Tips For Wise Leaders - Section 4

Transformational Leadership Theory: Leadership Wisdom Powerful Cutting-Edge Leadership Tips - Foundational
18 minutes
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Okay, welcome back, Professor Paul here, let's jump right into the core of the training. I'm excited. Let's move forward. Now in this first section, we're going to look at the foundational characteristics of a powerful and effective leader. So we have specific tools, strategies and techniques, basically tips that we want to go over with you very carefully to make sure that you have all the basic foundational work that you need to be massively successful as a leader. So the first one is, is that the wise leader works with what is this is an old Zen concept.

In business people really get this. It literally states. What is, is it's just the nature of things, the ways of things. You've heard the expression, it's only business, you have to start from a place of reality. You can say, Well, my staff should be smarter. Guess what they're not.

So call it what it is. They need more education, give them more education. I'm hoping business will get better. I want you to immediately give up hope. You're in your current financial and economic situation what is is within each situation, there's a challenge, and there's an opportunity. So always go back and try to focus on what it is.

Don't change, things don't alter things. don't wish things were different. in psychology, when you wish things were different, we call that magical thinking, because it would take an act of magic to make it happen. You'd have to pull out your magic wand and make the economy better or make your staff smarter. It just doesn't happen. So although it seems like an odd concept that we have to focus on, what is the reality of things this is a strange area where a lot of people through all kinds of mental gymnastics are warping reality.

It's just part of how the human brain works. Now, here's a key component. I love this one, the teacher always teaches by example. So the wise leader teaches by example, how do they do that? They go first. They say in therapy, more is caught than taught, what you rub up against rubs off.

What does that mean? You need to role model for people, show them how to be in the workplace. Show them the work ethic that you want from them, show them how they should act, behave, respond, what's acceptable, what's not acceptable. You are setting the norms for your group. That's your staff, your team. Whatever you hold is acceptable, with you demonstrate is acceptable.

That's what we'll hold. So in my teams, I always let people know, by example, that we don't do negativity, and therefore I would never want to be negative. I also wanted people to have a good time at work. So I would tease and playing, cajole and try to make it a playful environment. We always had fun at work. I told my staff that I spend 6070 hours a week here, I better have a good time.

So we built relationship that way, I lead by example, they would see me doing things that I wanted them to do. So sometimes, if I wanted them to do something, I would do part of the project with them, to show them how it should go, how they should think about it, how they should move forward, and that I was ready to roll up my sleeves and jump in. So there's a million different ways that you can lead by example, but just remember Who you are speaks volumes the way you are, they will be. Now the wise leader also allows people their process. Everybody has a different system for doing things. I can remember I taught I call them the gray old mayors.

They were two gentlemen. And they had been there for years. And they were both arguing over how to get something done. Now, if you tested them out, they both had two different ways of doing the same task. They got done just as well, in just the same amount of time. Each one Sure.

Willing to fight over which one was doing it better and who had the correct system, each one sure that the other one was completely wrong. Actually, they were both right. These were two equal systems. They were both fine. The correct answer was Let them do it the way they want to do it. Nothing was prototype, nothing had to be a certain way.

So they would have gotten along fine. If they just had the freedom, the lack of ego, that they were able to let each person do it the way that they want to do it. So it's very important to allow people to process. Now, the other way that this works, is allowing people their process in terms of how they need to think about it, how they need to kind of let the ideas just state, each person has a way that they move forward. Some people are very organized. Some people are more team oriented.

Some people need to think about things overnight. Some people need to know every single step along the way. Other people like to get very creative in the process. Other people like to think outside the box. Understand how your staff works. And then let them work that way.

Think of it like trying to change somebody's tennis swing or their golf swing. If you even could change their preferred style of processing things of doing things. A, it would take a very long time, it'd be slow, it would be painful, and it would be expensive. And it would be a long time before they even got up to the current level of functioning that they have. And they would only be small gains to be had beyond that. So it's better to work with their current ways of doing things, their current processing system, their current logic system, and let them have that.

If I understand how they process things, then I can train them in that way. And I can look at how people process things in different ways and pick the specific team member who would make most sense for a given task. If I have a task that involves a lot of organization. I'm going to put my most organized person on it. If I have one that needs more creativity, I'm going to find a creative person. So I'm matching the person to the task, their way of processing to the task, you'll be much more efficient this way.

And the staff will be much happier. Now the wise leader works to enhance flow. What am I saying when I'm talking about flow? Well, basically, workflow, everything has a certain flow, a certain way of moving of flowing of processing and going forward. So our job as leaders as managers, is to keep things moving smoothly. How do we do that?

Primarily, we work at the flow the process, we use good time management skills. And we try to see where there's blocks, things that are slowing down the process. And our goal is to remove as many blocks as possible. So remove blocks, use good time management, and look for ways that you can just keep things moving slowly. A lot of times what I look for is I look for what I call bottlenecks, things where things actually slow down or come to a stop. I want to get rid of those, if at all humanly possible.

A lot of times, it's dumb things like you didn't keep enough supplies in stock. And now you gotta stop what you're doing and wait for more supplies to come in or you got to run out and you got to buy more supplies. Or one person, the system isn't coordinating with another and they're slowing them down because they don't have their piece done yet. One system management's used for many years is a Gantt chart. It's a flowchart. It shows you where these blocks are, it shows you have enhanced the flow.

It has set deadlines, it shows you where each piece comes In the system, and how each piece interacts with each other piece to create either flow or blockage. So keep things moving smoothly. One of the things that I do is I check in with my staff to get their recommendations for how we can keep things moving more smoothly. And if there's any areas not moving smoothly, I either observe it, or if I can observe it, I have somebody else, observe it for me, and then report back to me with what is slowing down the flow. Now here's a key skill, massive skill for being a great leader. The wise leader works to build relationships, strong relationships, strong company, write this down.

