Let's talk about the history Matt jabs to me for slowly for right now and he crosses Okay, so there's three times that you can be hit. before during and after. So in other words if he jabs and he threw across and I hitting now that would be after this comes, okay? He could jab shirt across and I hitting at the same time that's coming. That would be during Okay, if for some reason I picked him up and he jabbed and he cross that would be me hitting him with the interception before because what would happen is he jabs and I feel it a little more difficult going low because in reality, he checked it that would be the shot there. Okay, I and reality so we're walkthrough is for one Secretary jobs, and here's what you want.
You don't want after that's the weakest one. Okay. All right. Though I mean, that's fine, though real, but he jabbed as a kitten. As he's coming. He's getting hit.
Okay Sasha, during. So the harder he's coming is he's been hitting this type of timing. So now you're, you're you become explosive. Who knows how hard you're going to hit this person. It's all depends on how hard he's coming at you too at the same time. So one more time, he jabs and he crosses.
There it is, there's a shot. Okay, we fight you rhythm. Everybody fights in a one, two, in other words, Jab Cross, one to say, or a jab, cross hook. 12312123 we fight in rhythm, so it is best to start out with going 1001 and either words when we go 1001 if he said 1001 and he threw a jab, cross, hook, go He's throwing three punches, but his mind is saying he's only throwing one. So very important. His mind is saying he's showing one, but his hands are really throwing three.
So what happens? His hands try to reach his mind. Speed comes from the brand like lectricity 110 to 2440. All right, so what so what's happening? So he jabs and he crosses 4001 this is what I want you to save, he jabs and I go 1001 I want Excuse me, sir, I want start this in reality right now. That's coming soon, because this tells me this is coming.
Okay, so he jabs any cross. There it is. Okay, so I'm just saying 1001 and it makes you extremely faster, so I could really go I guess we'll go real slow. I go 1000 Why and I just seem to say six seven times, but my brain said I hate once. So my hands are trying to reach what my brain center so one more time, not 1001 See, and then you can go into half beats. Okay, thank you.
Appreciate you picking up our video any questions you have in the future, just email me, Dave dirge yahoo.com and keep checking out the website administrative systems dotnet for online training. Thank you