Okay, amazing. We're on Tip Number 60. The wise leader understands the power of stories. I find this fascinating. This is a great persuasion technique and a great teaching technique. It can be used for both.
I actually teach this in my advanced persuasion course. Why? Because from childhood we're taught to learn from stories. The brain is literally hardwired to learn from stories. It matches to our physiology. Literally, the way the brain captures knowledge.
This is why professional speakers will literally tell a string of stories. Here's a classic presentation. quick intro, minute or two. Done. Story. Point, story.
Point, story. Point. Tell them what you told him. Tell him to run to the The back of the room and buy your product, and you're done. That's it. Now, they tell three stories.
And by the time they get done 45 minutes to an hour and a half has gone by, they only tell three stories. Because you can only take away one, two or three points. It's about all the human brain retain, and it retains it best when it's in the form of a story. Why? Again, our brains hardwired to learn this way. And stories have a lot of great components.
We can remember stories 10 times better than we can remember facts and figures. We can remember the points and stories 10 times better than facts and figures. Stories get us involved with learning facts and figures do not when we're involved in the learning when we can picture ourselves inside the learning, we learn better. So as you enter the story, you learn more and you begin to emotionalize the story Why? Because You're now part of the story and emotion locks in learning emotion, more so than intellect decides why we're going to buy. So when you're trying to sell your ideas as a leader, the best way to do it, so that will become emotionalized personalized, remembered and persuasive is to tell things in the form of a story.
I used to motivate my clinicians to do a great job of continually learning new tools and strategies to help our clients by telling you a story about a patient that died. And what I did is within that story, I linked the fact that patients die if you don't do a good enough job, literally, continuous learning is life and death in any other profession, except heavy surgery, you know, or being various forms of a doctor. You can be okay with just getting a degree and going out and on the job training. But there's certain professions, especially counseling, where it's literally life or death. That was very impactful for a lot of people. I've taught a lot of classes that a lot of things over the years, but that story is one story that people will come back to me and say, that totally changed the way I did counseling.
So stories are always powerful. They're always direct. They always get fantastic involvement. They're a major persuasion strategy. Make sure you're using them. Make sure you can take what you want to do with your company, the goal you want to accomplish that you can turn into a story that will be impactful.
Now the key thing to make it impactful is to use details to use emotional language. And the Why should I care factor. Make sure that the emotional poles the hooks that you use the emotional strength That you pull on match to your audience, not why this would be emotional for you. Why should this be emotional for your audience? If you do that the power of stories will carry you through. The best storytellers are also the best leaders.
And you can be a storyteller as well. The wise leader also understands that each student is taught in accordance with their ability to learn. If you're taking notes, write that one down to the challenges, people have wildly varying abilities that we need to adapt to. They have different levels of learning and different learning styles. in NLP we teach you about this. We call the VAC system.
There's visual people that love to see lots of graphics and pictures and you draw on the board and that works great for them. There's other people that are auditory A they like to hear about different things and learn from stories and memorable little jokes and tales. They're listening for the emotional words. They remember what you say to them and how you say it. Then there's the K people can stetic the touch people they need to do it hands on to understand how a carburetor works, they need to pull one apart. See how it works.
So they call it the VAC system. visual, auditory, kinesthetic, which is a big fancy word simply means touch. So what's one of the best ways to teach? Try to use all three together whenever possible. Go ahead and write on the board for a while. Tell them different stories, give them different analogies, different ways of saying the same thing.
Go ahead and match it to something that's kinesthetic, to show them a diagram on the board about what it would look like Inside a carburetor if you actually got a carburetor, go ahead and have them start pulling that apart. Maybe give them a group exercise that they can do. That way you hit every single student. Now, everybody's a little visual, everybody has a little bit of auditory. Everybody's got a little bit of kinesthetic. So it's a lot about the mix.
But on average, the strongest for most people is visual. The second strongest is auditory, and then kinesthetic. That's why it's called the VAC system because it's also in order of priority. Now, people will have different ways of learning that go even beyond the VAC system. Some people like to be able to learn by having somebody teach them one on one. Some people can learn from video and audio.
Other people they need to do it right on the job had the actual experience of it. Other people can learn it, theoretically, some people need to learn it from an emotional standpoint. Some people can go with very complex learning. Some people need it really chunked down and simplified for them. So what you try to do is when you're working with your staff, match to their learning style and match to their abilities. They have different IQ levels.
They have different EQ levels, which is emotional quotient, their ability to emotionalize, to empathize, to understand that can affect the learning. So there's a lot of different factors people will have sometimes different learning styles in terms of how they like to absorb the information. Some like a lecture style, some like group activity style, some people like to go on a field trip. A lot of times it's effective to have pull somebody from the audience and have them teach a little section. There's lots of different ways to teach people. So try to adapt to your audience.
The wise leader understands that we must match with where people are to move them forward. I got a quote here, he needs to learn how to walk before you can run. So, learning is based on previous learning. So we have to match where they are. We used to say meet the client, where they are, what's their current level of understanding of this area, then build upon that build upon that build upon that, if you start three blocks ahead of them, or even one block ahead, they can be completely lost. It's like for them it's like coming in in the middle of a conversation.
It has no context, they can get it completely wrong. So it's got to be a step by step. process, meeting them at their current level of understanding and taking them forward. If we match to that, then we do fantastic. That's why a lot of speakers like myself, when we come in, will teach some of the fundamentals, even if you know them, because you may know them. But every third, fourth or fifth person may not know that.
Or I may be describing them in a slightly different way than you were taught them. So although the fundamentals don't really change for anybody, the vision of them the style in which I teach them, maybe the take I take on them will be different. So I want to review that so that we approach it from the same direction and then move forward. That's why it's so important to introduce concepts from the basic, get the fundamentals nailed down, even if this is repetitive for people, and then move forward. That's it for this section. And I'll see you in the very next training.