Your job as a leader is to build relationships. The quality of your relationships is going to be the quality of your team. Why? Because relationship building builds loyalty. People will do things for you that they won't do for somebody who is just their boss. If you are just their boss, and they're just working and you're just paying them, there is no relationship, here's what will happen.

You'll be paying them just enough so they don't quit. And they'll be doing just enough work so you don't fire them, which means they end up broke and you end up broke. But if you pay them a moderate salary, they will do a moderate amount of work. But if you pay them a moderate salary, and you have strong relationship with them, they will do high level work. So you will end up making out like a bandit, and they will feel better on their jobs. They're gonna feel more connected with you more loyalty you willing to work harder for you and protect you.

When you have a relationship with somebody. When something is going wrong. They will live You know, because they want to protect you. They don't want you to get blindsided. When they don't like you, you're a mean boss, you're don't have any relationship with them. They're never going to open their mouth.

They're never going to let you know when something is going wrong. They're going to be happy, it's happening to you. So you're going to lose. So relationships will give you more work, more loyalty, less staff turnover, happier staff, less issues among the staff, and greater rapport. You win, win, win. Relationships are the key to a strong leader.

If this was the only tool you had, as a leader, you could build really great relationships. You could probably do a fantastic job with your staff. This is the number one leadership skill. So through this process, be watching for ways that you can build relationships Now this is the first one, the Wise leader comes to serve. You serve your staff, and they will serve you like you've never seen before. I always think of this, and this is why I had these two guys battling from the martial arts system.

The master serves the student, and the student serves the Master. Master says, student does. Master teaches student learns, every single person makes out in this relationship. So you have to give to get. Here's another way that you build relationships with staff. If the staff member does something nice for you, you do something nice for them.

Remember earlier we call that the law of reciprocity. It'll create a positive upward spiral that will lift all boats. One of the things that you need to do with your staff is protect them and then they'll protect you You, that's a way that you serve them. When you know they're going to get in trouble. If they keep doing something, you pull them aside, you have a conversation with them, and you serve them by letting them know, hey, if you keep doing this, even if you don't get in trouble with me, my boss sees it, you're gonna get fired or you're gonna lose a promotion. Don't do it.

They will see that as a protective feature and they will help you out. Sometimes one of my staff members will do something dumb. I will protect them from my boss. I will say that was stupid, but that's so unlike them, I'll have a conversation with them. That was probably mostly my fault. I should have taken care of that earlier.

I will take the hit for them. 95% of the time, they know you took the hit for them. They will then take a hit for you. When you're in a spot. When you need some extra help. They will help you sometimes they'll even fall on the sword for you.

You'll be accepting responsibility for it and they'll say hey, you know what? Pause just being a good boss. He's just protecting me. That was really my fault. I didn't get that report to him in time he was counting on me. I appreciate that he's taking responsibility for it, but it was really me.

They will protect you as well. So what you give, you will get the nice thing about employees, you usually get a multiple back. So they give you more back than you ever give them. Think about ways that you can be of service to your staff. training your staff is a great way to do this, because they gain new skills, which is one of the benefits that they have of working for you. And you get the benefit that they become smarter, more efficient.

Everybody wins. So there's a lot of ways to serve them in which it's a win win situation. There's some companies they will give childcare. Why? Because now people that wouldn't have taken the job there. have high levels of skills and are very valuable.

Now they will. Also they're less stressed. Because they don't have to feel like they're working just to pay the babysitter, or they can visit their child during the lunch break. Everybody wins, less turnover, it's a nice employee benefit. A lot of companies will have an Educational Fund. A lot of people will say, hey, that's part of my salary.

This is great. I'm making say $40,000 a year but this education stuff could be worth another 10,000. And they say, Hey, I'm making more money here than if I just went over to this other company at 40,000. And they don't have the educational stuff. Companies love that for two reasons. great benefit for the staff.

From the perspective as of it's an added benefit, and only one person in 20 will ever take advantage of it. So it's very inexpensive for the company. Also for the one person in 20, that does take advantage of it. What does the company get back a loyal employee that will do even more for them, because this was a gift to them, and they will have a higher level of skill that will make the money, more money for the company. Over time. Everybody wins.

So be of service to others. Oh, one great technique that I use to do this is giving tips, tools, mentoring, helping people out giving them access to information. I can do this in all kinds of different areas. It could be as simple as telling them where there's a nice, cheap, good restaurant nearby, how they could save a little bit of money on their taxes, maybe a parenting tip, it could be anything. There's lots of ways that you can help people that aren't specific to the job but are very useful to them. Now the wise leader is very A genuine, being yourself is the absolute best thing to be Why?

Because it's completely you, it's completely sincere. If you're not putting up a fake front, then your staff won't put up a fake front. If you're honest with them, they'll be honest with you. And all people at their core are good, kind and loving. He needs to tap into those parts of yourself that are good, kind and loving, and share that with your staff. It's also important to be genuine.

Because the opposite of genuine is fake, and nobody wants to work for somebody that's fake. That's essentially a liar. That is what they call two faced. There's no good word to describe somebody who isn't being genuine. And you know what? You hardly ever fool anybody.

So by being open by being genuine, you're setting a good example. You will Create that connectedness with people. Remember we said the goal the leader is to build relationships. You can't build a relationship on a fake foundation. If you're not being genuine with them, they will spot it like that. And the relationship will end because relationships are built on trust.

And when you're fake, the trust is gone. That's it for this part. And I'll see you in the very next section. You're doing absolutely fantastic. I'm amazingly proud of you. Keep going.

You're crushing it. You're learning new skills, and I'll see you in the very next section.

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