Hey everybody, Professor Paul here. Welcome back. Your next tip is the wise leader understands that everything you do or say, counts, it either helps or hurts. So the question to ask yourself is, which one are you doing? So let's break it down. Everything you do with your staff or in your division, or as a leader is helping or hurting.
Think of it this way. Everything you do, says something. There's nothing more sincere than taking an action. I used to teach my clients this all the time. If you say you're going to do something, that's nice, but that's not real. When you finish doing something, then that's real.
So if you say you're going to sign up for college, but you don't sign up, that's not real. When you come back from from signing up for college, that's real. When you say you're going to ask for a promotion, that's BS. When you come back from asking for a promotion, maybe you got the promotion, maybe you didn't. But now it's real. Everything you do is real.
Everything you say is pretty much fake. So, an action is worth 1000 words, write that down. If you're taking notes and action is worth 1000 words. Everything you do, helps or hurts, as a leader. Everything you do shows that you're a leader or shows that you're not a leader shows that you care about people shows that you don't care about people, shows that you're moving the company forward or shows that you're moving the company backwards. Everything says something plus everything that you say the words you use, when you use them.
Did this help somebody and bolster them up? Did it motivate them, or D motivate them? Did it make them feel better? Did it make them feel worse? Did it get them to take an action? or stop them from taking an action?
Did it help or did it hurt, always know which one you're doing. A lot of times we think we're doing one and we're actually doing the other and this can really hurt us. So be very careful about everything you do or everything you say. Remember, both of them send messages to everybody else, and both of them either help or hurt. Now, this is a key leadership skill, motivation. The wise leader has studied, understands, and most importantly, applies.
Motivation. Write this down for your notes, the slightest action will not be taken. Until first motivated. You have to first be motivated before you will take the slightest action. You wouldn't reach around to scratch an itch on your back until the pain of the itch was more severe than the effort it takes to reach around and scratch it. Otherwise you let it go.
So we require sufficient motivation to take any action. The wise leader knows that they need to be a motivator. Otherwise, your staffs not going to take any action, or they're not going to take action at the level that they should. So this is one of the areas that you need to study. I did a whole training on this for two reasons. I wanted to help train other people and I wanted to up my game, so I can learn all the motivational strategies and I pored through tons of books and trainings and everything I ever learned over the years to give you all the best motivational tools that I had.
And as you learn different motivational strategies, you'll find out that they can work in combination. So you can't just be a one trick pony and you have one way to motivate people. You need multiple strategies, so you can match it to the person to the situation and creatively use them interactively to make these motivational strategies. even stronger. great leaders are great motivators. This one, I think, is absolutely crucial.
The wise leader fires all negative employees. one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch. I get rid of negative employees. From the minute I walked through the door, I find out somebody is a negative employee, they're gone. The minute I can replace them, they're gone. Sometimes before I can replace them, if they're not that vital, they're gone.
Why? I remember an old study. It simply stated that for if a negative person is on a team, they will lower that team's productivity 25% so say they were on a team with three other people. There's just four of them. They are the negative person. So I gotta imagine their productivity is at least down 25%, if not down 75%.
But let's call it 25. The three other employees are down 25%. That's put 25 times four is 100%. I am literally paying this person for absolutely nothing. I could have done with three people what I'm now doing with four, which means their salaries wasted. haven't helped us if they're in a team of 10 or 20 or 30 people.
Now I may be lowering productivity on that team so much, that they're costing me the salaries of three or four or five people. That's just the first thing that happens. The second thing that happens is when you leave negative people out there, they spread negativity. Pretty soon more and more people are getting negative this becomes viral. Then the other thing that happens is all your best people leave. Why?
Because your top 10% Have your employees are so good that they can walk out the door. And within a few days, they will have a job at the same level or higher at the same pay or higher and in a much more positive environment. So why should they stay? It makes more sense for them to leave than to be in this negativity they know they don't have to put up with it. This is one of the reasons why all your worst employees will hold on to their job for dear life. And all your best employees will leave you quickly and easily.
But one of the biggest factors in your best employees leaving is they don't want to be around other negative people. They can also be wildly offended by negative people. What if you have to work next to a negative person that is making your job miserable, and they're getting the exact same check you are? Well, why am I working so hard? Why am I being so positive and I get the same Check the day there, that's offensive to me. I am physically offended, they are not worth as much as me so they should not get paid as much as me and I shouldn't have to put up with this.
So as a great employee, I'm out the door. Get rid of negative employees as fast as you can. Now, we just talked about the importance of getting rid of the negative employees. Here's the other employees that I love to get rid of the bottom 10% the wise leader fires the weakest 10% of employees regularly. I learned this from the CEO the turnaround expert Walsh of GE General Electric, he would regularly fire the bottom 10% of his staff. Why?
Let me ask you a question. If you're in the bottom 10% do you deserve to have a job? How low how small, how unmotivated would you have to be to be At the bottom 10% you could at least be at the bottom 11%. And keep your job by just doing a smidge more. If you're not motivated enough to do even a smidge more to keep your job, then you're not motivated to have a job, go work for the competition, be a drain on their resources, drive them down, but don't do it my company. It is so easy to be in the top 50% or higher.
It doesn't take that much effort. So if you really want your job, that's what you'll do. If you don't want your job. I agree with you. You don't want to work hard enough. You don't want to build your skills enough to keep this job, then I agree with you.
You shouldn't have this job and I just make it official and I fire you. I do this for two reasons. The bottom 10% are the least efficient and they drag the entire average down. They're the ones that are losing you money. Second, the best people don't Want to make up for the worst people, they can go someplace else where they don't have to do that. So get rid of these people.
By getting rid of the worst people, you'll keep more of your best people, you'll be more efficient. Everybody will be happier. And I'll tell you remember, we were talking about those negative people, most of them are at the bottom 10% of efficiency. there though, in the weakest 10%. by wiping out the weakest 10% you'll probably wipe out about 80 or 90% of the negative people. It's actually exceedingly rare to have a negative person that gets really good results.
Why? Because they're negative. Nobody likes them. best reason to be positive, isn't just because it's a good philosophy of life. Certainly is I follow it. But one of the best reasons to be positive is you're more productive.
You get ahead faster, more people like you just makes for a better environment. So by sloughing off this bottom 10% In your company will do so much better and all the remaining employees will be so much happier. And you'll be opening up some slots for some wonderful new motivated people to come in, that are excited and bring fresh ideas and fresh enthusiasm to your business. Make sure you take advantage of this strategy. You're doing absolutely fantastic. We're getting to the end of the tips here.
You've been doing a wonderful job. We're about to do the big finish, and I'll see you in the very next training.