, we tend to look at where we currently are in our given life right here right now. But oftentimes, we'd like to place limits on ourselves because we don't think that we can become x or make x more money, or become x more better at our given skill or whatever kind of talent that we have.

Because a lot of people think that they have limits when reality your powers are limitless. The problem is that you've been conditioned since childhood by false concepts, the values and beliefs that have prevented you from realizing how truly capable you really are. And so the key points here is understanding that you project from your inside, right from your inner aspects of your own thinking how the world is going to be. If you think everybody out there is out to get you, if you think everybody out there is not looking out for your best interest in that is exactly what you're going to get back. If you think that people are nice. If you think people are mostly kind, and that you can accomplish great things, then that is what you're going to reflect in the real world, you create your own reality, as far as the perception of it right?

Because two different people can be experiencing the same thing. And one person can give a completely opposite side of the spectrum story and vantage point. And the same goes for the other person. So you get to decide how you think about anything and everything, and that your powers are ultimately limitless, and it's all upon the limits you place upon yourself. That will typically stop you from accomplishing Everything that you ever wanted to accomplish. And so that's going to be in here for this video, I really wanted you to understand fully where the origins of lack of confidence comes from, and how that you are the one that's controlling your entire viewpoints right your entire external reality by how you think inside.

So that's gonna be it here for this video and we'll see you on the next one.

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