Other things you can get an early start on. Hiring a doula if you want from that is. The good news is if you want to use a doula they'll be less likely to be booked up in your first trimester. Because unless the doula books time off, the only clients competing with their schedule will be other pregnant ladies with a similar due date as you so looking around early will give you more options as to who to pick and you do want to opt for a reliable doula with a good reputation, not just anyone. I personally contacted my doula for my last pregnancy before I was three months pregnant. She get booked up fast because she's great at what she does.
Although my husband was there to support me during both of my labor's I was so glad I hired a doula for my second baby. I ended up being in labor for 40 hours, which I assure you is not the norm and I hope you never have to do that. But for me, a doula was so worth the cost. So some other things you could get an early start on, be writing a potential invite list for your baby shower, and you can see the baby shower section which is section five, four additional tips. Registering you can do this as soon as you know the gender if you're using gender neutral clothes and decor and or if you aren't going to find out the gender in advance, and you can see the registering section, which is Section four for more tips on that. And note that if you do want to find out the gender and use gender specific colors, you may need to wait until during their second trimester to register for gender specific baby items.
If you aren't able to find out the gender with a blood test in the first trimester, saving up money. You can do this to compensate for any loss of income due to maternity leave to get baby items to save for doula or other pregnancy expenses. And you can see the saving money section which is the next section section two that will talk about this. I suggest you keep track of your savings and budget throughout your entire pregnancy. But you can definitely get a start on this during your first trimester. So to do next, fill out patients I have the first trimester workbook.
And when you're ready the next lesson in this section is part 11, which is practical suggestions for dealing with pregnancy symptoms. And you can also check out the saving money registering and baby shower sections when you're writing. But again, remember to pace yourself with this course.