In this video, we're going to go over some of the characteristics of somebody who has high self confidence versus somebody who has low self confidence. And then I'm going to share with you a particular tool that you can use a test that you can take, essentially, on this particular website where it can show you based off a series of questions that you answer, so you can get a good idea as far as how self confident you currently are at this particular time. So let's go right ahead and jump into this video. And I want to share with you first off the high self confidence so people with high self confidence will do things that they believe to be right, regardless of if they're going to get criticized. Regardless if others do not believe that that is correct or that's true or that that is the right thing to do.
Right, whatever that may be. They're going to always do things because they have their belief in themselves. And they don't care if they get criticized because they know At any given time, if you're not being criticized, if you don't have haters, then you're not really doing too much, right. And somebody with high self confidence also is willing to take risks, they understand that high risk equals high reward. And that if you minimize the number of risks that you have in you taking your life, then it's going to minimize the type of benefits the type of rewards that you also get, right? And they also admit mistakes, admit when they're wrong, right and learn from them.
They're not going to have that ego where you know what, it's either my way or the highway, or I'm always right, no matter what. They understand that they are trying to make things happen. They're moving towards a goal and objective and that they make make mistakes along the way, but they're okay with announcing that and letting it be known. And then correcting them and learning from them. And one of the other things here is the fact that they accept compliments graciously. So when somebody says hey, you know really good job on that.
You know, they come back and they say something along the lines of Hey, thanks, I really appreciate that. I worked really hard on it, you know, I really appreciate you taking notice of that, versus somebody who's a little bit more ego driven, will have a different type of response. And I'm going to walk you through that here. As far as people who have low self confidence, what are the characteristics that they typically have, right? So with low self confidence, people typically govern their behavior based on what others think they're always going to their friends, their family, the peers in their circle, right? to kind of figure out and find out and get information, get advice, when a lot of times those people don't really know or don't have the proper experience expertise, right.
And they're typically taking information from their peer group, and then they're doing things that other people recommend instead of actually following themselves what they truly believe. Right. And so they stay in their comfort zone. They work hard to cover up mistakes, they typically like to blame others instead taking ownership. And when they're given compliments, they'll dismiss them. And so their response was something along the lines of, Oh, you know, it was nothing really, anyone could have done it, instead of actually acknowledging and saying, Thank you, I really appreciate it.
Because then they're making the person giving the compliment feel bad. It's like, they're not accepting the compliment. They're rejecting it. So when you're able to really accept compliments graciously and say, you know, thanks, I really worked hard on that, I really appreciate it and makes both of you feel good right about yourself, because one, that they're giving the compliment, and then you accepting it with the dismissal of compliments, you're making the other person feel bad because they're not, you know, being accepted as far as their compliment, and you're actually not accepting it either. So is this has a negative type of experience for both parties, and then typically, they're going to be blaming, complaining, fault finding, they're never really going to take any type of self criticism. They're not going to take any Have the problems, they're typically not able to make decisions quickly.
They procrastinate. And they put up a false front, like they're trying to really convey and portray themselves to be somebody that they're really not. And so, if people are doing that, then they're trying to hide who they really are, right? And so they're stuck in the self pity. They think the world is out there to get them. They feel like there's no way out.
And it's just poor me and wolves, me and nobody else is out there is experiencing the kind of pain, that kind of negative stuff that's going on in their life. And so they just dwell in this self pity, right? And it's really important to understand that you can look at what are the people that have low confidence, what is their characteristics, and just by being the opposite of that will automatically tell you right, how to become a high confidence self individual. And so I want to share with you a tool here by mind tools, calm and it's going to allow you to take a test here and it's going to Show you how self confident you truly are at this particular moment. So, come over here to this link that I'm going to provide. And then you're going to be able to answer some questions here.
14 Questions here. And you're essentially going to answer not at all, rarely, sometimes often are very often, and answer these questions. And I'll give you a number here. And there show you how to interpret the number. So that's going to be essentially your homework, make sure that you take this test so you have an understanding of where you currently are. So that obviously, as you move forward to this course, you can only get better and your score is going to improve.
So that's going to be here for this video, and we'll see you on the next one. Thanks.