All right. Now we're gonna get into common hardware used in computer networks. What do you understand this makes it really, really do. We need to know about hubs, right? But don't use them anymore. Don't do it or use hubs anymore.
We're gonna go into a particular lab and we're gonna look at it but pubs new don't use them anymore because they create bad things like collisions. Huge collisions, right? They don't break up anything. That's a bad thing. Bridges Okay, segmentation. That's what you need to think about segmentation that their flow and random imports their software base switches a what is the good thing about switches?
Key word the key word functionality from this goal Right functionality. Then we got routers, the most intelligent device on the network, right? wired or wireless. So we'll look at those both. We'll look at both of them. And then cabling.
Cat five. Cat six, obviously, is what we normally use. Fiber will be nice. It's like I said there, right? We can do fiber, right inside our company will not be cool now as a backbone, but going from Cisco computers, that will be awesome. Right?
And I guess we will have endless bandwidth, right? But that's not the case. How deep are your pockets? So with that said, let's go into a lab and take a look at these are these particular devices. See you in there? All right, here we are.
We have several devices. Now we know there's a PC, okay. But we have this type of cable right here. And I'm going to get my handy dandy drawing tools out. All right, and we're gonna read so this Particular cable right here that you see. Let me put an arrow, arrow with someone like an arrow.
Alright, that one right there is considered a console cable. Let me click over here, console cable. What's its purpose its purpose is for you to use the RS 232 port in the back or server port the back of your computer and plug it into the council port of a switch or a router or end devices or internetworking devices that have that capability where you can go ahead and console in to the particular device now in your certifications, obviously for CCNA or ccmp or what have you. They will have something that looks like this. And you would literally go in here. Okay, I gotta get rid of my pencil.
No more pencil. Just take it out my pencil pointer. Okay, you're going here. Let me move this over here. And then you will go into the terminal, and you will actually create a terminal connection. And there you are, you're inside your, in this case your switch.
Alright, and then you do whatever configuration is that you need to do. But that's what a console cable does. And you can actually have an actual console cable which is light blue, like you see there. Alright, or you can create one using as an eye cabling class, but just to let you know, you are you can do it using category five, use a standard 568 Ah, be on both sides where they're mirrored to each other mirror to each other, right? Just do I say be on one side, and on the other side, the same standard just flip it. Okay, and you get a console cable.
Now over here. All right, let me erase that real quick. Okay, over here, we see we have dotted our dashes, right, these cables. These are crossover cables. So when we go to similar devices, Like devices, this is a layer two switch. This is a layer three switch.
And this is a bridge, which is layer two. Okay? So layer three, why because it has routing functionality. A lot of companies real world scenarios, when you get to your CCNP you will be using layer three switches, you will we'll talk about layer three switches, the commands are pretty much the same. They just have routing capabilities, routing capabilities, okay, if you want to use a layer three, okay, but you can see since there are similar devices, they all have across our cables. And this poor hub down here, you're connected to that bridge is also a cross over cable.
Again, we don't use hubs anymore, right? Because hubs only have one collision domain, one broadcast domain, which means what which means no matter how many hubs you put on a network, all you're doing is creating one huge collision domain. You don't want that because our traffic will go down. Now because of bandwidth is shared. That's why it's called a shared collision domain. In the bridges segmentation, you have maximum six ports.
That's it. All right, it's software base. So information is transferred from one side to the other is very slow. All right, now when we go to these switches, hey 2448 96 port switches, each one has its own collision domain. Just like the bridge we're not here we use something called a six technology, which are embedded chips that transfer the information they do things much quicker. Plus, they have a lot more functionality like security VLANs layer three capabilities and all that stuff.
Okay, now of course we have our routers down here our layer three devices right we have our simple on our simple router bar one router right here with too fast see the reports you can see again similar devices, like devices crossover cable, this similar devices, we have straight through cables, okay. The difference obviously, this is a wireless router, we've used wireless routers, and this should be very familiar to you. Okay? extremely cool. And it to me, it's all restored back where it was. Okay, nevermind, let's maximize it.
Okay? This should be very, extremely familiar to you for a Linksys wireless router. Okay, so that should be no issues with you. It's just for you to go ahead and gain access to because you put this in to the modem from a provider, and then the rest everybody in the household or in the company can wirelessly connect to this particular router. Okay. And then you have your only access point right here.
There's only has one port. Okay, what's the point of this particular access point? It says it the worst as it itself is to gain access to a wired network. That's all it is. And that's what the router this router does, but has a lot more functionality is to gain access to a wall. downward because obviously, or eventually, you're going to have to hit some sort of wire network to get where you need to go.
So understanding where these devices in, especially in the OSI model, layer two, layer three, or layer three capabilities, these are actual layer three, you need to understand what they are and how they function that goes when you're setting up your IP schemes, right, your default gateways, which are you going to exclude from DHCP? Are you going to enable this? Are you going to create a DHCP router here are your encrypted DCP router here, are you going to do it here? You'll do while you're on the sending out the ACP. So you need to create and we'll get into that creating a scheme. I have IP addressing.
And again, I have my own team is the last standard. Okay, I follow my standard. It's my network, my standard, okay, so that's what I do. But anyway, now you know, well, a bunch of cables, you need to understand them and a bunch of different internetworking devices. Alright and we saw that console cable right there because this is exactly how you want to go ahead and get in to do your certifications. You want to click on that PC, go to that terminal and make a terminal session to whatever device you need to connect sooner.