Check if you qualify for with. You can check if you qualify for WIC and receive a little bit of help throughout your pregnancy postpartum if you're breastfeeding, as well as for your baby until they're five. You can look up local book offices online, in your your doctor's office may be able to provide you with this info as well. Mine gave me a printout of the addresses and phone numbers of the offices in my area. If you qualify, we'll cover certain food items for you. And someone would have also received free breast pumps through WIC.
And now you may also be able to get a free or reduced costs on through your insurance will often requires some info from your doctor proof of pregnancy you document due date or form fills out after you've had bloodwork done or had a prenatal appointment. What they request for documentation may vary depending on where you live, but you can always contact them in advance to find out for sure, so you know what info you need to get from your doctor. The income requirements generally allow for higher incomes to qualify And then other government programs, such as food stamps or snap. So don't assume that you won't qualify just because you aren't struggling to pay your bills or because you don't qualify for other things definitely can't hurt to check. And if you live outside of the US, you can check if there's a similar program in your region to assist pregnant moms.
So to do next check if you qualify for what if you meet the income guidelines for WIC, contact a local office and see what you need to do to apply. And just to know, applying for WIC is also listed under the tasks and the to do list in the first trimester workbook. So have a great day and I'll see you in the next part of this course when you're ready. We'll talk about the mentally prepared during pregnancy.